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Underrail is mediocre (imo)


Dec 6, 2021
Are pure psychics shit? I have the two schools that aren't fireballs and I struggle a lot and have to keep reloading combats. But I restarted with a stabby guy and easily wrecked all the combats that gave me so much trouble as a psychic.

I only recently reached core city btw
With the thought control discipline and force fields for zone control, you should be able to beat anything organic without it even getting a chance to attack.


Jan 8, 2009
Are pure psychics shit? I have the two schools that aren't fireballs and I struggle a lot and have to keep reloading combats. But I restarted with a stabby guy and easily wrecked all the combats that gave me so much trouble as a psychic.

I only recently reached core city btw

Pure psi is one of the strongest superstrong builds, so dunno what you did there. But if you're enjoying stabby all is well

Bigg Boss

Sep 23, 2012
Atom is for sure more like Fallout. That should be said. UnderRail was the closest we had until Atom came out and actually had companions and a world map.


Dec 6, 2021
Atom improved on Fallout tremendously in terms of skill variety, roleplaying opportunities, quest design, writing in general, and especially for the varied approach it takes toward skill/attribute checks in dialogue, where nonviolent/persuasive solutions cover a whole gamut of skill and attribute checks instead of just having a ridiculous mind control speech skill that lets you walk right up to the final boss of the game and politely ask him to kill himself. It has almost the exact same dogshit combat of the original, though, and that's where underrail comes in to blow them both out of the water. I'm glad we live in a world where both franchises exist and are being actively developed.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Are pure psychics shit? I have the two schools that aren't fireballs and I struggle a lot and have to keep reloading combats. But I restarted with a stabby guy and easily wrecked all the combats that gave me so much trouble as a psychic.

I only recently reached core city btw

Pure psi is one of the strongest superstrong builds, so dunno what you did there. But if you're enjoying stabby all is well
It is also one of the most tedious builds now if not the most tedious now unless you are dedicated to one school only.


Nov 17, 2020
Are pure psychics shit? I have the two schools that aren't fireballs and I struggle a lot and have to keep reloading combats. But I restarted with a stabby guy and easily wrecked all the combats that gave me so much trouble as a psychic.

I only recently reached core city btw

Pure psi is one of the strongest superstrong builds, so dunno what you did there. But if you're enjoying stabby all is well
It is also one of the most tedious builds now if not the most tedious now unless you are dedicated to one school only.
Metathermics uni school is the only uni school build that is fun to play though. Very versatile. Pure TC is fun but hard walled by robots. PK is boring without weapon synergy and Pure TM is masochist tier.


Nov 17, 2020
I've been thinking a while about using TC as support (pseudo spatial bullshit/mental breakdown/frighten/enrage) but i don't know how viable it would be since low will would mean low effective TC and higher resist from enemies, even so still wouldn't work with bots, not to mention that without LoC, TC is pretty much worthless. PK works wonders as support even with low will, free garanteed stuns if the shock deals at least 1 damage, imprint, and there's grounding which is basically a better quick tinkering. Even with 3 WILL it works.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
You can make a hybrid that ends up with something like 12 Per and 12 Wil. Flexible though sacrifices some damage. About 14% less damage compared to 16 Per or Wil iirc.
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Nov 17, 2020
You can make a hybrid that ends up with something like 12 Per and 12 Wil. Flexible though sacrifices some damage. About 14% less damage compared to 16 Per or Wil iirc.
You know what, that actually sounds pretty good. If i get opportunist and LOC a mental breakdown, i can pop realiably the baddies with max precision and a damage bonus. There's that TC spell that functions as a vanish grenade that looks like it would fit well in a sniper build. I'm gonna try this one. There's even that staff that boosts TC and gives you a dark aura to help proc ambush.


Nov 17, 2020
3/3/5/3/10/10/6 sounds a reasonable stat spread. Immediatly get the first stat point to agility and the rest on PER. I think i can get away with will 10 just to grab LOC and have reasonably high TC. What do you think?


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Sniper rifles need 5 strength to operate without penalty and you are already a little low PER wise so you might struggle with precision. I would recommend something like 5/3/7/3/8/8/6 though 7 agi is only if you want "Interloper". Just "Sprint" you can also cap agi at 6. Remember though that more agi means more stealth letting you avoid more combat and a little more "Snipe" damage. With no TM though getting both is not a bad idea to have high movement points. Get 10 wil and per asap, 2 points in Per lets you get Snipe at 8 and 2 more in Wil to grab LoC at 16.
Rest us up to you. You can opt to get 14 Per and let TC remain at 10 or go more even with 12/12. Just pick your feats accordingly. Bear traps will be a big boon. Grab Sure Step if you want to add Caltrops to it.
Small tip, NO despite the sound is completely silent, so certain enemies or even groups if you know what you are doing can be taken out without alarming anyone, if that is something you are interested in. One example would be that guard in the surveillance Protectorate room during the "Save Maura" mission from Abrams. Taser is silent as well or at least won't be heard through a closed door.

Here is a lvl 30 skeleton build with lots of skill points and some feat points to spare. Feel free to adjust to your tastes:

I dare say that you at least want Sprint so 6 agi is a good idea. Interloper is optional but those 15 MP after Stealth breaking is very nice especially if you can duck around a corner without burning Sprint right away.
You can drop Snipe and focus on Shooting Spree though I found Snipe to be a good first strike ability that works well alongside Aimed Shot.
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Dec 6, 2021
You can make a hybrid that ends up with something like 12 Per and 12 Wil. Flexible though sacrifices some damage. About 14% less damage compared to 16 Per or Wil iirc.
You know what, that actually sounds pretty good. If i get opportunist and LOC a mental breakdown, i can pop realiably the baddies with max precision and a damage bonus. There's that TC spell that functions as a vanish grenade that looks like it would fit well in a sniper build. I'm gonna try this one. There's even that staff that boosts TC and gives you a dark aura to help proc ambush.
The trouble is you're basically maxing an entire second offensive skill to perform the function flashbangs already serve just fine. And you're still going to want and regularly use grenades.
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Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
You can make a hybrid that ends up with something like 12 Per and 12 Wil. Flexible though sacrifices some damage. About 14% less damage compared to 16 Per or Wil iirc.
You know what, that actually sounds pretty good. If i get opportunist and LOC a mental breakdown, i can pop realiably the baddies with max precision and a damage bonus. There's that TC spell that functions as a vanish grenade that looks like it would fit well in a sniper build. I'm gonna try this one. There's even that staff that boosts TC and gives you a dark aura to help proc ambush.
The trouble is you're basically maxing an entire second offensive skill to perform the function flashbangs already serve just fine. And you're still going to want and regularly use grenades regardless.
TC is far more powerful than Flashbangs. Hell you can use TC and Grenades anyway you only have 1 PSI school so plenty of points to spare. I managed to have a triple school PSI Sniper before the idiotic PSI changes and it worked just fine.


Dec 6, 2021
They are literally the same effect as LOC + Mental Breakdown, and smoke grenades are literally the same effect as that other thought control ability (maybe - does the thought control ability give you free MP?)


Nov 17, 2020
LOC mental breakdown has 100% accuracy, flashbangs can miss and cans use helmets that resist it. Besides, i don't want to take up a utility slot that could have a cloaking device on its place.


Nov 17, 2020
My idea is to pair high dodge/evasion with pseudospatial bullshit to be untouchable. I would only have to worry about machines and psi guys.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
They are literally the same effect as LOC + Mental Breakdown, and smoke grenades are literally the same effect as that other thought control ability (maybe - does the thought control ability give you free MP?)
No it is not the same effect, since there is no expanded effect on follow up damage or CC. Broken down enemies take double damage or CC on them lasts twice as long. Very nice to get a strong unit berserked and the closest melee feared away.
And again TC is completely silent which gives you more time to set things up or if you know what you are doing taking enemies out without alerting the whole area. I managed to clean out the entire Emporium without alerting the upper floor. Only the boss group in the north eastern corner was left, I also managed to clean out the rest of the upper floor south side. And yes that was on Dominating and yes I was using traps, taser and caltrops liberally.

My idea is to pair high dodge/evasion with pseudospatial bullshit to be untouchable. I would only have to worry about machines and psi guys.
I never went that route so you gotta experiment with that yourself. Should be doable you just need to prioritize enemies properly and pop your PSI stuff carefully. Luckily you will rarely be required to spam NO and you are single school, so costs should be low.
Oh and do not forget that Pseudo does not help against grenades either though shields help here.
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Nov 17, 2020
NO spamming on dominating wasn't required even with my TC/PK build. Funny thing: since it's a silent ability, i was able to reliably kill all goliathuses on Silent Isle by casting Mental Breakdown, Frighten, and then running after it like a lunatic spamming NO until it died. That's eight turns with a enemy with low MP running from you. Very fun OP combo that works with bosses even in late game.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
I made a skeleton build with Strafe included but took out Interloper:

Again modify to your own preferences. Evasion or Uncanny might be interesting though imho with traps, caltrops, shield, mirrors and good Evasion/Dodge should give you decent protection even with just 3 con and psi. I actually start to become interested in trying this myself.
Blindside is one of the feats that might not be all that important. Mediation should be skippable I think since much of your damage will come from sniper rifles.
Just remember that sniper alongside crossbows are the two builds that get stronger the better the preparation, more than imho other builds.


Sep 21, 2018
where the best is like the worst
I don't think I've ever replayed a game as much as Underrail. Most RPGs I just finished and moved in but I replayed Underrail like 4 times and each one was a while different experience with each build.
I want more games like this :negative:


Nov 17, 2020
I made a skeleton build with Strafe included but took out Interloper:

Again modify to your own preferences. Evasion or Uncanny might be interesting though imho with traps, caltrops, shield, mirrors and good Evasion/Dodge should give you decent protection even with just 3 con and psi. I actually start to become interested in trying this myself.
Blindside is one of the feats that might not be all that important. Mediation should be skippable I think since much of your damage will come from sniper rifles.
Just remember that sniper alongside crossbows are the two builds that get stronger the better the preparation, more than imho other builds.

TBH, i only use traps early game before Depot A. Never needed it after that, with exception of the beast fight, if i'm playing a meme build. Also traps and caltrops are too heavy, if i'm reliant on them i'll have to pick pack rathound and i wish i could do without it. I think blindside is better than interloper because i can have a pseudo interloper with jumping bean, they're cheap and easy to craft, and 100 of them won't take 1lb of weight in the inventory. Blindsight is free +15% damage, if i cast LoC mental breakdown, that's +25% more to organic targets. Now i think i can squeeze a power management there for the sole purpose of making a long lasting cloaking device.

The main thing about this build is having high evasion/dodge + pseudspatial + cloaking device so i can stand in place to shoot without losing focus, therefore losing sharpshooter crit bonus.

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