Since I’ll be on vacation for the next few weeks, here’s the:
What’s up in the Unknown Realm this month?
Laura sent out the same Christmas cards as last year to their guild members. Really makes you wonder who’s paying them to del... deliver... uhm... yeah.
Bruce is mad about gatekeeping intellectuals:
But zooming in on his bio...:
Wut dat? In case you don’t know, boomers and kids ~12 years old were
really into a personality test a few years back. They proudly slapped their results into their bios. Bruce is INTP. The website describes it as:
“People with the INTP personality type (Logicians) pride themselves on their unique perspective and vigorous intellect. They can’t help but puzzle over the mysteries of the universe – which may explain why some of the most influential philosophers and scientists of all time have been INTPs.”
Guess he out-INTP’d himself by being
too much smarties.
Bruce hating on those damn copycats:
Anyways, let’s take a look at "Bruce’s" stump mimic:
Uhm, wasn’t this a monster in D&D...?
Ah, gotcha. It’s just a reference! That’s cool and
totally not taking from other creators. lel.
I’m skipping all the “damn wokes preventing my game from happening” stuff because it makes me tired.
My personal gift to Bruce: It’s quite interesting that you haven’t noticed your guild login page has been offline since,
pulls out calendar, almost half a year. Really makes you wonder what
great benefits are waiting there if nobody can even access it.
See you next year!