DEV-UPDATE 25.09.2019
It's time for another weekly update from the USG dev team. We started the week by fixing a lot of glitches, making sure the player has a seamless, fluid gameplay experience. One example would be changing the behavior of the dialogue system, which previously had this cinematic typewriter effect that was supposed to be timed with the average reading speed. Problem was on repeated playthroughs we found ourselves clicking to skip ahead and accidentally exiting the dialogue, which is by no means a good behavior. Also on the RPG front we added a default dialogue tree to each major actor, that is to provide the player with the backstory of each NPC and their place in the world.
We're still building and rebuilding the game hud and its functionality. A huge headache was fitting all elements properly and swapping them dynamically without leaving ugly holes. In our attempts to add functionality we found out we cluttered the right side (the rucksack), plus we had no clear functional separation of the inputs. So we took the buttons, stances etc and moved them on the team member card, since they're specific to each individual. And left the right side as a nice weapon display. With a whole new set of melee weapons designed by our artist, Alex.
The new design of the hud resulted into an unexpected bonus. Since we did away with the quick slots, postponing them to a time when we'll have a proper LBE system, we found ourselves looking for a solution to interactions with environment when you have a throwable equipped in the hand slot. Weapons have a smart activation, aka when the game detects an enemy under cursor, you get to shoot him. But when it comes to Molotov cocktails and other throwables you don't necessarily want to aim them directly, so they were using a click to confirm system with free aim. Well, since we were here, we decided to add the free aim to guns/melee too. They keep their smart target, but now they can be also activated outside combat, providing countless hours of fun destroying private and state in-game property.
Finally, we managed another breakthrough. After we solved the main game flow issues and got everything linked up nicely – start game, create a custom character, play, quit and replay without crashing – we went a step further and produced our first standalone build in two years! And it ran! It’s like watching your first baby 3D EKG… it has a head, two arms, two legs and other important bits, we’re a go! PS: Also a hidden benefit of integrating various bits and pieces we got our player zombification process done that means, you guessed, RIP, bye, game over. We'll be back with more details about this.