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World of Darkness Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 from Hardsuit Labs


May 2, 2020
There was a Bloodlines 2 teaser at the end of the last world of darkness stream.

They initially said it was delayed until sometime next year because it was too much of a buggy mess to release it this year. Reading between the lines it sounds like the game was in really bad shape. Hopefully this Christmas release is because development is progressing faster than they thought it would, but that seems overly optimistic. I hope this isn't the case, but given the current global economic situation we may be seeing yet another cash strapped developer dumping an unfinished product on the market because they desperately need the revenue.

Paradox doesn’t want to fuck up their first big V:tM game right out of the chute and they’re in great shape financially. Hardsuit’s presumably in a worse position, but they don’t decide the release date. If Carnival fucking Cruises can raise capital in the bond market right now, then Paradox Interactive will have no problem coming up with extra cash given that the business is growing and the balance sheet’s pretty clean.

In general, the big players in the gaming industry are printing money right now because people can’t go out. Paradox’s stock made a new 52-week high last week, Activision-Blizzard made a new high today after reporting a great first quarter—sales improved after the lockdown.

If Bloodlines 2 is a bug-ridden mess, it won’t be because the devs ran out of money and had to rush the game out the door.


Nov 8, 2012
Hope they use their time to fix those animations, the gameplay trailer animations were really bad even for Bloodlines 1 standards.


Apr 14, 2018
They are extremely quiet about this game. Did they run out of marketing budget after throwing that party last time or something?
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Jan 4, 2019
For this reason I will buy Bloodlines 2 and I will likely play the shit out of it

So, in order to pay your respect for Bloodlines 1 you will buy the game of people who think that the first game is an inferior work with bad elements and are using a setting that is not even the same.
Contradictory, deluded and above all else, naive.


May 1, 2020
Belle Watling's boudoir
So, in order to pay your respect for Bloodlines 1 you will buy the game of people who think that the first game is an inferior work with bad elements...

Pardon? I had to reread my post to see what I said that could possibly infer that meaning from my words. Pay my respects? What? Don't put words in my mouth. Either English is your second language or you're just a stupid cunt.

I clearly stated that I am one of the people who think Bloodlines was, in many ways, an inferior work with many bad elements. I don't really see how anyone could debate that given that there are entire modding communities devoted to restoring cut content and fixing bugs. Bloodlines was a shadow of what it could and should have been. In so many ways it was a travesty of unfulfilled potential. My point was that Bloodlines is a good example of how a grindy, buggy, incomplete and largely linear game can still be awesome if the setting captures the imagination. Bloodlines had redeeming features beyond its setting, which I acknowledged, but I still hold that it gained it's popularity mainly on the strength of that setting. As such I will buy the game and play it not out of any weird sentimental homage to the original, but because I fully expect to enjoy it.
...and are using a setting that is not even the same.
Explain what you mean by this. It's still the VTM setting. What changes to the canon have been announced that are so earth shattering as to ruin the game for you?

Paradox doesn’t want to fuck up their first big V:tM game right out of the chute
I wouldn't underestimate how shortsighted and stupid greed can make business people. Companies with brands that go back decades or even centuries seem quite happy to trash their reputations for a quick buck these days. I blame Chinese hustler mentality for this, the pull any kind of shit for a quick buck mindset. Western firms trade on prestigious reputations established by their more ethical forbears to command higher prices while releasing garbage products or pulling outright cons. Look at VW, or Smith & Wesson with their canted barrels and inferior machining... Sorry for the semi related rant. I just don't think anyone in business these days really values their brand reputation. It's seen as a marketing consideration, unrelated to production, and I think that's wrong.
and they’re in great shape financially. Hardsuit’s presumably in a worse position, but they don’t decide the release date. If Carnival fucking Cruises can raise capital in the bond market right now, then Paradox Interactive will have no problem coming up with extra cash given that the business is growing and the balance sheet’s pretty clean.
That is encouraging. I still think that a Christmas release is suspect when they had previously estimated the game would come out next year. It sounds like they're pretty healthy so they'll at least be around to release patches and DLCs though. Good.
In general, the big players in the gaming industry are printing money right now because people can’t go out. Paradox’s stock made a new 52-week high last week, Activision-Blizzard made a new high today after reporting a great first quarter—sales improved after the lockdown.
I guess that makes sense. I expected that to be outweighed by the newly jobless lacking disposable income and turning to piracy. I guess we'll see what happens when the benefits start running dry.


Jan 4, 2019
Pay my respects? What? Don't put words in my mouth.

I find this rather ironic, because I never claimed you said that, I was making a rhetorical question. Aren't you the one putting words in the mouth of others?

but I still hold that it gained it's popularity mainly on the strength of that setting

Yet you have said that you will buy the sequel despite they are going to fundamentally change things of that setting.

As such I will buy the game and play it not out of any weird sentimental homage to the original, but because I fully expect to enjoy it.

So you don't expect the sequel to be anything like the original or to bear any resemblance to it, but you still have the expectation that you will enjoy it.

What changes to the canon have been announced that are so earth shattering as to ruin the game for you?

You don't even know what changes are going to be made to the setting in this new game, yet you still said you'd buy up to a third release.


May 1, 2020
Belle Watling's boudoir
Pay my respects? What? Don't put words in my mouth.

I find this rather ironic, because I never claimed you said that, I was making a rhetorical question. Aren't you the one putting words in the mouth of others?

You're an odd one aren't you? Not a statement but a rhetorical question? Ok. There must be a point in there somewhere, but I sure can't see it. The way I see it you ascribed to me a sentiment that was in no way expressed or implied by my posting, and whether you expressed that as a statement or rhetorical question is irrelevant. If the question is rhetorical then aren't you fucking saying something? A straw man is a straw man and I'm not letting you off the hook for it, no matter what idiotic sophistry you use to retcon your imbecilic (or more likely malicious) failure at basic reading comprehension.

I express myself quite clearly so when someone misunderstands me they're either a fool or acting in bad faith. So what's your story?

you have said that you will buy the sequel
despite they are going to fundamentally change things of that setting.
What things? You ignored my question. What changes to the setting do you consider so fundamental?

So you don't expect the sequel to be anything like the original or to bear any resemblance to it, but you still have the expectation that you will enjoy it.

I stated that I will enjoy it because WoD vampires are fucking cool. That the original's strength was not it's brilliant game design but rather it's setting, and I gave examples of why I think the original was an unfinished, buggy and linear game. I asserted that the cult status of said game was largely due to its setting, so I don't mind if gameplay aspects are altered. I think they should be, and I'll expand on that. The original needed to less linear, offer better, more meaningful CnC and not be a bug riddled and incomplete mess. You haven't agreed or disagreed with any of these statements so I don't know if I need to argue with you here.

You don't even know what changes are going to be made to the setting in this new game.

I asked you, in plain English, what specific setting changes YOU were referring to that are big enough to make the bold claim that the setting "is not even the same?" Is it thin bloods breaching the Masquerade? The Second Inquisition? Malkavians losing dementation? What? The different city? There really isn't much information on the game yet that I'm aware of so how do you know the setting is radically different? Or is that a rhetorical question also? I don't want to speak for you. Lay out your fucking point already.


Oct 21, 2019
They are extremely quiet about this game. Did they run out of marketing budget after throwing that party last time or something?
Indeed. So far it looks like a really weird campain. Seems like they're reworking quite a lot.
I clearly stated that I am one of the people who think Bloodlines was, in many ways, an inferior work with many bad elements. I don't really see how anyone could debate that given that there are entire modding communities devoted to restoring cut content and fixing bugs. Bloodlines was a shadow of what it could and should have been. In so many ways it was a travesty of unfulfilled potential.
That's right, modding communities. They're changing the game over the years, not "fixing" it. We'll never know what Bloodlines could have been but it is a great game even as is.


Oct 21, 2019
Speaking about lack of any news:
Tl;Dr: nothing about the game itself
Dev Diary #11: Working from Haven

Hey Everyone, it is me again, Andy Kipling, CEO of HSL and sometimes Producer on Bloodlines 2! I am here to give you an update on Bloodlines 2 development; or more specifically an update on how us developers are getting along.

First, let me start by saying that I hope you are all navigating these trying times brought on by this global pandemic in as safe and as best way you possibly can. At Hardsuit we have been working diligently to first and foremost ensure for the safety and health of all our employees while conforming with the Stay at Home orders of the state government. Second, we have been hard at work developing Bloodlines 2!

These times have introduced us to a whole host of new experiences, emotions and workflows: some good, some bad and some ugly. I figured it may be of interest to describe some of those to you.

First on the good side, full time exclusive WFH has been a pretty massive change for us; we typically favor in person interactions and the natural collaboration that takes place when you get multiple people in the same room together. But, at the same time we have taken this opportunity to become a better employer and developer and have fully embraced it. As a result, we have stood up new processes and workflows to foster and support creative development even when remote. We have updated and improved our back-end infrastructure to more easily support 100+ employees remotely pushing and pulling gigs of data to and from our servers. We are now more capable and flexible towards catering to individual needs by – be it mitigating a terrible commute through Seattle traffic, or working with individual talent outside of Seattle and outside of our time zone. All these things make us nimbler, and more adaptable in an industry that is constantly changing.

The bad part of the whole “never get to go into the office” (other than the Covid19 realities and its consequences) is that we miss out on a lot of what we have strived so hard to create, foster and cultivate at HSL: the positive work environment, the friendly random interactions with your fellow co-workers, and the general social dynamics of having a bunch of incredibly talented and creative people working together towards a common goal, all together in the same space. We, as a species, are without a doubt social creatures (much like our Vampire brethren…) and the day to day human interactions of being in the office can be very beneficial to our mental health. So, there are lots of discussions and considerations around staying healthy (both physically and mentally); trying to balance enough social interaction, while also stepping away from your computer – which may also be the only opportunity for social interaction.

In terms of examples this means that our in-person MTG games are now having to move online. Our tabletop gaming groups and campaigns are being conducted via Teams and even our after-work happy hours are shifting into video chat land where we can sit at our computers and enjoy each other’s company.

As a studio that strives very hard to separate and respect work and life for a healthy work/life balance, and generally frowning on the idea of “bringing your work home with you…” is seriously complicated when your work is unavoidably in, and inseparable from, your home. It can be challenging for the individual: suddenly finding yourself working 12 hour days, or waking up and going straight to your computer; and it can be challenging for the organization: how to support individual’s personal lives and time and ensure they are not overworking or burning out, but still being flexible to support what works best for them, be it working early or late. Disciplined communications, encouraging people to sign off and leave when the workday ends, respecting online status, managing co-worker expectations and more are all important steps we have taken and continue to take to mitigate this. But it is definitely the case that the “bad” of the full-time WFH means that work life balance is precarious and something we need to be ever mindful of.

Lastly, we have the ugly. Across the board we have all kinds of new offices and workplaces, new co-workers and office mates, and new protocols and processes. A few examples:

We have augmented our code review process to allow for external third parties; it has sped things up considerably and generally made us more efficient:

We have been able to bring on some highly qualified individuals who we previously didn’t have access to because they refused to relocate out of Scranton, Pennsylvania:

Additionally, we have even been able to take on a few interns while we WFH, though training them has proven more challenging:

We have had some new types of problems and issues to troubleshoot and debug:

Maybe from time to time we just need to shift gears from debugging our game to de-catting our workspaces. But honestly, George does love his cat.

We have also discovered a new species of cat who keeps popping up on our slack:

And finally, Nvidia’s new RTX noise cancelling support is pretty amazing. It can help convince your co-workers that, behind that Star Wars background in your Teams call, there are in fact no small children screaming and fighting. Just what we need when we are all stuck working from home.

But enough about us, and what we are up to. What about the game you say! Well first off, here is someone else’s WFH setup. Cannot say I know who it is though:

But seriously, stay tuned, we’ve got more developer diaries to look forward to, and we have some new media dropping Soon™.

Thanks for taking the time to check in on what we have been up to and how we are doing.

Otherwise, stay safe and healthy (mentally and physically)!


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Jun 13, 2019
This trailer was rough...
I was already ehh about , now i'm actually worried about the game.
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Jan 26, 2014
Trailer was nice. This was never gonna have the 100 million AAA polish and expecting that is misguided. It will live or die by its writing, atmosphere and quest design.


Apr 14, 2018
Man wasted 1 hour to watch the xbox bullshit.

The only game that interests me is this one and they didn't even get the devs to talk about the game.


Oct 21, 2019
Something not impressive. However, it would be naive to expect greater production values given what we've seen already.


Apr 14, 2018
I like the style of the trailer, sure the graphics didn't really looks next gen, but graphics can go fuck themselves.

And it actually has attractive females in it, which is rare now days for a western game.

Jedi Exile

Oct 10, 2010
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I like the music. Combat wasn't impressive, ripping through humans is boring, show us a real opponent, a vamp against vamp fight. And as was already said, the game will live or die by its quest design (give us C&C, please), writing and atmosphere. And yes, dancing is still subpar.


Jun 22, 2013
We know the combat is going to be serviceable, nothing more. Trailer looked fine.

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