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World of Darkness Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 - VTMB sequel from The Chinese Room - coming early 2025


Dec 28, 2018
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Everybody worth anything is moving out of Boston. The city is descending into a shithole ruled by incompetent political careerists that are incapable of addressing the economic decay while passing meaningless laws like banning plastic bags for clout. It's one of the leading cities in losing population year over year in the states for a reason.

Now that I think about it, it's a good setting for a stagnant society ruled from the shadows by a calcified hegemony of nepotistic ghouls in the criminal underworld who feast on the public while infighting for short term political gain.

That still doesn't make it a compelling one, however.


Oct 16, 2018
Everybody worth anything is moving out of Boston. The city is descending into a shithole ruled by incompetent political careerists that are incapable of addressing the economic decay while passing meaningless laws like banning plastic bags for clout. It's one of the leading cities in losing population year over year in the states for a reason.
"Vampires starving because kine keep moving out, so they try to do something about it before the city becomes a ghost town" has been done before in VtM as a plot hook and it's one of my favorites.


Jul 16, 2009
Of course the city has 22 percent black population when US has only about 12-14 percent.
The game takes place in Boston https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/bostoncitymassachusetts/PST045222

White alone, percent 48.6%
Black or African American alone, percent(a) 22.5%
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent 44.2%

You may not like the reality, but their game is true to life.
Main problem is that it's made by a FRENCH studio. Either they are team made from children of black immigrants, or they are people who are obsessed with black for some weird reasons. Or they are idiots who thought that when modern movies are full of blacks (and Chinese/Japanese) they must do what modern movies do because they think when they do as movies do theirs game would be popular, or perhaps thought they would have more sales.

When you compare it with Bloodlines, you see that Troika when they modeled LA, they reduced numbers of blacks on streets after sunset to 1/3, and drastically reduced numbers of bottles in their hands. They did it for artistic reasons, and it was better game because of that.

So Boston is shithole which for some reason has nearly double percentage of Black population than a US average, and the Boston major is a woman who has Chinese genetics which suggests that Chinese/Japanese immigrants were power hungry and got themselves into high positions.

Thus, it was easy to make a plot about corrupted Chinese who got themselves into city leadership and now they are trying to usurp even companies of Boston Camarilla. Have some tidibits how greedy blacks displaced theirs predecessors, there is reason why Boston's demographic is so strange. Do stuff with story about backstabbing in high financial places.
Make it so these power hungry evil vampires are actually better guys than majority of people in Boston. And they could have a game. (Funnily the same applies for Bloodlines 2 developers.)

That real world Boston Chinese major kinda reminds me of Chinese in original Bloodlines.
If you sided with them you got your expected reward:
Thrown in a coffin into the ocean so they could rule the city themselves without paying.
Greedy Chinese.


Feb 27, 2024
Of course the city has 22 percent black population when US has only about 12-14 percent.
The game takes place in Boston https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/bostoncitymassachusetts/PST045222

White alone, percent 48.6%
Black or African American alone, percent(a) 22.5%
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent 44.2%

You may not like the reality, but their game is true to life.
Main problem is that it's made by a FRENCH studio. Either they are team made from children of black immigrants, or they are people who are obsessed with black for some weird reasons. Or they are idiots who thought that when modern movies are full of blacks (and Chinese/Japanese) they must do what modern movies do because they think when they do as movies do theirs game would be popular, or perhaps thought they would have more sales.

When you compare it with Bloodlines, you see that Troika when they modeled LA, they reduced numbers of blacks on streets after sunset to 1/3, and drastically reduced numbers of bottles in their hands. They did it for artistic reasons, and it was better game because of that.

So Boston is shithole which for some reason has nearly double percentage of Black population than a US average, and the Boston major is a woman who has Chinese genetics which suggests that Chinese/Japanese immigrants were power hungry and got themselves into high positions.

Thus, it was easy to make a plot about corrupted Chinese who got themselves into city leadership and now they are trying to usurp even companies of Boston Camarilla. Have some tidibits how greedy blacks displaced theirs predecessors, there is reason why Boston's demographic is so strange. Do stuff with story about backstabbing in high financial places.
Make it so these power hungry evil vampires are actually better guys than majority of people in Boston. And they could have a game. (Funnily the same applies for Bloodlines 2 developers.)

That real world Boston Chinese major kinda reminds me of Chinese in original Bloodlines.
If you sided with them you got your expected reward:
Thrown in a coffin into the ocean so they could rule the city themselves without paying.
Greedy Chinese.
Idiots: +1


*teleports inside you*
Village Idiot
Aug 20, 2021
Why did Bawston come into focus all of a sudden? Isn't this "game" set in Seattle?


Mar 6, 2016
Grab the Codex by the pussy Strap Yourselves In Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Wow, what a shithole.
Really hard to find cities today that aren't shitholes.

Boston is one of the most beautiful cities in the US, but as with most of the West it's being demographically overtaken by... people who aren't able to appreciate it as much.

At least New England still has a few mostly white-only states, which is more than can be said for Western Europe.


Jul 16, 2009
Well eastern block wanted to be LIKE western Europe when they got rid of socialistic governments. And they spend effort to degrade into Western Europe style. If you wanted to see a decently looking Prague, you had to look at videos from 2020 when foreign tourists disappeared, and people who were earning money from tourism had to take different jobs.

I think big cities are bad anyway. It eventually degrades into nasty stuff, and yet for some weird reasons people are thinking more rabbits in a city/country the better. I prefer being able to walk into forest in about 5 minutes, and that's not possible in a big city.


Oct 21, 2019

Clan Highlight​

VTM Ventrue type white2

The Clan of Kings, Blue Bloods, Tyrants, Warlords, Patricians, Borgias

Ventrue vampires usually choose their progeny from mortals familiar with power, wealth and influence. Seeing themselves as the rightful leaders of vampire society, Kindred of clan Ventrue take up the mantle of leadership wherever possible, often in the form of high positions in Camarilla Courts.

Fletcher VentrueConversation

Playing a Ventrue in Bloodlines 2​

Ventrue are blue blooded tyrants who incite obedience in both their allies and their foes. Focusing on the Discipline Dominate, Ventrue forces their prey to obey their command to fight their friends, forget what they’ve seen or even kill themselves. Feeding builds up Fortitude, allowing the Ventrue to soak up more damage in case any enemy is powerful enough to resist their force of will.


When you choose your clan, you will start out with a passive ability unique to each clan. You are then able to unlock abilities from the Ability Tree, starting with your chosen clan. Each ability requires spending Ability Points to unlock which are earned from completing missions, combat and exploration. At the peak of the Ability Tree, you can unlock the clan Perk, a reward to those dedicated enough to unlock all of the abilities for a clan, giving a permanent passive upgrade.

Flesh of Marble​

Clan Passive: Feeding hardens your skin, making you highly resistant to damage.

Cloud Memory​

Cause a target to forget you were there, putting them into a relaxed state.


Possess an opponent, allowing you to see through their eyes for a period. While possessed, the target can be commanded to attack another person.

Terminal Decree​

Use your powers of Dominate to command someone to kill themselves.

Mass Manipulation​

Subdues enemies within your gaze, preventing them from attacking. Dominate abilities will affect all subdued opponents while Mass Manipulation is active.


Clan Perk: Increases the amount of health restored by feeding.



screen1 ventrue
screen2 ventrue

screen4 ventrue

Customizing your playstyle​

There are many different ways to play your character in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2. Venture rely on the rise-and-fall mechanics of their Layered Fortitude, building up a defense to take on stronger opponents, while using abilities to dominate weaker foes and make them fight their friends or even kill themselves. Each clan has a straightforward way of playing, and does not require ability optimization. At the same time, if you want to, you can customize your playstyle by visiting certain important vampires throughout Seattle, who are sworn to assist you by offering their Blood to help you unlock abilities from their Clan.

Abilities from other clans may cost more AP depending on how well they align with your clans Disciplines. The Ventrue Disciplines are Dominate (the supernatural ability to control others) Fortitude (the ability to resist physical and mental attacks) and Presence (the supernatural ability to attract, awe, or terrify). If a Ventrue would try to unlock the Brujah ability Taunt, which is part of the Presence Discipline, it would cost less AP, than if they attempt to unlock an ability from a Discipline they don’t already have, such as Obfuscate. Unlocking additional Clan Perks will make them stack, so you can collect them all if you wish, elevating your power much closer to elder level.

Activated abilities and the Clan Perks can be learned from the other clans, but your clan passive can not. This means that while you can combine abilities and features from other clans in hundreds of different ways, your Ventrue playthrough will remain different from playing as another clan who branches into Ventrue abilities.
Ventrue Ability Tree1

Image: Ability tree for Ventrue with all clan abilities and the clan perk are unlocked. The Banu Haqim ability Split Second has been equipped, replacing Possession.


Dec 27, 2008
I wonder if they'll include Ventrue's weakness: they can only feed well from the wealthy and well-bred IIRC. Considering nowadays' hate towards the wealthy and the competent, I'm not sure how is this going to be portrayed.


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre

Baron Tahn

Aug 1, 2018
Have we seen any weapons yet? I've got this image of powerful Girlboss dumpsterphyre stacking some fortitude and then lightly slap fighting because she has no attack abilities of her own. Fisticuffs doesnt really work for Ventrue I guess but surely they dont expect players to just dominate/fortitude on repeat the whole game?

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