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Incline VCMI 0.98 Released

hello friend

Feb 26, 2012
I'm on an actual spaceship. No joke.
Aw Yiss!

It says so, right there on the website. At first the date of the newspost made me think it was an April Fools joke, but it seems it's legit.

Here's what's new:

0.97 -> 0.98
* Pathfinder can now find way using Monoliths and Whirlpools (only used if hero has protection)

* AI will try to use Monolith entrances for exploration
* AI will now always revisit each exit of two way monolith if exit no longer visible
* AI will eagerly pick guarded and blocked treasures

* Implemented world view
* Added graphical fading effects

* New spells handled:
- Earthquake
- View Air
- View Earth
- Visions
- Disguise
* Implemented CURE spell negative dispell effect
* Added LOCATION target for spells castable on any hex with new target modifiers

* Implemented OH3 stack split / upgrade formulas according to AlexSpl

* Underground tunnels are working now
* Implemented "junction" zone type
* Improved zone placing algorithm
* More balanced distribution of treasure piles
* More obstacles within zones
+ some bugfix

Looking pretty good, random map generator really shaping up. This is getting close to playable.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
I have used VCMI probably 10 years ago

Problem is that WoG/Era had these features years and years ago

no one in the community uses VCMI, its mostly HotA and Era

Its kind of the same failed destiny like OpenMW

hello friend

Feb 26, 2012
I'm on an actual spaceship. No joke.
It's more a matter of potential than where it's at right now. HotA + hd mod is by far the best way to play homm right now. The interesting thing about vcmi is how much more flexible it is, ultimately being easier to mod. Multiple alternate AIs in development. I tried out the 1.0, it's still not quite there yet.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
HotA + hd mod is by far the best way to play homm right now.

i wouldnt say "the best" cause a ton of people still enjoy wog/era for countless mods and map mutators

its a whole different ball game from HotA

but I will say HotA is "the most polished" way to play Heroes

It's more a matter of potential than where it's at right now.

The interesting thing about vcmi is how much more flexible it is, ultimately being easier to mod.

they said the same thing about OpenMW

potential potential potential

it still got nowhere after 15 years cause no one can be arsed to bother with it

empty potential more like

hello friend

Feb 26, 2012
I'm on an actual spaceship. No joke.
Tastes differ, I guess. I messed around with WoG for a bit, but I didn't care for any of it except for the fog of war mod, which made scouting better and Tower's lookout tower actually useful. I think it could be improved by making observatories grant permanent vision by making them flaggable. This would make the necropolis fog of war thing less useful, though. Maybe some other changes could be made. It's a fun mod. The rest of the ones I tried seemed like bad gimmicks and I didn't like the WoG creatures either, but I respect the work behind it.

Horn of the Abyss is close to vanilla, the AI is significantly better, there's a working online lobby, the armourer bug is actually fixed after all this time, and the RMG template editor is a godsend. These days when I play with bros it's on random maps generated by a tweaked template pack that removes Cove and Conflux towns and corresponding creature specific heroes, along with some other changes meant to make the game more interesting.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
I messed around with WoG for a bit, but I didn't care for any of it except for the fog of war mod

There are a ton of great mods (scripts) for WoG

I never play without these because they are so much fun:

Extended creature upgrade - many creatures gain a 3rd upgrade (example, Monks > Zealots > War Zealots)
Universal creature upgrade - allows upgrading creatures of other towns if the appropriate dwelling has been built
Creature stacks gain experience - units gain experience in the same way as the Hero and gain new abilities. A great addition which adds a totally new dimension of gameplay (example, an experienced Hobgoblin of a certain experience tier will attack twice)
Heroes' upgraded level 7 units become level 8 - adds 8th level units
Heroes get 10 skills - two in addition to the normal 8
Commanders - Type of unit which gains experience, improves, and learns special abilities parallel to the Hero. Adds another dimension to gameplay, makes early battles a little easier and late-game battles more fun and unpredictable
Skill Enhancements - most hero skills that were previously weak and overlooked become more interesting (Navigation, Luck, etc.)
Warlord's Banner - artifacts that stacks can carry to give them little bonuses

HotA is polished and vanilla-friendly and has a great MP lobby, but I still find WoG/Era a lot more interesting and fun. VCMI is kinda nowhere (a platform with potential but none gave life to it yet)
Last edited:


Jul 5, 2013

VCMI 1.1.0 released

December 23, 2022

Big update before 2023!​

Three months passed since our previous release and we observed many downloads and quite big interest to the project from the community. We want to say thank you for that and willing for more! Such support really motivates us, thus we were able to increase our efforts towards new features and would like to share with you one more big update this year.

iOS support​

VCMI supports one more platform! Now you can play heroes on your iPad or iPhone and it’ll have all game mechanics, including mods. Installation is not so simple as it could be using the official AppStore but it’s definitely worth to make several simple steps from this instruction and it will be easier than expected!

Online multiplayer​

We have overcome most of challenges on a way to multiplayer so it’s finally possible to play VCMI with your friends or with random people at Windows, macOS, Linux or iOS. You can play over local network or use lobby mode from Launcher to play over internet.

Map editor​

Map editor for VCMI was rewritten in order to be cross-platform (currently works on Windows, macOS and Linux) and support mods. Map editor is included into installation package so everyone can create and share their own scenarios.

Game engine​

We continue investing into the game stability, tons of bugs were addressed, but don’t forget to report about problem if it appears. Version 1.1 has many aesthetics improvements, among them long-awaited ray shooting, tower icons, fixes for battle effects. Music isn’t playing from the beginning while switching active screen and you can listen to the legendary soundtracks in the same way as in original game. Worth to mention that performance of random map generation got severe boost as well.
Please note that save games from v1.0 are incompatible with v1.1!

Artificial intelligence​

Nullkiller AI in combination with Battle AI is not only more stable but also gets smarter on the battlefield. Enemy hero may consider winning chances as poor and prefer to escape.

And many others​

Update is not limited to highlighted improvements, almost every game aspect has undergone some changes, the detailed backlog is on the release page. Of course, new features and the game in common are still not in ideal state but we want people enjoy them and our team will continue doing the best we can. In turn, we are looking forward for feedback or even better contribution into this wonderful project from anyone!
VCMI team wishes you happy New Year and will meet in 2023!


Jul 5, 2013

VCMI 1.2.0 released

April 14, 2023

Biggest update yet!​

VCMI project is gaining momentum recently. Thanks to extraordinary activity of developers and supporting community we are able to present you the biggest release yet, containing tons of new features as well as bug fixes. This time we definitely focused on user experience, trying to polish all the features and rectify the issues encountered in the past.

Rendering improvements​

The rendering engine got a rewrite, resulting in smooth and correct animations, as well as overall better performance and lower CPU consumption. All the animations should have exactly same timing and order as in original game, and adventure map scrolls smoothly.

Revamped GUI​

We introduced a number of quality-of-like GUI improvements known from popular HD Mod, as well as custom features and options that will make the game more accessible and fun to play. All the features are customisable and can be disabled depending on your preference. There is new in-game menu with more options than ever before. The highlights include expanded RMG options window, optional display of adventure map rewards in Status Window as well as extra tooltips on adventure map and in the battle.

Translation support​

VCMI now supports translations - both with original game content and mods. Game will automatically pick preferred language configured in Launcher and enable translations of the content that allows it. Many existing mods from our repository have already been translated thanks to combined effort of the community.

New user-friendly Launcher​

Following numerous reports and complaints, our Launcher got complete overhaul. New players will now be guided through installation and configuration process, which should reduce confusion and help you get the game running quickly with the best configuration possible.


A lot of effort was spent on fixing and polishing the game as much as possible. Hundreds of issues were found and fixed, especially in battle visuals and mechanics. We did our best to ensure players' experience will not be disrupted by unexpected bugs. Of course you may also observe tweaks in Random Map Generator and AI, as well as about any aspect of the game.


Mod system got a few subtle, but significant extensions. Capabilities of configurable adventure map objects were expanded, as well as secondary skills and related bonuses.
Please note that save games from v1.1 are incompatible with v1.2!

And many others​

The list of changes is too big to fit here, please refer to the he detailed backlog is on the release page.
But the journey doesn’t end here, more features are already scheduled for 1.3 release.
We also launched official VCMI Discord channel, join us here.


Jul 5, 2013

VCMI 1.2.1 released

  • Implemented spell range overlay for Dimension Door and Scuttle Boat
  • Fixed movement cost penalty from terrain
  • Fixed empty Black Market on game start
  • Fixed bad morale happening after waiting
  • Fixed good morale happening after defeating last enemy unit
  • Fixed death animation of Efreeti killed by petrification attack
  • Fixed crash on leaving to main menu from battle in hotseat mode
  • Fixed music playback on switching between towns
  • Special months (double growth and plague) will now appear correctly
  • Adventure map spells are no longer visible on units in battle
  • Attempt to cast spell with no valid targets in hotseat will show appropriate error message
  • RMG settings will now show all existing in game templates and not just those suitable for current settings
  • RMG settings (map size and two-level maps) that are not compatible with current template will be blocked
  • Fixed centering of scenario information window
  • Fixed crash on empty save game list after filtering
  • Fixed blocked progress in Launcher on language detection failure
  • Launcher will now correctly handle selection of Ddata directory in H3 install
  • Map editor will now correctly save message property for events and pandoras
  • Fixed incorrect saving of heroes portraits in editor

Ubuntu release is available on VCMI PPA



Jul 5, 2013

VCMI 1.3.0 released

August 4, 2023

VCMI project doesn’t stop! In release 1.3 we focused on player feedback and user experience. This includes quality-of-life GUI improvements and fixing issues that could spoil the look and feel of beloved Heroes game. Major improvements include:

Scalable user interface

GUI size can be freely changed without exiting the game. Also, we now offer smooth map zoom - that’s something certainly no other platform allows.

Touchscreen improvements

Mobile players, who turned out to be a majority of our userbase, will appreciate GUI improvements targeted at touchscreen devices. This includes radial menu for army management, swipe and pinch gesture support, as well as haptic feedback.

Random Map Generator

RMG got a number of improvements and fixes, based on suggestions of PvP community and random map experts. All options from original Shadow of Death are supported, but we also added some more for extra flexibility. About every aspect of map generation was improved.

Improved Adventure AI

NKAI got significant boost. Not only does it play better in general, but also many existing issues and loopholes were found and fixed. Now AI does exactly what it was meant to do, that is to pose a challenge to human player.

Fixed Campaigns

Now they work correctly and are fully playable, from start to finish. However, be aware that game saves from older versions are not supported.

HoTA map support

VCMI can now load and run Horn of the Abyss maps. They provide some decent content for single player enthusiasts.

There are many, many other improvments in different areas - make sure to see our changelog.

The project is constantly moving forward. For the next release we plan to focus on PvP playability.


Jul 5, 2013

VCMI 1.3.2 released

Release 1.3.2 is now available. This is our second hotfix for 1.3 release and mostly contains bugfixes, although a couple of new features also made it into this update.

Download links can be found here: https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/releases/tag/1.3.2

Most noticeable changes from this release:
  • Added option to open hero backpack window in hero screen
  • Added detection of misclicks for touch inputs to make hitting small UI elements easier
  • Fixed freeze in Launcher on startup and on mod install
  • Fixed crash on attempting to teleport unit that is immune to a spell
  • Fixed invisible creatures from SUMMON_GUARDIANS and TRANSMUTATION bonuses
  • Added option to toggle spell usage by AI in quick combat
Full changelog: https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/blob/master/ChangeLog.md#131---132


Jul 5, 2013

VCMI 1.4.0 released

December 8, 2023

Another major release just came out. As promised, this time we focused on multiplayer and quality-of-life features that make VCMI more accessible to new players and well as HoMM veterans. It’s not only about fixing bugs, but also cleaning up some unintuitive menus, options and descriptions to match player expectations.

Simultaneous Turns

Long-awaited and challenging feature, which is also a key to wider adoption by PvP community. Few different modes are possible along with customizable turn timers.

Improved GUI widgets

Large spellbook, hero selection dialog, more tooltips in adventure map, folders in map / save browser and more.

Savegame compatibility with different mods

Many users complained that saved games require exactly the same mod configuration to load, which was confusing and sometimes buggy. We listened, and made it more convenient, with less requirements.

Loading Screen, Ending Screen, High Scores

They are all functional just as in OH3 and make the game flow more natural. Now you’ll be able to enter your name to high scores after winning the game. Also, campaigns will be correctly marked as complete and will stay locked until preceding campaigns are finished.

Tutorial for mobile GUI

Since it’s very different than desktop version, many players didn’t know or understand all touch controls, gestures and menu. Now there’s an introductory tutorial which walks new players through all the features mobile GUI has to offer. A few new options are here as well.

Map Editor

Editor now allows to customize various object properties in Inspector. We hope this makes creating maps with fresh VCMI content way easier.

And much more

Subtle tweaks to battle and adventure AI, Random Map Generator and mod system gradually make the game experience better. If that’s still not enough for you, see full changelog

VCMI audience is growing, and we don’t stop. There are tons of features requested by everyone and we have hands full of work.


Jul 5, 2013
VCMI 1.4.1

Release 1.4.1 is now available. This is a small hotfix that focuses on most critical issue from 1.4 release:


  • Fixed position for interaction with starting heroes
  • Fixed smooth map scrolling when running at high framerate
  • Fixed calculation of Fire Shield damage when caster has artifacts that increase its damage
  • Fixed untranslated message when visiting signs with random text
  • Fixed slider scrolling to maximum value when clicking on “scroll right” button
  • Fixed events and seer huts not activating in some cases
  • Fixed bug leading to Artifact Merchant selling Grails in loaded saved games
  • Fixed placement of objects in random maps near the top border of the map
  • Creatures under Slayer spell will no longer deal additional damage to creatures not affected by Slayer
  • Description of a mod in Launcher will no longer be converted to lower-case
  • Game will no longer fail to generate random map when AI-only players option is set to non-zero value
  • Added option to mute audio when VCMI window is not active
  • Added option to disable smooth map scrolling
  • Reverted ban on U-turns in pathfinder


  • Fixed crash on using mods made for VCMI 1.3
  • Fixed crash on generating random map with large number of monoliths
  • Fixed crash on losing mission-critical hero in battle
  • Fixed crash on generating growth detalization in some localizations
  • Fixed crash on loading of some user-made maps


Jul 5, 2013
VCMI 1.4.2 released as largest hotfix release in a while

Download links can be found here: https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/releases/tag/1.4.2

Main changes:
  • Restored support for Windows 7 and 32-bit systems
  • Fixed crash on macOS arm and on iOS devices
  • Improvements to random map generator
  • Implemented quick backpack window, activated via mouse wheel / finger swipe
  • Implemented spell search function in spellbook
  • Multiple fixes for turn timers functionality
  • As well as multiple fixes for various bugs and crashes
Full changelog can be found here: https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/blob/master/ChangeLog.md#141---142


Jul 5, 2013
VCMI release 1.4.3 is now available.

This is our third and likely final hotfix for the 1.4 release, and it contains fixes for over 50 different issues, both old and new, as well as some small new features.

Download links can be found here: https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/releases/tag/1.4.3

Notable changes:
  • Added option to show unit statistics sidebar in battle
  • It is now possible to install mods, maps and campaigns by dragging and dropping onto the launcher.
  • Fixed saving of allowed abilities, spells, artifacts or heroes in map editor
  • Added new bonuses for modding to better represent abilities of Cove creatures from HotA
Full changelog can be found here: https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/blob/master/ChangeLog.md#142---143


Jul 5, 2013

VCMI 1.5.0 released

A new major release has been published. VCMI 1.5.0 sees the light of day. The main focus this time was on the online lobby. But also many other features were integrated and many bugs were fixed.

Online multiplayer support​

VCMI now has an online lobby that can be used to set up multiplayer sessions. But you can also interact with other players. The lobby works on all platforms and regardless of firewall restrictions. It can be opened at any time on desktop systems with CTRL + Tab and on mobile platforms with a three-finger touch.

Additionally it is now possible to check towns/heroes during opponent player turn and bypass hero movement latency for non-host players by picking maximum hero speed in game options.

Better random maps​

A new biome system for random maps has been integrated. This makes created maps look much more natural.

Also there are many different optimizations like properly random-looking zone edges, treasure/obstacle density tweaks and underground generation content tweaks leading to better zones.

AI optimizations​

Nullkiller AI got notable speedup improvements, better handling of heroes with "patrol" set in map editor and some other fixes.

Most remaining campaign issues fixed​

Many different problems and bugs related to campaigns have been fixed.

Basic game controllers support added​

It is now possible to play VCMI with a game controller. Both on PC-based platforms and on mobile platforms.

Easier installation of game files from gog.com​

We have now integrated innoextract into the launcher. This makes it very easy to extract the offline installer from gog.com (.exe and .bin file) for vcmi.

This function is currently available on all platforms except android. With the integration of the launcher in the next few weeks, the function will also be available there.

Artifact improvements​

It is now possible to group several artifacts into sets. This feature is based on the costumes of the HD mod. With CTRL + [1]...[9] an artifact set can be saved, which can then be called with [1]...[9].

There are now also new shortcuts. ALT + Click on artifact slot moves artifact from/to backpack. CTRL + Click on artifact slot moves artifact to 2nd hero we are trading with.

Configurable keyboard shortcuts​

Keyboard shourtcuts are now configurable. However, currently only via the configuration file config/shortcutsConfig.json.

New homepage​

With version 1.5.0 we have also published our new homepage. Apart from the newer, more modern design, it also offers useful functions for players, modders and developers.

Documents such as instructions and technical documentation are now available directly on the website. You can also find informations and pictures of the individual mods in our mod repository.

And much more​

In addition, many other features and fixes have been integrated, which were requested by the community. For example: tavern hero inviting (requires mod to enable), optional unlimited replay, option to disable cheats, immediate end of the battle, dimension door & summoning mechanics fixes. See the complete changelog

We are delighted that you are entering the world of Enroth via VCMI. The journey has been a long one, but we are far from finished and will continue to improve VCMI.


Jul 5, 2013

VCMI 1.5.1 released


  • Fixed possible crash on accessing faction description
  • Fixed possible thread race on exit to main menu
  • Game will now show error message instead of silent crash on corrupted H3 data
  • Fixed possible crash on double-deletion of quest artifacts placed by RMG
  • Fixed crash on loading save made in version 1.4 with removed from map Quest Guards
  • Added workaround for crash on accessing Altar of Sacrifice on saves made in 1.4
  • Fixed possible crash on map restart request
  • Fixed crash on attempt to open scenario list with no save or map selected
  • Fixed crash on host resolving error when connecting to online lobby
  • If json file specified in mod.json is missing, vcmi will now only log an error instead of crashing


  • Added retaliation damage and kills preview when hovering over units that can be attacked in melee during combat
  • Clicking on combat log would now open a window with full combat log history
  • Removed message length limit in text input fields, such as global lobby chat
  • Tapping on already active text input field will display on-screen keyboard on systems with one
  • Fixed possible freeze when trying to move hero if hero has non-zero movement points but not enough to reach first tile in path
  • Fixed selection of the wrong reward in dialogs such as the level-up window when double-clicking on it
  • Fixed launch of wrong map or save when double-clicking in scenario list screen
  • Right-clicking on a hero in a tavern will now select that hero as well, in line with H3
  • Fixed slow map list parsing when hota map format is enabled
  • MacOS and iOS can now use either Ctrl or Cmd key for all keyboard shortcuts
  • Small windows no longer dim the entire screen by default


  • Recruiting a hero will now immediately reveal the fog of war around him
  • When both a visiting hero and a garrisoned hero are in town, the garrisoned hero will visit town buildings first.


  • Fixed in-game chat text not being visible after switching from achannel with a long history
  • Fixed lag when switching to channel with long history
  • Game now automatically scrolls in-game chat on new messages
  • Game will now only plays chat sound for active channel and for private channels
  • Cheats are now disabled by default in multiplayer
  • Game will now show status of cheats and battle replays on map start
  • It is possible to change cheats or battle replay on game loading
  • It is now possible to join rooms hosted by different hotfix versions, e.g. 1.5.1 can join 1.5.0 games
  • Fixed game rooms remaining visible in the lobby even after they have been closed
  • Fixed possible lag when there is a player in lobby with a very slow (or dying) connection
  • Game will show correctly if player has been invited into a room
  • Fixed overflow in invite window when there are more than 8 players in the lobby

Random Maps Generator​

  • Generator will now prefer to place roads away from zone borders


  • Fixed possible crash when Nullkiller AI tries to upgrade army
  • Nullkiller AI will now recruit new heroes if he left with 0 heroes
  • AI in combat now knows when an enemy unit has used all of its retaliations.

Map Editor​

  • Fixed setting up hero types of heroes in Prisons placed in map editor
  • Fixed crash on setting up Seer Hut in map editor
  • Added text auto-completion hints for army widget
  • Editor will now automatically add .vmap extensions when saving map
  • Fixed text size in map validation window


Jul 5, 2013
VCMI 1.5.2 released

VCMI 1.5.2 is now available. This is another minor update for 1.5, adding some new features that were not ready in time for 1.5.0

Download links: https://vcmi.eu/download/
Github release link: https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/releases/tag/1.5.2

Main changes:
  • Nullkiller AI improvements: AI is now able to explore the map and won't use map reveal cheat when playing in alliance with a human or on lower difficulties. Also, Nullkiller AI is now used by default for allied players.
  • New keyboard shortcuts for town screen, adventure map, battles, exchange window, as requested by players. See the changelog for a full list.
  • Multiplayer tweaks such as simultaneous turns for allies, option to change simultaneous turns settings with '!vote' command
As well as multiple crashfixes and minor tweaks. See full changelog here:

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