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Preview VE plays Oblivion


Nov 3, 2002
Tech Bro Hell
Actually, I criticize your silly-ass "persona" every chance I get.


Oct 23, 2002
Ouch! Bethesda really need to release at least a tech (rolling) demo of this for the PC (kind'a like X3 did), because their stated PC requirements sound like bullshit.

No Franc, because a demo wouldn't do the game justice! You'll just have to <s>play it</s> buy it for yourself and see!


Levski 1912

Jan 9, 2006
powerhouse--a Dell 3.4GHz packed with an ATI X1900 512MB card. The video settings were set at a modest 1280x768 and anti-aliasing was turned off.

There's going to be howls of wrath on the official forums come release day.


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
Gromnir said:
the whole Gromnir board persona got started as a way to poke fun of bg1 developers.

So why keep up with it? I would call it juvenile, but judging from your posts your age is something ancient more fit for an elf.


Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
So, it's not worth posting another thread, but there's a new preview on CVG written by a guy who seems to have lost all of his game time on customizing the avatar and then just posted what he remembered from the trailer videos.

Before long I'm reunited with the Emperor and guards, and they seem to be in a spot of bother. A relentless stream of Ninja Knights are assaulting the royal party and, unfortunately, no amount of sword swiping and shield wielding can save poor old Patrick Stewart from his fate. In an important plot point, Emperor Septim hands me the Amulet of Kings, with his parting request that I "Take the amulet to Jauffre, and my secret heir." Personally I would've rather sold it on Ebay.


Aug 5, 2004
Buffalo, NY
Spazmo said:
So you can really customize your face to an excruciating degree in a first person game where you'll never see your face anyhow. That's revolutionary game design right there.

You mean like in Mount & Blade?

Funny how that feature only seems like a bad idea to you guys when it's coming from Oblivion...


Sep 16, 2005
I can see the face of the player quite often in Mount & Blade, especially inside cities.
In Oblivion you'll have to switch to the (now confirmed) CRAPPILY ANIMATED 3rd person view and pray the model won't get stuck.
I'm extremely pissed with the animation department as it took away huge chunks of content from the game.


Nov 24, 2005
Tremere chantry
In MW people complained that there are not enough faces, and that those faces are hideous. Now they complain that you can customize them.

Yes, it's a cosmetic choice. No one forces you to spend hours tweaking your char's face. Let's bitch about things that are not in the game, but this?


Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
I don't think the feature is bad. I just don't think it deserves so much attention from the previewers. I don't think any other element of the game is mentioned more often.
I also doubt that your various facial traits will have any impact on the game itself.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Gromnir said:
yeah. bio fan boy is Gromnir. is the kinda stuff you get from codexian folks who never bother to read the bio boards and simply assume facts into existence... most recently Gromnir got a thread at bio locked 'cause we had audacity to claim that je were a mediocre seller. further, we slammed gaider's seeming reluctance to accept criticism from posters, which predictably were not accepted by gaider as constructive criticism. go figure. noted that twitchy action-rpg console stuff like Mass Effect gots 0 interest for us. told the biowarians, yet again, that focus on protagonist in crpg story is wasted effort. pointed out that the nwn villains all sucked...

is stuff only from last month or so.
You are such a badass, Gromnir.

though we do vd a major disservice by not further mocking his scotch thingie further... makes suggestion that something is clear in context but then confuses the heck out of self with a broken analogy? typical.
I'd say it's clear to everyone that my scotch example illustrates that "most people" rarely refer to the entire Earth population, and usually refer to the interested/affected party, but, by all means, do continue digging your way out.

"how does "not have a strong dislike for troika games" go with " troika were a crappy distiller of scotch"?"

easily. just as we can imagine a distiller of scotch that made pretty ok scotch that we likes somewhat... but completely failed at business side of things
Well, once again we disagree then. In my fantasy world (although to be honest, English isn't my first or even second language), crappy distiller = distiller making a crappy product, not a distiller making pretty ok scotch, but failing at business side. As a consumer, I'm interested only in the quality of scotch, not at the distiller's business sense.

again, this is part of that whole non-bias thing vd can't get. defend troika to death in spite of all the reasons not to is just as irrational as we would expect from you and yours.
Did you read the review (the first link above)?

btw, we actually reviewed most of the thread vd linked, and the only troikanaut/codexian that came out of the wash almost clean were spaz
Well, I'm glad you like someone here. Anyway, I posted that thread just to see if that's what you are talking about, since you refused to provide any links. I was simply curious where your bias is coming from.


Jan 11, 2004
"I'd say it's clear to everyone that my scotch example illustrates that "most people" rarely refer to the entire Earth population,"

which were never in question... never were debated... so no points gained

" and usually refer to the interested/affected party,"

give the man a prize! see, you ain't really addressed this at all. oh sure, you has deluded self into somehow believing that you has, but that seems to be a problem for you regardless. how does your scotch example show that "most people" in the present context, is obviously refrencing fallout 1 fans? it don't. congrats on proving that "most people" can be some group smaller than the entire population of earth, but as that were never really an issue you ain't made any headway. why not most people = gamers? why not most people = potential purchasers of fallout 3? you is the guy diggging ... and you is just digging yourself deeper and deeper.

"Did you read the review (the first link above)?"

yeah, and considering how flawed toee were we woulda' expected tim to have to pay spazmo for the ass kissing review that were. compare to your other "honest" and "no-holds barred" reviews (HA!) that were an unbiased review... and note that the reviewer, at the very least, admits his bias. is you who cannot see even when the reviewer admits... which is kinda crazy.

"Well, once again we disagree then. In my fantasy world (although to be honest, English isn't my first or even second language)"

ah, so your obtuse nature and bacwards arse responses is the result of esl. a cop-out, but if you feel you need it.

troika were in business to develop games, just as a distiller is in the business of making drinks. notice the word "business"? ultimately, whether you is making widgets or games or brew, the goal is to make money. no matter what your high ideals is, if you cannot make money, than you cannot make widgets or games or brew. should be obvious even to foreigners. if the widget maker or game maker or brew maker fails to make money, then they is a failure. see, those who fail is failures. keeping up? am going slow. so, as game developer troika were a failure, as they failed in prime concern of any commercial business: to make enough money to stay in business. troika failed... they were sucky game developers.

btw, we never said we liked spazmo... in fact we called him a tool earlier in this thread. got some bad reading comprehension... read whatever you want into posts? what we said were that spazmo came out clean(er) in that thread you linked. spaz sacked up and admitted a bias that you still deny. not have to like spaz to be able to admit that he gots some integrity.

HA! Good Fun!

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Gromnir said:
"I'd say it's clear to everyone that my scotch example illustrates that "most people" rarely refer to the entire Earth population,"

which were never in question... never were debated... so no points gained

" and usually refer to the interested/affected party,"

give the man a prize! see, you ain't really addressed this at all. oh sure, you has deluded self into somehow believing that you has, but that seems to be a problem for you regardless. how does your scotch example show that "most people" in the present context, is obviously refrencing fallout 1 fans? it don't.
Does everyone like/drink whiskey? No. Does everyone who drinks whiskey drinks scotch whiskey (vs Irish, Canadian, Bourbon, Rye, Tennessee, etc)? No. So, what are your talking about? Most people, in this case, would refer to a very particular group of people, and opinions of people who like German beer, Italian wine, Japanese sake would be absolutely irrelevant.

Similarly, most people in "most people would have prefer Troika to make FO3" refers to people who liked Fallout and somewhat care about the upcoming game.

why not most people = gamers?
Fallout wouldn't register on the radar of most gamers. They simply don't care, just like I wouldn't care who makes the next Halo, Fable, or TES game.

why not most people = potential purchasers of fallout 3?
Those who actually care who makes the next Fallout game are the Fallout fans. I don't think that Bethesda fans or sci-fi fans or pretty graphics fans are actually concerned what the name of a sci-fi game Bethesda is making.

"Did you read the review (the first link above)?"

yeah, and considering how flawed toee were we woulda' expected tim to have to pay spazmo for the ass kissing review that were. compare to your other "honest" and "no-holds barred" reviews (HA!) that were an unbiased review... and note that the reviewer, at the very least, admits his bias. is you who cannot see even when the reviewer admits... which is kinda crazy.
I meant my Bloodline impressions, genius.

troika were in business to develop games, just as a distiller is in the business of making drinks. notice the word "business"? ultimately, whether you is making widgets or games or brew, the goal is to make money.
The question is how and how much. I don't think that Troika ever thought that Arcanum can sell as much as a Diablo clone, for example. See my point?

no matter what your high ideals is, if you cannot make money, than you cannot make widgets or games or brew. should be obvious even to foreigners. if the widget maker or game maker or brew maker fails to make money, then they is a failure. see, those who fail is failures. keeping up? am going slow. so, as game developer troika were a failure, as they failed in prime concern of any commercial business: to make enough money to stay in business. troika failed... they were sucky game developers.
Uh, no. They were "sucky" businessmen, they were pretty good game developers. Again, as a consumer I don't give a fuck if a guy I'm dealing with has a fucking MBA degree. All I care is whether his product is good or not. Troika's products were good. Simple as that.


Jan 24, 2006
You'll see your face every time you pull up the inventory screen and related menus, unless you're wearing a helmet that covers it. I'd say that's pretty often.

One Wolf

Sep 27, 2005
Planet X
sarvis said:
Spazmo wrote:
So you can really customize your face to an excruciating degree in a first person game where you'll never see your face anyhow. That's revolutionary game design right there.

You mean like in Mount & Blade?

Funny how that feature only seems like a bad idea to you guys when it's coming from Oblivion...

its not a bad feature, it just doesn't effect gameplay in any way, and should take up about one sentence in a preview, and is hardly worth going on about.

i never saw anyone here go on and on about how awesome M&B is because of facial cust. its barely ever even mentioned.

i personally just hit the "done" key at customization screens, i just don't give a fuck. perhaps i'm alone in this, but somehow i doubt it.

One Wolf

Sep 27, 2005
Planet X
i did manage to spend a minute or two on my second character trying to make it as hideous as possible, but i was pretty bored that night.


Feb 9, 2006
Solik said:
You'll see your face every time you pull up the inventory screen and related menus, unless you're wearing a helmet that covers it. I'd say that's pretty often.

Absolutely. You nailed it. We will be seeing our characters faces a lot.

Don't expect anyone here to concede the point.

I've learned to appreciate your posts like a beacon of light on a stormy sea of corruption.

Levski 1912

Jan 9, 2006
Antiphon said:
I've learned to appreciate your posts like a beacon of light on a stormy sea of corruption.

Codex is double-plus ungood. They disagree with Bethesda Brother!


Feb 9, 2006
Levski 1912 said:
Antiphon said:
I've learned to appreciate your posts like a beacon of light on a stormy sea of corruption.

Codex is double-plus ungood. They disagree with Bethesda Brother!

No, there is a lot of good info and discussion at the Codex, but it often takes a long time to sift through the BS to find it.


Aug 4, 2005
Antiphon said:
Solik said:
You'll see your face every time you pull up the inventory screen and related menus, unless you're wearing a helmet that covers it. I'd say that's pretty often.

Absolutely. You nailed it. We will be seeing our characters faces a lot.

Don't expect anyone here to concede the point.

I've learned to appreciate your posts like a beacon of light on a stormy sea of corruption.
How does staring at the pretty face of my character while sorting my inventory effect the game at all? Nothing more than eye candy, and possibly creepy if the eyes follow you around. But if you couldn't choose what your character looks like, it wouldn't be there in the first place.

Not that I'm against customizing my avatar, it's good and all, but don't hype it up and pretend it is an awesome and deep part of the game (which it might be, considering what comprises the rest of the game content).


Jan 24, 2006
I don't think it was advertised as a deep and essential part of the game. Instead, it was advertised because it's something few single-player games have right now.

Why advertise deep quests, dialogue trees, and choices with consequences (to halt the flaming:), even if it had them? Those were all done over a decade ago.

Levski 1912

Jan 9, 2006
Why advertise deep quests, dialogue trees, and choices with consequences (to halt the flaming:), even if it had them? Those were all done over a decade ago.

Because those are the elements that constitute a good cRPG, and those are the elements RPG players like to hear about.

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