why are you going away? you could come back in future and regret making us beggar bums happy.
That ship has sailed, dude. My friend and I played Warframe together from when he was MR13 and I was MR0, right up through being MR23 bittervets who had literally everything and made 500-1000p per day just fucking around on warframe.market. Imagine always having a competent, knowledgeable pal to play and voice chat with, and then suddenly not having that anymore. There is a minority of competent veterans out there and there were a few in our clan, but it just wouldn't be the same.
More to the point though, the gameplay gets very repetitive after you've maxed every frame, every viable weapon, every decent/good/excellent mod, have all the arcanes you'll ever want, and have spent many hundreds of hours playing several builds on pretty much every frame. A new frame and a few weapons every once in awhile is just a momentary distraction.
The introduction of Rivens already had me on the cusp of quitting the game. It was blatantly obvious that DE was completely full of shit (as usual) with their stated goal of Rivens making underpowered weapons viable again. They did nothing of the sort, and besides, if DE really wanted to make shit weapons viable, they could simply have buffed their stats, as they've done with several other weapons in the past. Rivens increased power creep substantially, even after the nerf, and what DE really wanted to do was cause large amounts of platinum to change hands frequently. That makes them a lot of money despite what you might believe, because Riven mods work on a pure a lottery system (or did; it may be somewhat different now, but I doubt it).
I'll explain: When a poorfag F2P player rolls a God-tier Riven mod, he's almost certainly going to sell it for a lot of platinum. This platinum will either come from the dragon hoards of wealthy players, or from the credit cards of wallet warriors. This accomplishes two things: It reduces the overall amount of platinum richfags are just sitting on, which is necessary for that platinum to truly count as pure profit for DE (and increases the likelihood they'll eventually buy some more plat); and in the case of wallet warriors, the profit vector is obvious.
As for the poorfags who roll God-tier Riven mods, they spend all the platinum on slots, frames, Fashionframe, and so on. It may sound odd that the platinum must be spent before it can be counted as profit, but remember that there are currency faucets and currency sinks. Even though people have to purchase every single piece of platinum, only when that platinum is destroyed (by spending it in the cash shop) does it fully count as profit.
DE lies to its customers and are generally antagonistic toward their own player base. It's a good thing Space Mom is there to mellow out that collection of walking Canadian penises, and that's why F2P developers like to hire cute waifus to be Community Managers: as a lightning rod for the wrath of players when they do skeevy, underhanded, Jewish bullshit.
I am new to the game lololol
Kill yourself Blaine.
1v1 me bro.