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Warhammer Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War - turn-based 4X from Slitherine


Dec 26, 2014
On the internet, writing shit posts.
Guardsmen are pretty weak. Ratlings and Chimeras (Chimerae?) help a lot with the early game. IG are mostly a vehicle faction once you get past the early game.

I have not played Necrons but I think their armor and regeneration makes them relatively easy compared to IG.
They also have the hardest and probably most bullshit questline.
After you do the third (iirc) mission you're pretty much stuck fighting waves of enemies two missions in a row, and the last mission wants you to kill something like 20 kastellans and a techpriest within 20 turns.

Necrons, Orks and Space Marines at least have the decency to have you choose to activate a relic before starting the final mission. You don't get that with IG. It's very much possible to lose the game with them by accident if you do their questline.


Jun 7, 2008
Some of the DLC faction quest lines are like that. Once you get going it just keeps getting worse, no way off the train. The AdMech one was pretty outrageous lol. Enormous enemy armies of tier 10 units.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
If you build two cogitators, it's very easy to accidentally keep continuing the quest after that. Even when the game spawns like 10 slavers you have to kill, it's still very easy to do it by accident and then have to fight the techpriest army.


Jan 1, 2016
For my second game I did the Imperial Guard vs. Orks on very easy, as planned, just to see their tech tree.

Now for the third game I have started the real thing: All four original factions, medium map, medium difficulty. Necrons (me) vs. Space Marines, Imperial Guard and Orks. I'll see how it goes, but this one will be spread over a few days I imagine, instead of taking a single night. I've saved at about turn 22 for today. I'm really focusing on ore mining, since that is the staple food of the Necron.

Guardsmen are pretty weak. Ratlings and Chimeras (Chimerae?) help a lot with the early game. IG are mostly a vehicle faction once you get past the early game.

I have not played Necrons but I think their armor and regeneration makes them relatively easy compared to IG.
They also have the hardest and probably most bullshit questline.
After you do the third (iirc) mission you're pretty much stuck fighting waves of enemies two missions in a row, and the last mission wants you to kill something like 20 kastellans and a techpriest within 20 turns.

Necrons, Orks and Space Marines at least have the decency to have you choose to activate a relic before starting the final mission. You don't get that with IG. It's very much possible to lose the game with them by accident if you do their questline.
I did this mission last week. It was pretty surprising to face so many Castellans, so I'm glad you are saying the Imperial Guard mission is one of the harder ones. Thankfully, I pretty much owned the entire map by this time, and it was on an easy difficulty, so it wasn't too bad. A bunch of Baneblades and Leman Russ converged on them from all directions. I'm glad this one is out of the way, and good to know it isn't representative.

How is the Necron mission?


Dec 26, 2014
On the internet, writing shit posts.
For my second game I did the Imperial Guard vs. Orks on very easy, as planned, just to see their tech tree.

Now for the third game I have started the real thing: All four original factions, medium map, medium difficulty. Necrons (me) vs. Space Marines, Imperial Guard and Orks. I'll see how it goes, but this one will be spread over a few days I imagine, instead of taking a single night. I've saved at about turn 22 for today. I'm really focusing on ore mining, since that is the staple food of the Necron.

Guardsmen are pretty weak. Ratlings and Chimeras (Chimerae?) help a lot with the early game. IG are mostly a vehicle faction once you get past the early game.

I have not played Necrons but I think their armor and regeneration makes them relatively easy compared to IG.
They also have the hardest and probably most bullshit questline.
After you do the third (iirc) mission you're pretty much stuck fighting waves of enemies two missions in a row, and the last mission wants you to kill something like 20 kastellans and a techpriest within 20 turns.

Necrons, Orks and Space Marines at least have the decency to have you choose to activate a relic before starting the final mission. You don't get that with IG. It's very much possible to lose the game with them by accident if you do their questline.
I did this mission last week. It was pretty surprising to face so many Castellans, so I'm glad you are saying the Imperial Guard mission is one of the harder ones. Thankfully, I pretty much owned the entire map by this time, and it was on an easy difficulty, so it wasn't too bad. A bunch of Baneblades and Leman Russ converged on them from all directions. I'm glad this one is out of the way, and good to know it isn't representative.

How is the Necron mission?
I found it pretty easy. But then again, Necrons are an easy faction to play.
You do fight a huge army of rival necrons, but they should be manageable and it's not like the IG quest where they just throw three missions at you in quick succession.


Jan 1, 2016
All four original factions, medium map, medium difficulty. Necrons (me) vs. Space Marines, Imperial Guard and Orks.
I thought normal would be realtively easy, but basically all the factions ignored each other and rushed me.

It was more 3 cities vs 1 than 1 vs. 1 vs. 1 vs. 1.


Jun 7, 2008
Don't be in a rush to expand and explore the whole map. Wildlife can be vicious and there's seldom an advantage to starting a war before you are ready with the AIs. Use cover and often you will see enemy cities or outposts before they see you. Then back off and explore other directions.


Jan 1, 2016
I'm gonna try again from turn 23.

Four units of Space Marine infantry, four units of Imperial Guard infantry, and two Space Marine bike units just converged from two directions, but I'll try turtle-ing all my units near my city and see what happens.


Jun 7, 2008
Cities have good firepower and units inside their walls get good defense bonuses especially infantry. They are also concealed until they fire. In a pinch a mangled unit can go inside the fortress to heal safely. A defended city can likely hold off any early schenanigans from the AI.


Jan 1, 2016
Worked a lot better keeping the Space Marines in the fog of war; easy victory this time. I'll probably do Tau sometime soon, as it's the 40K faciton I usually ignore, and might be fun learning their units.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
New units! Get up in that bitch!

Tyranids get their Tyrannocyte for free.


Jun 7, 2008
Note that the patch includes a new free Tyranid unit, a transport, in case you are wondering why there isn't one in the list of DLC units.

Oops I see Lacrymas mentioned that, didn't see it.


Jun 7, 2008
Umbras are flyers, like those wasps. That means if you run in and snatch control of a special resource tile and run away, they can't snatch it back, since flyers can't take control of a hex. This means you can use them to shield you from enemies while guarding the resource hexes your scouts snatched. Yeah you might lose a scout now and then, but this is the grim darkness of the far future, their sacrifice is a necessary evil, or at least convenient to the commander.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
As with all 4X games, Gladius has a bit of a learning curve, especially since all the factions play differently. If you want to get into the pvp side of things you have to know them inside and out. Sisters are still op though.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
I must be missing something. The AI out-produces me even on the normal difficulty.
What faction are you playing, and what is your economy looking like?
Ive not played very far into any campaign yet, just fucking around with different factions. It feels like Im too slow though, even when I produce units as fast as possible with my first city.


Jan 1, 2016
I must be missing something. The AI out-produces me even on the normal difficulty.
What faction are you playing, and what is your economy looking like?
Ive not played very far into any campaign yet, just fucking around with different factions. It feels like Im too slow though, even when I produce units as fast as possible with my first city.
Don't let any unit die; retreat them if neccecary. They get a 33% healing bonus inside outposts. Building them over again wastes resources.


I would say... keep your very few units, say three infantry, fighting together early in the game. Have each one cover the other, so that they overwhealm anything that comes into range with overlapping fire. Explore in one direction, taking as many outposts as possible. Upon suspicion that one faction is nearby, halt. Muster your resources then push your lines forward to outside their city, overwatch killing anything that comes out. When you have enough blast weaponry or overwhealming numbers, you can wipe them off the map.

You are a German; Guderian's legacy is in your blood sir. Follow your Deutsche insticts; nothing piecemeal, when you come, you come in force.

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