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Warhammer Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War - turn-based 4X from Slitherine


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
How are they inspired by nu-Civ?

Btw I‘ve completed all the factions in Gladius except Delves and Sistahz and I’m bored now. Anything to spice things up?

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
Not really though? Even looking only at the last couple of posts, compare PC2 to FG2 and it's pretty obvious. It's not only about presentation, ui and the overall feel of moment to moment gameplay, but completely dropping various core mechanics that defined the genre in the nineties. There are degrees, of course, FG2 still does share some important parts with its predecessor.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
I don't like the hex-based system devs keep using that is perhaps inspired by nu-Civ, even to the point of reworking the MoM remake to use hexes, but that's about it. The most obvious change between FG1 and 2 I can think of is how ranged units work, which made them overpowered. I much prefer the way Field of Glory handles ranged units, but that's neither here nor there. I think I prefer 1upt because it makes each unit count.


Studio Draconis
May 6, 2011
Middle Empire
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Not really though? Even looking only at the last couple of posts, compare PC2 to FG2 and it's pretty obvious. It's not only about presentation, ui and the overall feel of moment to moment gameplay, but completely dropping various core mechanics that defined the genre in the nineties. There are degrees, of course, FG2 still does share some important parts with its predecessor.
However, Gladius city building is nothing like Civ at all, and its combat also plays very differently, being much closer to PG than civ.
It doesn't even feature civ signature level up abilities for units, who just get numeral increases (apart from heroes, but they end up with a sizeable part of the skill choices anyway).


Oct 30, 2023
Codex+ Now Streaming!
The AI with moderate bonus fucking butchers me. I’ve noticed that if I don’t engage the AI earlier in the game and don’t cripple its progression, it becomes unstoppable later since apparently it is much better at scaling production and warfare. I am more comfortable with like three cities and a compact elite army, while this mf can swarm the map with all types of trash and it utilizes LOS and overwatch much better than me. I played SM vs Orks and I missed that window to engage it and now it’s just an endless stream of green tide with every tile in and around my city being an ork fungus. Regretfully it’s just not fun with each turn taking too long and achieves very little.

Also this game needs a line of sight indicator of some sort, thing drives me mad.


May 14, 2012
The AI with moderate bonus fucking butchers me.
Git Gud.
I’ve noticed that if I don’t engage the AI earlier in the game and don’t cripple its progression, it becomes unstoppable later
True for every single early-mid focused faction. Which SM are.
I am more comfortable with like three cities
That is fine and recommended because of loyalty, minus if you are Nids.
compact elite army
That is not fine. Numbers mean everything. If you can't swarm your opponent then your "elite" army is practically useless. Minus some extreme examples like a tier 8 vs tier 2. I had plenty of games where lower tiered units just swarmed and destroyed higher tier units and cities. The SM grenade upgrades make them a deadly force all the way until somebody reached tier 6.
LOS and overwatch much better than me
Meh, the AI is not good at those things. You just need scouts or a sacrificial units to go in blind to detect their ambush. Plus you can use these elements yourself. The amount of times AI units have practically suicided into my units trying to follow me in a forest is too frequent for my tastes.
I played SM vs Orks and I missed that window to engage it
Yeah you are dead if you are going late game vs anything as SM. Any faction would demolish you if you didn't stop their expansion. Tactical marines with grenades ,bikes and a single Hero are enough to shit on any early orc expansion while you take over the map resources with bikes. And devastators will ruin their day easily soon since they are a tier 3 unit and hit like a truck. After that you can choose whatever you fancy for finishing them.
Also this game needs a line of sight indicator of some sort, thing drives me mad.
The UI lacks a lot of thing. Damage preview should show both melee and ranged, there is no interactive wiki, etc..


Oct 30, 2023
Codex+ Now Streaming!
How valid is the tactic of boosting research from the start to get high tier units earlier in the game in multiplayer? It works for me playing vs AI on large maps, but I feel like missing some fun skipping low and mid tier units.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
How valid is the tactic of boosting research from the start to get high tier units earlier in the game in multiplayer? It works for me playing vs AI on large maps, but I feel like missing some fun skipping low and mid tier units.
It depends on the faction and map size. SM tend to do well with that on a larger map f.e. Boosting research early on smaller maps is 99.9% of the time a bad idea.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
I copied it directly from GOG, I think the Codex adds its own affiliate link automatically.


Dec 27, 2008
Waay too many DLCs. What are the mandatory ones? The non-race ones. CAn you cram all factions in a single game or are the maps not big enough?


Dec 26, 2014
On the internet, writing shit posts.
Waay too many DLCs. What are the mandatory ones? The non-race ones. CAn you cram all factions in a single game or are the maps not big enough?
Paradox's shitty business model is spreading. Except Paradox can somewhat justify it by offering a lot of permutations and replayability. I played Gladius on Steam and it really didn't offer that much in variety.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Waay too many DLCs. What are the mandatory ones? The non-race ones. CAn you cram all factions in a single game or are the maps not big enough?
There are no mandatory ones*. I don't mind Gladius's DLC model because the game is actually good, all the DLCs add valuable gameplay elements and the dev team is comprised of 3 people. Yeah, it's also subjective. Gladius is a good game and good games deserve support.

* The packs that add Ratlings and Chimeras to the Imperial Guard are a special case. These units aren't always crucial for the faction in general, but are crucial if you intend to play "low tech" infantry games or the smallest possible maps where the IG's infantry is viable.

I played Gladius on Steam and it really didn't offer that much in variety.
It has more variety in a single faction than any Warhammer game to date.


Jun 7, 2008
I have been having hundreds of hours of fun with the game for years and do not own all the race DLC. I will never own the Tau one. I may or may not buy the Drukhari one. But the ones I do have, I added slowly over the years, you certainly don't need them all at once. If you play for hundreds of hours and want more, buy another faction. If not, then don't bother.

Same with the unit packs, you can get one, now and then, to add some spice but they certainly are not mandatory.

I mean tabletop 40K itself is based on selling factions and units (minis), doesn't every 40K game do this? It's the nature of a huge game universe. Unlike a game like Civ the units differ radically from faction to faction, even the economic systems are different as are the special faction abilities that radically change the gameplay. Randomized world maps with lots of settings to tweak make the game have almost infinite replayabity. I am over 1,200 hours, a friend is over 2,000.

Note I am agreeing with Lacrymas even though he's been a dick to me in the discord recently, that's how good the game is.

(Still don't get the big deal about Imagifiers, they are the LVP's in my current game.)

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