One of Warhammer 40K's contradictions: Chaos is organised. The bodies of it's followers are organised into cells, organs, systems. The demons are themselves organised into species and clades. Nurgle has to invent plagues, test them, see if they work, according to the natural physical laws of reality. The Chaos Space Marine warbands are organised into ranks, structures and regimented armies. The engine of a Chaos Space Marine "Rhino" is organised to perform internal combustion, with systematic chemistry and physics underpinning it. The bolter rounds in their guns are an ordered shell of metal, surrounding explosive materials, kept separate and deliniated until impact. Demons are not 'random', or else nothing would spill out of warp portals, except arbitrary goo.
Would it perhaps be more to say that Chaos Gods represents the forces that 'lead to entropy', but are not Chaos itself?