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Warhammer Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader Pre-Release Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Jun 13, 2019
:M Cassia's shooting down RT advances


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love

Yesss. There needs to always be an option in these games to tell people to stuff it when they start doing their weird American therapy emotional unloading on you.

"I don't really care, Wrex" was almost funny enough to justify Mass Effect's existence.


Nov 29, 2018
Pathfinder had a painfully generic fantasy setting, with walls of text and boring text adventures. I couldn't stomach playing it for more than a few hours.

This has a much better setting, but watching some streams the game appears to have walls of text for dialogue again?

Does it have text adventures too?


Jan 7, 2021
Chaotic Neutral

the fuck is this average enemy info in this chapter nonsense
hope you can remove it
If you need a system that needs artificial barriers like this, because your core systems cannot handle character growth, then your core systems are trash. One of the prime reason why WoW's mechanics, and those of many of its derivatives, are god damn trash.

+1% crit chance increase should be +1% crit chance increase. Not +1% crit chance at level 1 and 0.2% crit chance at level 5. If it's really that problematic, either rework the crit mechanic or add a +1% crit chance immunity stats or some shit.

Mechanics like this are one of the quickest ways to turn me off from a game, and why I still (generally) love D&D. Because they don't do this shit.
How the fuck can you "reduce" something by "-20%?" That wording effectively means +20%.

It's either a 20% reduction or a change of -20%. Choose one.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Pathfinder had a painfully generic fantasy setting, with walls of text and boring text adventures. I couldn't stomach playing it for more than a few hours.

This has a much better setting, but watching some streams the game appears to have walls of text for dialogue again?

Not surprised it has. Not many people know how to write nowadays.

I doubt Owlcat working model will change - system bloat + woke companions + text dumps. The saddest thing is that they think they are innovating with these minigames.

Their sin is greater than Soyers, who had to come up with an original ruleset - while they were handed a premade ruleset and campaign - and still managed to fuck up the gameplay. I am going to pirate this and write my impressions.


Sep 27, 2020

the fuck is this average enemy info in this chapter nonsense
hope you can remove it
It's based on the Black Industries 40k RPG system. It was a percentile dice system that was directly based on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying but in spaaaaace. You roll a d100 under or matching a percentage. Which will normally be a stat such as Ballistic Skill or so on. That's what it's talking about. The virtual dice have to roll under 26% of a D100. So roll a 26 or under your agility stat most likely. The TTRPGs whilst crunchy were pretty easy to explain to a layman. Any percentile D100 based system just boils down to "Low dice roll good. Big dice roll bad" It's just not very well explained by this piece of shit game. But at least it's not THAC0 from AD&D or whatever the fuck bs GURPS would sometimes pull on you.

gurps is literally 3d6 you succeed if you roll below skill - modifiers lol. On every single roll no matter what, only exception is damage. How is that bs lol
GURPS retards love to say disingenuous shit like this. Yes you are correct that base skill rolls are 3D6. But what you are purposfully obsfucating is all the bullshit around a roll. And the maths you have to do. Simple adding and subtraction is fine. But having to do multiple roles which you then have to times or divide by other roles and stats in books just to simulate a car running over another player will NEVER be simple. You also love to ignore that GURPs characters are primarily pre generated by the GM because the chargen is so fucking awful and unintuitive that it's easier to just hand a player a sheet than explain how to actually make a character. Up there with Battletech A Time of War with how fucking autistic it is. And the cop out excuse from GURPS idiots is "well just don't use those rules. GURPS is a tool kit." ignoring that GURPS idiots always want every last thing simulated and rolled for with stupidly autistic maths equations and get arsey if they don't get that. So that's what is designed, and catered to. House ruling things is fine but if I have to omit huge parts of the game that I don't like why the fuck am I playing that game at all then?

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