DakaSha said:@joasoze
joasoze said:you can actually play this game multiplayer in browser. Its great fun. Its at warbarons dot com
I play as joasoze and I have no part in making or marketing the game.
I am actually serious. Its a pure copy of warlords and its free. They used to have the warlords graphics in beta 3, but have gotten new in beta 4. Guess they dont wanna get sued. Its made by two swedes.DakaSha said:fagé
joasoze said:you can actually play this game multiplayer in browser. Its great fun. Its at warbarons dot com
I play as joasoze and I have no part in making or marketing the game.
seriously though
Exmit said:i've got 32bit XP and still no go
I agree, Warlords 3 was the pinnacle.SkeleTony said:Warlords 2 was great for it's time but Warlords 3: Darklords Rising was the best of the series by far IMO. If you are into customization in the form of creating new character classes, units, spells, sides etc. then download SSG's Warlords3 tools(and/or Mythlord's DLR tools editor. They both have some bugs that the other does not so most use Mythlords to do some things then open up their creations in the War3tools editor to finish up).
You can find those as well as damned near everythuing else ever created for Warlords 2, 3, 4 over at Wooger's site
Warlords 3/DLR's 'simple' combat is kind of misleading. Yes there is not much in the way of tactics but you need to pay close attention to the bonuses/abilities of your units and heroes vs. those of enemy stacks.
The graphics in W3/DLR are bad(even at the time of their release they were bad) but the gameplay makes DLR the equal of Heroes III for different reasons.
The "Battlecry" games are real-time w/pause but they are VERY well done and in some ways even better than the TB Warlords games(character development and tactical options for example).
Avoid Warlords 4 like the plague. Even with all the recent patches made by KGB(the sole fan with access to the source code as far as I know) it is a shitty game(and Steve Fawkner seems to agree. His design doc for Warlords 5 is largely an apology for Warlords 4).
catfood said:Does anyone have a manual pdf for Warlords 3 (DLR but even ROH would be good). I get the feeling that I'm missing out on a lot of tips without it. In-game help is almost non-existent.
PS: the soundtrack for War2, War2Dx, ROH and DLR is up and ready for download at www.warlorders.com. It's incomplete but there's about 30 tracks in total and you can make a sweet random playlist to play in the background while enjoying the games.
Exmit said:i've got 32bit XP and still no go
Yeah they only had 1 and 4 and a couple Battlecry games. I mean have played these gamesfor years so I can play them fine without a manual. Just nice for detailed unit information and other things Iskim on my tablet while playing. Hopefully someone might have it but if not no big deal.Did you check www.replacementdocs.com ?
Shit man, I'm all for hardcore don't give me no shit attitude, but only one map ?You people all suck. Warlords I is where it was at.
Anyway to set it so that my widescreen monitor NOT automatically stretch the 4:3 to full 16:9?