Excellent news! I absolutely love every bit of information there. However, it can be even better! I already feel spoiled but little things make big differences so I will stress yet a few more things about camera and general controls!
(1) Camera rotation in 90º increments is already great but why leave it there? Since we will have an option to set the camera pan speed (a slider, I imagine?), why not give the same treatment to rotation? Perhaps a slider that goes like: [ Free / 5 / 15 / 22,5 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 180 ] (or any degree from 1 to 180).
(2) An option to switch to orthographic projection, and if not, at least to set the FOV angle of the camera will surely save a lot of people a lot of headache! It will make it easier to assess the whole screen at the very least, as no matter how hard you try, perspective always gets in the way of things.
(3) Arrow + WASD keys + edge of the screen are great variety to pan the camera but how about one last extra? A "pan" key so that you can hold it down and move the mouse to pan the camera, without dragging the mouse at the edges of the screen.
And for a non-camera related request,
(4) RTWP controls for non-combat! Because the game plays in real time outside combat and so do other things in the game. In Fallout, lack of a Pause feature to issue orders while paused was not a problem because you commanded only one character but when you are commanding several characters, the ability to pause the game at any time, asses your environment and revise your tactics is vital.
Imagine if the "pause and issue orders" aspect of Infinity Engine games worked only during combat. Imagine you couldn't issue orders to your party while paused unless you were in combat. That would take a lot from the game, now, wouldn't it? What is different with Wasteland 2, a party based game with TB combat? Absolutely nothing. We need to be able to coordinate our rangers without having to race against the AI in real-time, before and outside combat. So give us RTWP (please :blink: :blink: )
That's all. I guess.