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Jan 10, 2008
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Bubbles In Memoria
When it comes to breaking doors, being fat and heavy is all that matters. House wrecking balls don't have muscle strength.


Apr 1, 2013
Instead I am certain that the door will stay there unscathed, only imbeciles believe that bodybuilders are not only strong but superstrong, are you twelve years old?

Sure, maybe the primary goal of bodybuilding isn't strength, but bodybuilders such as shown in the picture are much stronger than the average person, and they do use weight progression for hypertrophy. Didn't you know Arnold competed in powerlifting and his godfather Franco Columbu was the winner of several strongman competitions? Also have you heard of Stan Efferding? He currently holds the all-time raw world powerlifting records in the 275-pound-class in the Total with and without knee wraps (/w 2,303 lbs; w/o 2,226.6 lbs) and in the Squat without knee wraps (854 lbs).

So your disdain for bodybuilders doesn't mean they aren't much stronger than you.

It's quite a leap to say that Kz3r0 has "disdain for bodybuilders" based on what he said.

Breaking a door down doesn't have all that much to do with strength anyway and more to do with body mass and kicking technique. Even a bodybuilder would probably just dislocate his shoulder with the old shoulder-to-the-door method and his effectiveness would probably be the same as a fat person of equivalent weight trying it. Upper body strength is most likely completely useless in breaking down doors unless you are using a battering ram.


Aug 28, 2013
It's quite a leap to say that Kz3r0 has "disdain for bodybuilders" based on what he said.
Breaking a door down doesn't have all that much to do with strength anyway and more to do with body mass and kicking technique. Even a bodybuilder would probably just dislocate his shoulder with the old shoulder-to-the-door method and his effectiveness would probably be the same as a fat person of equivalent weight trying it. Upper body strength is most likely completely useless in breaking down doors unless you are using a battering ram.
As long as youve got a teammate, youll always have a serviceable battering ram.
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Jul 30, 2010
Bros I am nowhere near as strong as Arnie, yet I have busted down many doors with only my brute force. It is not hard, and definitely not really a skill.


Aug 9, 2013
Bros I am nowhere near as strong as Arnie, yet I have busted down many doors with only my brute force. It is not hard, and definitely not really a skill.
Depends on the door.

It also depends on the locks, and how the locks are secured to the frame/door. Mythbusters did an episode about it a while back

Is it possible for a medium-to-large build man to bust through a wooden doorframe on his own power?


Using only his shoulder, Jamie was able to break through three of the four locks installed on the doorframe the Build Team constructed that met the American Building Code standards. The only reason the fourth lock did not break was because the Build Team used stronger screws to anchor it into the frame than what came with the actual lock. Adam attempted to break the fourth lock but slipped on a mat in front of the door and fell on his back instead. Still, considering that Jamie got so far by simply shoulder-ramming, a determined individual could easily break through.


Apr 9, 2013
Yea, I agree with that.

Once I was stuck outside and couldn't really find a way in to my apartment and decided to see if I can break the door and it was pretty easy. But when I tried that a few years later on a different lock I couldn't and I only ended up hurting my shoulder.


±¼ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 16, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Divinity: Original Sin 2
Yea, I agree with that.

Once I was stuck outside and couldn't really find a way in to my apartment and decided to see if I can break the door and it was pretty easy. But when I tried that a few years later on a different lock I couldn't and I only ended up hurting my shoulder.

Here we have a perfect example that being strong its not enough to break a door if you do not have the technique and the fuckin' knowledge.
rule number 1: never use your shoulder when taking down doors


Sep 26, 2012
Yea, I agree with that.

Once I was stuck outside and couldn't really find a way in to my apartment and decided to see if I can break the door and it was pretty easy. But when I tried that a few years later on a different lock I couldn't and I only ended up hurting my shoulder.

Here we have a perfect example that being strong its not enough to break a door if you do not have the technique and the fuckin' knowledge.
rule number 1: never use your shoulder when taking down doors

Real talk.



±¼ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 16, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hey Brother None!

Check out his new skill idea!

<<Defining Toughness
Men in particular often confuse toughness with strength, thinking that being strong is automatically the same as being tough, when in fact the two are distinct qualities. As Erwan Le Corre, founder of MovNat, says, “Some people with great muscular strength may lack toughness and easily crumble when circumstances become too challenging. On the other hand, some people with no particularly great muscular strength may be very tough, i.e., capable of overcoming stressful, difficult situations or environments.>>

Nov 19, 2009
bit too sleak.

When it comes to breaking doors, being fat and heavy is all that matters. House wrecking balls don't have muscle strength.

Except the only application of the brute force skill we've seen so far involved pushing a cart out of a ditch. Somehow I'm guessing that doesn't involve being fat.

But like Infinitron pointed out, these skills have nothing to do with making sense in the first place (like say, having multiple people push the cart), so this discussion is completely pointless.


Apr 9, 2013
Grotesque & Behelit: Thank you:lol:

Aren't fat guys strong? I don't mean chubbies I mean fat people with arms as big as someone's thigh or torso for example. I am not sure if the latter can even walk.
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Crooked Bee

(no longer) a wide-wandering bee
Jan 27, 2010
In quarantine
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire MCA Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
The fax paper is absolutely awful but other than that the UI is fine. Whatever though, as long as the game's good.

A user named cat

Any better? Added rust, crust, cracks and all that.



Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
I won't deny, it does look good, but the usability of both yours and the official one are mostly the same, so it became only a point of personal taste now, not "OMG, THIS SUCKS!".

A user named cat

I won't deny, it does look good, but the usability of both yours and the official one are mostly the same, so it became only a point of personal taste now, not "OMG, THIS SUCKS!".
Yes they'd both function the same and it's all preference but I hate the look of segmented elements and buttons just randomly popamoling around the edges. It just comes off as lazy, uninspired, derp-gen pandering and requires less work for graphic artists. I don't care about seeing more of the bottom of the screen - give me a solid, themed and connected UI any day.


Oct 11, 2012
I won't deny, it does look good, but the usability of both yours and the official one are mostly the same, so it became only a point of personal taste now, not "OMG, THIS SUCKS!".
Yes they'd both function the same and it's all preference but I hate the look of segmented elements and buttons just randomly popamoling around the edges. It just comes off as lazy, uninspired, derp-gen pandering and requires less work for graphic artists. I don't care about seeing more of the bottom of the screen - give me a solid, themed and connected UI any day.

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