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Wasteland Wasteland 2 Quirks and Perks


The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Been playing all afternoon despite wanting to try AoD but I have just been hooked
I wanted to try out some quirks and so far they are pretty meh, the only one I liked so far is the Asetic quirk. My chars are currently level 6 and while some perks sound interesting I have not choosen any so far although the gun perks that raise your critical chance per hit on a target seems nice, have any of you guys tried quirks and perks so far? Any thought on those?
Also I have not used the targeting system almost at all, perhaps the fact that the starting gun skills dont leave much room for losing hit % but they could prove nice at the higher levels


Angelic Reinforcement
Dec 28, 2013
In your face
Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit. Pathfinder: Wrath
Not sure quirks are good for effective builds, they can however spice up the gameplay quite a bit. I took quirks on all of my characters. I find Manic-Depressive to be pretty fun since it constantly changes the stats of your char, sometimes in the middle of combat. I also put Two Pump Chump on one of my chars, it gives you a significant buff in the first two rounds and after that a significant debuff. Its a pretty shitty quirk actually and I didn't think this through before I took it but it does spice up the combat, sometimes I apply pretty aggressive and risky tactics with that char just to make the most of his early buff.


The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Yeah I got Two pump too for my sniper abd it is fun since I adapted my playstyle to go for the headshot or blowing away the weapons on the hardest foes first or going for the kill straight away, then I gave him a shotgun and a couple of points there in case the enemy got close
They add some spice to the game maybe not very recommended for a first time playthrough but some are fun way to move you put of the confort zone


Apr 12, 2015
ditto 2 pump chump for the sniper. especially if thats the high Perc character initiating combat...i get 3 free shots in before the enemy can close.

im also enjoying fainting goat for my pistol/talkie guy, its saved his ass a few times so he can close in.


Jan 1, 2015
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Don't pick Unlucky. The lightning can hit and kill friendly/neutral targets during combat, not just your party or the enemy.


Mar 16, 2015
Evasion quirk is good for melee, they will be up front most of the time and away from your leadership character anyways. And at high levels hit chance is above 100% anyways.
Feb 11, 2007
I've been playing this game for the first time and I too took Two Pump Chump on one of my chars. "-1 Action Points and -15% Chance to Hit for each turn after the first 2 combat turns". Is that cumulative? It would be a really bad drawback if it is, and I did see that character AP drop severely once during a long fight (enough to make him completely useless as I made him a close combat specialist).


Feb 16, 2011
Thick skin seems good for many builds. The reduced combat speed is not very noticeable for most ranged chars during combat since you don't need to move that much.
The +2 bonus to armor class OTOH should help to finally keep ahead of enemy armor penetration (which was quite difficult in vanilla).
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a Goat

Dumbfuck Edgy Vatnik
Jun 15, 2014
Psychopath for my cqc 10 Strength 10 Speed motherfucker works great.

Thick skin for sniper, because he doesn't run a lot.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
After finishing the DC here's my take, hope it helps. (Edited after major dumbfuckery, you can take only 1 quirk).

- Animal Husbandry - terrible, Animal Whisperer is an useless skill and a total waste of skill points
- Ascetic - bad, +5 skill points is a pittance, read up on meta and half-way through you'll have more points than you can use, +1 Attribute is nice but not being able to use trinkets is bad
- Asshole - the Ass skills are generally just cosmetic, giving you a handful of XP or loot here and there or saving you a couple of fights (the only exception is the Smart Ass check at the end of the Ag Centre rescue that'll give you a permanent healer which in that stage of the game is very useful) so this Quirk is kindda whatever. I still wouldn't pick it because doing the Ass checks is fun and you'll have more than enough points to max them all out anyway.
- Brittle Bones - excellent, take it for you Assault Weapons users, so they have 12 AP total, and they'll tear shit up. Movement penalty is not very important in their case. Don't take it for your sniper (won't be able to shoot twice per round anyway since a sniper shot is 7 AP per pop) or melees obviously.
- Delayed Gratification - terrible, you'll need all the skill points you can get in the first 1/3 of the game. And half-way through you'll have more points than you'll need.
- Disparnumerophobia - potentially great (haven't tried) if you level up only every second level. Delayed levelling might not even be that much of a problem since you generally level up quite fast.
- Fainting Goat - on Ranger and Supreme Jerk very good, could be an annoyance in AZ since the mobs are not that dangerous but from LA on when most mobs can two-shot you it can be a lifesaver. On lower difficulties bad.
- Manic Depressive - haven't tried but it looks like an excercise in masochism. In the case of Attributes 1 point can make a big difference for all sorts of stats, including AP, initiative or skill points per level.
- Mysophobic - quite good if you develop the Field Medic skill for at least two of your toons, which I strongly recommend anyway.
- Opportunistic - terrible. You're basically throwing away 2/3 of your average damage for no good reason.
- Psychopath - irrelevant, after a couple of levels your melees will have full hit chance AND very high crit chance anyway.
- Raised in the Circus - nice for your melees. They don't need the leadership bonus since they have 100% hit chance from very early on anyway and evasion is extremelly important for them, expecially from mid-game on.
- Repressed Rage - terrible, not being able to crit normally is just an awful malus and from mid-game on, on higher difficutlies, a crit in your face often means speedy death.
- Thick Skinned - excellent for your snipers, assault gunners (if you don't take Brittle Bones for some reason) and even shotgunners (if you take a shotgunner which I recommend against since shotguns in DC are terrible). Being able to constantly keep ahead of enemy penetration capability is extremelly useful.
- Twitchy - quite nice for your melees, hit chance is not a problem for them, but Raised in the Circus is probably better.
- Two-Pump Chump - on higher difficulties you WANT to end most fights within 3 turns anyway so it could be potentially good for your assaulters. But Brittle Bones is probably better.
- Unlucky - can't say, haven't tried.
- Way of the Squeezins - terrible, Squeezins are very rare and expensive. Worth considersing maybe for your energy weapons users but energy weapons are bad in DC, or more precisely Assault Weapons are much better.
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Jul 18, 2015
Russia atchoum!
Here is my 5 kopeks - the only quirk that give stable perfomans is Disparnumerophobia. Thick Skinned is great too. Brittle Bones for shooters.
The rest only worth for RP reasons...

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