So I have just completed Arizona and here are my thoughts (quite spoilerish) before venturing into LA:
-The best area is the Titan Canyon. Choice between unstable crazies and raiders in disguise is quite difficult. Were there no danger of silo 7 I would left the area in a status quo. But giving the temple to the militia and then disabling the nuke seems like the most sane and stable conclusion. I like how you could interrupt npc conversation and reach different outcome by it.
-Ag Center was a cool dungeon crawler with a nice atmosphere.
-Prison was very nice thematically and was good but I think some more work would take it on Titan Canyon level as it felt undeveloped.
-Damonta was the first place where I felt some actual difficulty. Fighting robots feels so different than fighting humans with all their abilities. Which in turn makes a good encounter design. Also the final battle was pretty marvelous with all those computer manipulations.
-Raid Nomads was quite boring although I don't get why people are complying about going back and forth. I didn't have any need for that.
-The number of things that are commented on by rangers in Citadel is staggering. They have something to say not only on the most completed quest but also what their say is completely different by the outcome of those quests.
-Playing for the first time on the ranger difficulty. Having 1 assault weapon, 1 sniper riffle, 1 shotgun, 1 smg, 1 pistol/heavy weapons, 1 knife. Difficulty is quite easy. No problems with ammo which are plentifull, although if someone had multiple characters using the same type of ammo then he/she may have some problems with it. Only in Damonta I had to actually start caring about my meds supplies.
-Perks are so much fun! Many of them can really make characters play differently.
-Character system is strong. The lack of attributes and skills synergy is really a big flaw, but overall there are many posibilites for diverse character building...
-... which are hindered by weapon imbalances. SMG and shotguns feel substantially weaker to the overpowered assault riffles.
-Meet after AG a vendor which sold me high tier weapons cheaply. Didn't like that.
-Radio signals on the map really boost the atmosphere. Sadly most of them are broadcast during an early game and after that there is a silence in the air.
-Aimed shots are very useful on experienced characters. Taking armor away from robots, crippling their to hit chance or making them malfunction really felt impactfull against stronger opponents. Hope in LA there will be more of them.
-Random loot. Totally unfun.
-Music by Morgan is good but nowhere near as good as Fallouts and Torment tracks.
-Writing is good but I think it suffers from keyword system. You ask same questions to most npcs in the area, answers are somehow different, some npc are better informed than others, but it still feels artificial, takes some of the individuality from the people the player meet. Environmental descriptions are very good and in some cases (most of AG) excellent.
-Rosie is cool. Not only is she well done good natured characters who doesn't feel cliche but I was somehow surprised she had an influence on the Darwin Village. Had also Takayuki with me, a cliched but still fun young brave warrior type. Had Angela, but after she left I didn't take anyone else.
-Comparisons barks are quite common and does not suffer from ”this is the moment where companions should bark syndrome”. Everyone comments on things according tho their character and current situation. Really strong point here. It actually feels like a natural progression from BG1, Fallout 2 style companions.
-Crafting weapons is fun. It doesn't suffer from ”either found/bought weapons or crafted one are more powerful” syndrome. Crafting gives small but useful improvements to the gear, which to the degree changes the way it is used but not make them better than stronger weapons.
-There are many skillchecks, varied with a quite high requirements. But I don't like the fact the chances of passing them ale explicitly shown. It takes away the mystery. Also I don't like that most skills uses are shown by right clicking on objects. It works for locks which have 4 skills used to open them and can their usage can be sometimes quite arbitrary but for other things I don't like it, but when check should surely be hidden it usually is.
- Had one crash, some small display bugs. I would say it is bugfree but I have always had both luck with bugs and high tolerance for those.
The overall experience was really good. Maybe it would be lower if my expectations weren't lowered by the codex, but it was fun. Have the fumiest debuff description I have seen :