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What’s Your Favourite post-Morrowind Bethesda Game ?

What’s Your Favourite post-Morrowind Bethesda Game ?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jun 19, 2018
Probably Oblivion's shivering isles addon. Followed by skyrim. I really tend to really love my first 60 hours of TES games. Past Morrowind (evem MW is to an extent), TES are just LARPing sandboxes. So usually I tend to get one really good playthrough out of them which is nice enough. I rarely go back to them even with mods.


Dec 9, 2011
The best of the worst after Morrowind would be:

Dragonborn Add-on for Skyrim (which returns game to Morrowind)
And Far Harbor Add-on for Fallout 4 (which turns game into Morrowind)


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
Incorrect. Liquidation agents dispatched.

Daggerfall dungeons are serious business. You can't go into a dungeon as if going on a walk in the park like in other games. You don't just happen upon one and go "oh look, a dungeon, let's see what's inside". They require deliberate preparation and travel and each is its own adventure. Some of the best dungeoneering fun there is.

Dungeons have been in perpetual decline since after Daggerfall. The formula wasn't taken further and developed.

I'd agree if dungeons were a relatively rare thing, but joining virtually any guild and doing any questline can see the player having to clear multiple dungeons in a row. I guess you could pace it out by constantly re-rolling quests until you get one that takes place in a town or city rather than a dungeon, but the majority of players will still see themselves heading into dungeon after dungeon, maybe about twenty dungeons over the course of a playthrough (not counting the main quest). When every one of those dungeons turns into a sprawling 3 hour nightmare session, and could possibly be broken in a way that makes it impossible to complete or requires an ability you don't have, the positive aspects of Daggerfall's dungeons evaporate pretty quickly.

This feels like an appropriate point to evangelise about Daggerfall Unity again for anyone who doesn't already know - they added a smaller dungeons setting a while ago that makes most non-quest dungeons consist of about five randomly generated blocks instead of 300 billion, and the game becomes much more fun as a result (for anyone who didn't like the original style of dungeons, anyway).
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Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Rage or Doom, probably Doom. (I still don't like those, either, but at least Doom has a good soundtrack.)


Jan 5, 2019
Oblivion > Fallout 3 >> Skyrim >>>>>>>>>>> Fallout 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> death by cheese grater >>>>>>>>>>>>> 76 > Blades

Skyrim is handily winning the poll? I guess the new Top 100 poll accurately reflects what people think.
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Mar 22, 2018
None, they are all terrible. Some might be less bad than others, but they are all still terrible in the end.

And even if i wanted to play them again, they're far too shallow and souless to be enjoyable even on a very, very basic level. Even if i just ignore most of the issues they have, the experience would still be extremely unsatisfying in the end and i would start to question why didn't i just played an actual good game instead.

Of course i'm talking about pure vanilla experience. Heard some of the total conversion mods are pretty good.
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Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Oblivion > Fallout 3 >> Skyrim >>>>>>>>>>> Fallout 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> death by cheese grater >>>>>>>>>>>>> 76 > Blades

Skyrim is handily winning the poll? I guess the new Top 100 poll accurately reflects what people think.

All the proof one could ever need of Oblivion causing severe brain damage.

Skyrim >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shivering Isles >> death by cheese grater >>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else, base Oblivion included.

Is the only ordering that makes sense.

Deleted Member 16721

I liked them all. Yet to play Fallout 76 but I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Skyrim is dope, Oblivion is great, Fallout 3 and 4 are dope. Bethesda makes my favorite games, long live those guys.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Even Skyrim is outright terrible. Horrible writing, awful faces, and worst of all, shitty tiny dungeons with in-built shortcuts and samey, boring designs fighting the same old garbage over and over.


Jan 5, 2019
DraQ, Skyrim has three strengths:
  • Combat is best in the franchise, which isn't saying much
  • Atmosphere, like all Bethesda games
  • Lore, like all Bethesda games, though to a lesser extent than the previous two entries
And that's it. The whole enchilada.

Now without getting into a 500 page essay listing the numerous and painfully obvious ways Skyrim is inferior to every other TES game plus Fallout 3, consider this series of anecdotes that first came to mind:
  • Join College of Winterhold --> do two quests --> congratulations, axe-wielding Orc who knows one spell; you are now the CHOSEN ONE!
  • Join Thieves Guild --> fahnd yur wae to da bass cement --> great job making it down here, CHOSEN ONE!
  • Join Dark Brotherhood -- do two quests, again --> it appears you are... the CHOSEN ONE!
  • Join Companions --> wait, backtrack: this is before you even join them; it's first conversation before you even get the nod -> hold on there Vilkar, you're speaking to the CHOSEN ONE!


Mar 22, 2018
  • Join College of Winterhold --> do two quests --> congratulations, axe-wielding Orc who knows one spell; you are now the CHOSEN ONE!
  • Join Thieves Guild --> fahnd yur wae to da bass cement --> great job making it down here, CHOSEN ONE!
  • Join Dark Brotherhood -- do two quests, again --> it appears you are... the CHOSEN ONE!
  • Join Companions --> wait, backtrack: this is before you even join them; it's first conversation before you even get the nod -> hold on there Vilkar, you're speaking to the CHOSEN ONE!
You know this applies to Oblivion too, you retard? It was the first to do the "join a guild, two days later you are the leader of the faction". And that's not even to mention the writing, how the Mages Guild turned Mannimarco, one of the most feared, if not the most feared Necromancer in the series, into a complete joke that dies in less than 10 seconds at any level. And you literally don't need to know a single spell to beat the whole questline, they go as far as to give you the necessary scrolls to cast the necessary spells to do the quests. So that literally every build can do the questline regardless of the skills you choose.


Jan 5, 2019
You know this applies to Oblivion too, you retard? It was the first to do the "join a guild, two days later you are the leader of the faction". And that's not even to mention the writing, how the Mages Guild turned Mannimarco, one of the most feared, if not the most feared Necromancer in the series, into a complete joke that dies in less than 10 seconds at any level. And you literally don't need to know a single spell to beat the whole questline, they go as far as to give you the necessary scrolls to cast the necessary spells to do the quests. So that literally every build can do the questline regardless of the skills you choose.

Mages Guild:
- Go to all 7 guild halls to do a quest for a letter of recommendation before you can enter the Arcane University
- do more grunt work, advance plot, rise through the ranks, and finally become archmage after the last quest
Dark Brotherhood:
- you're a pawn until the very last quest
Fighter's Guil--

And I'm bored. Enjoy being bitter and wrong.


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
Skyrim's quests are worse than even Oblivions but nobody plays Skyrim for quests, it's about freeform adventuring, which it does the best of any modern Bethesda game.


Mar 22, 2018
Mages Guild:
- Go to all 7 guild halls to do a quest for a letter of recommendation before you can enter the Arcane University
- do more grunt work, advance plot, rise through the ranks, and finally become archmage after the last quest
Dark Brotherhood:
- you're a pawn until the very last quest
Fighter's Guil--

And I'm bored. Enjoy being bitter and wrong.
>2 quests for each

https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Thieves_Guild_(Skyrim)#Main_quests -> 12
https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/College_of_Winterhold_(Skyrim)#Main_quests -> 8 and there are sidequests
https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Brotherhood_(Skyrim)#Dark_Brotherhood_quests -> 17 and contracts
https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/The_Companions#Quests - 7

You enjoy being a retard and wrong all the time, don't you? And still doesn't change the fact you become the leader of the factions in Oblivion way too fast and for no reason. And becoming the Archmage of the Mages Guild doesn't make any sense if you don't know how to cast a single spell. regardless how many quests you do.


Mar 22, 2018
Two quests until you become the CHOSEN ONE.

As expected, your reading comprehension is far below average.
And you are just goalpost moving now that i proved you are wrong, you dipshit. I know this because you tried to counter my Oblivion argument with how much stuff you need to do in those questlines to prove you don't do much in the Skyrim faction questlines, and not that you become a "chosen one" in the middle of a questline.

Also, there's nothing of being a "chosen one" in the faction questlines in Skyrim. Don't know where you got that bullshit from, you retard.


Mar 22, 2018
Just admit it, you were trying to criticize the Skyrim faction questlines for being too short and for making you their leader way too fast in those questlines, but purposely forgetting that the Oblivion faction questlines to do the same exact thing. And now you are just goalpost moving to say you were actually criticizing them because you become "a chosen one" two quests in.

By your dumb logic, you also become a "chosen one" like two or three quests into the faction questlines in Oblivion since everything that even happens in it is centered around you and you do everything. I mean, hardly nothing happens except when you do something and only you seems to be doing something. Any of the higher ranked members seem to just sit on their asses doing nothing.

Again, there's nothing in the Skyrim faction questlines telling you that you are the "chosen one" of that specific faction questline. The only thing you are the "chosen one" in the game is being the Dragonborn. And that's specific to the main questline, and not the factions.

And who gives a shit if you are the "chosen one"? That's not even the issue, the issue is that you rise way too fast in the faction questlines and become the faction leader for no reason. Which is what happens in Oblivion and in some instances it's even dumber than Skyrim. So you are a retarded hypocrite for criticizing Skyrim faction questlines, when the Oblivion faction questlines do a lot of dumb shit too, but apparently Oblivion is so much better than Skyrim according to you.
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Mar 22, 2017
Vanilla Oblivion - struggled to even pass the tutorial dungeon. Those who dare to say Oblibion is teh most beautiful game of 7th gen with great landscapes should check with an ophthalmologist, this pseudo-HDR and these mip-maps are not enough of red flags for you?
Shivering Isles - more or less serviceable, nice change of tone.
Fallout 3 - if you're not fan of the series, more like the opposite - this can be a great walking sim if you ignore main storyline. Otherwise, pass.
TES V: Legendary Edition and so forth - borderline unplayable. RPGs should be replayable, not to be played for ten years straight, FFS.

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