Codexia Lord Sodom
What I mean is, what game/games made you an RPG hound, be it console or PC RPG. My first game that got me into RPG's was FF6 (which I got for Chrismas, after reading a review about it in Nintendo Power). I asked for it months before, and she remembered, even when I didn't. When I opened it up Christmas, I had no idea what it was. I played it almost religiously for a number of years, even after the release of FF 7 and Tactics, both of which I also played. From there, the rest is history, though I can remember reading my first ever review in PC gamer in 96 or 97 of Fallout. It got me so excited, but I never got the game until in 2000, when I saw Fallout just by chance in an EB games. An original game too, with the original box, and books. Fucking amazing.