Should i have portrayed them as victims?Why are the good guys the demons? Moreover, why is the satanic kike and his insane stalker lapdog presented as the good guys in turn?
They would be happy if you did, I imagine.
Hand-rubbing intensifies.
Should i have portrayed them as victims?Why are the good guys the demons? Moreover, why is the satanic kike and his insane stalker lapdog presented as the good guys in turn?
They would be happy if you did, I imagine.
DU with a hardcore reality check.
If you genuinely think that your real name, my real name, and every other detail known about staff isn't being bandied around Discord, Private Message groups, and other non-Codex means of communication by Codex users then I've got news for you Crispy. How do you think Infinitron's name became known in the first place?If it's fair for us to "gossip" about users in the Admin forum and post personal, completely non-related-to-their-Codex-activities info therein, why isn't it fair for others to post your personal, non-Codex-related info that you yourself posted both in a blog and also at one point on your Steam account? All that resulting in multiple people being banned here.
You're confused between concern over the information being posted or discussed at all, with concern about the information being leaked. They're two separate issues.This is the crux of the problem.Doesn't even qualify as doxing because it didn't happen in public.
If someone other than a Codex moderator or administrator can gain access to the info that's posted in that private forum, it's no longer private; it's become public. It might only be a small leak, if you will, but if it's one via which Luckmann's real name, and whatever other personal shit was in that blog, are revealed, then that's a legitimate problem.
What didn't happen is Infinitron did not keep posting that link repeatedly saying HEY GUYS I FOUND SOME INFORMATION WE CAN USE. Use that as an attempt to provoke or annoy the user in question. Or take it any further than, hey so this guy is posting on our website. By the way, you know how someone tried to take us offline recently because of exactly those types of people posting on our website? Yeah this might be a legitimate problem to discuss. And one we have discussed many times in both the admin forum and private messages.Maybe all of this occurred accidentally. I'm certain Infinitron had no intention of "doxxing" anyone. But doesn't it seem unfair to apply the private info sharing rule to others (DU banning a bunch of people) if non-moderators and non-administrators somehow have access to their private info?
There's a reason we have 2 Admin forums. And you aren't in the second one. Nor are any of the known rats. The main admin forum is for shit-talking about the users, identifying issues, gathering intel, and counter-trolling operations. The serious admin forum is for serious business like all the features we wanted that I've never fixed, Taluntain trying to identify all the Poles, and how to use Crispy effectively.The other thing is that if DU himself admits that there have been known "rats" in Admin before, then why is anyone's personal, private information ever being posted in there in the first place?
Except, as I said above, he didn't bend those rules. We legitimately had to deal with a legal threat against the Codex recently, targeted at taking us offline entirely, precisely because of those types of users. Shouldn't we discuss who they are if it's going to threaten the Codex? Shouldn't we be able to discuss what we should do about it, in the event any of that sort of information comes to light? Because let's be honest, if someone on the Codex can find it, it's not that well hidden.I actually agree that with Admin we need to reserve the right to talk about potentially personal details about our users, but only for purposes of them potentially either becoming a problem for other users here or if something dire arises, such as an illegal post or some sort of suicide threat or something like that.
If that's where you want to go, it's simple; when all the Infinitron naming thing was going down, I was still under the impression that RPG Codex wasn't doing something similar behind closed doors unnecessarily. I think I was acting in good faith (upholding our rules of not getting personal).
Now that the fact that Infinitron bent those rules, albeit in the private Admin forum, has become public knowledge, I've changed my mind about it.
Incorrect, as stated above. Infinitron didn't use the information against Luckmann. He didn't post it around publicly saying HEY LOOK AT THIS GUY. He posted it in the admin forum, where admins are supposed to discuss admin things like, "Who's going to be the most responsible for trying to take down the Codex today?" and "What are we going to do about that?".We have a rat in Admin. Someone, somehow, found out that Infinitron posted that link. Why that blog about Luckmann was originally posted is immaterial; it's about his personal life and -- as potentially despicable a life as that may be (I didn't really read the blog about him) -- I'm pretty sure none of it has anything to do with:
- Why Luckmann posts here
- What Luckmann posts here
Therefore we have a double standard.
As Infinitron alluded to in Shoutbox, we already have more than enough information to be able to identify most users on the Codex. It's how that information is used that's the issue.Is it an egregious one? It depends on whom you ask. What about all those people who got banned that now know about Infinitron's inquisitive nature? How do you think they feel?
Grapsing that concept is important if you want to be on staff here.
Kalin is a nazi or a far right winger as much as i am a hot 20year old female model lol. He was just some 4chan retard spewing random garbage that he couldn't understand. Also there is a good chance that he was a turkish migrant to sweden lol,he lives on welfare.Can't wait for the codex to ask to borrow facebook's AI to determine which posters are potential extremists!It's no surprise that an autistic fuck has no concept of being a free speech absolutist.
I think all extremists who support violent ideologies should be on a list of "potential-problem posters" but not banned unless they break rules.
You think there was any confusion about kalin being a nazi?
There's a reason we have 2 Admin forums. And you aren't in the second one.
For example, any Administrator on the website can access your profile. In that, we can see your email address. I can take that email address, google all or any part of it (which for most people is fairly unique) and find instagram accounts, twitter, old dating profiles, facebook, your employment, the list goes on. Most social media apps these days have a function that allows you to find users based on their email address.
Infinitron, listen up. We're a fucking RPG forum. You hang out here with us at your own risk of being called a kike, faggot or by your own name that you admit having shared publicly. If you're not comfortable with that risk, click that button and fuck off. We don't need you to ban people that don't prance around your feelings, you're not doing anyone here a service. Rather the opposite, a disservice.We're a fucking RPG website. You use the service at your own risk. If you're not comfortable with that risk: click here.
DarkUnderlord Everything we share with you on this forum, is because of our generosity and what we assumed was mutual respect. Without us, there's no forum. How about we get some respect back, eh? Like not being banned for saying a "word" that your cocksucking admins happen to dislike?Everything we do, is because we have a bit of common courtesy. How about we get some fucking common courtesy from the likes of Kalin and Co in return?
Kalin a nazi or a far right winger as much as i am a hot 20year old female model lol.
This is how holobunga started. 7 long nose tribe dead.We're volunteers, running a website for fun. If you want to be serious, I will put up the most draconian end user terms that make it clear that we will use anything and everything you post in whatever way we so deem fit. And I will make you click "agree" before you register. Smart cookies would realise we already do. Though I doubt any of you have actually read it, just like everything else you've ever clicked agree to.
DarkUnderlord Look, here's a thing. You're not in a position of any privilege. You host a forum, we donate. Maybe you pay something out of your own pocket, maybe you don't, it's your business. Like you said, nobody's forcing us to pay, and nobody's forcing you to host. But understand this: you're not owed any special treatment, and it seemed like you understood it and agreed with it for years. Your cocksucking admins don't, and it's especially surreal, since they're owed even less than you. This thing of ours is based on mutual respect. Your admins are acting in bad faith and nobody appreciates it. The question is: do you have any human decency to stop it? Because you're the only one in a position to.
I wish to test that assumption. I have the power to ban people. I will ban you.DarkUnderlord Look, here's a thing. You're not in a position of any privilege.
Infinitron been distasteful too, but not to such extent to warrant this. Each time i was watching shoutbox kalin was attacking him violently , for weeks, telling him to fuck off , no one wants him , no wants his newsposts, probably hours and hours of insults .. Ok he's biased toward obsidian and shilling, gettting free game keys ,an odd guy never playing anything, still no one here deserves such abuse.Infinitron, listen up. We're a fucking RPG forum. You hang out here with us at your own risk of being called a kike, faggot or by your own name that you admit having shared publicly. If you're not comfortable with that risk, click that button and fuck off. We don't need you to ban people that don't prance around your feelings, you're not doing anyone here a service. Rather the opposite, a disservice.We're a fucking RPG website. You use the service at your own risk. If you're not comfortable with that risk: click here.
Infinitron been distasteful too, but not to such extent to warrant this. Each time i was watching shoutbox kalin was attacking him violently , for weeks, telling him to fuck off , no one wants him , no wants his newsposts, probably hours and hours of insults .. Ok he's biased toward obsidian and shilling, gettting free game keys ,an odd guy never playing anything, still no one here deserves such abuse.
I wish to test that assumption. I have the power to ban people. I will ban you.
To be fair, ALL forum admins end up being power-tripping dickheads in one form or another, unless they simply don't give a shit and basically do nothing at all. Heck, woketards of the cunts forum moderators basically told the entire 3.x crowd to either buy and discuss 4e or fuck off and die, and in far less polite terms.DarkUnderlord Look, here's a thing. You're not in a position of any privilege. You host a forum, we donate. Maybe you pay something out of your own pocket, maybe you don't, it's your business. Like you said, nobody's forcing us to pay, and nobody's forcing you to host. But understand this: you're not owed any special treatment, and it seemed like you understood it and agreed with it for years. Your cocksucking admins don't, and it's especially surreal, since they're owed even less than you. This thing of ours is based on mutual respect. Your admins are acting in bad faith and nobody appreciates it. There is no reason for it to happen, either. You can stop it with a snap of your fingers. And you used to keep them in check, but now you don't. The question is: do you have any human decency to keep them on a short leash? Because you're the only one in a position to.
Infinitron been distasteful too, but not to such extent to warrant this. Each time i was watching shoutbox kalin was attacking him violently , for weeks, telling him to fuck off , no one wants him , no wants his newsposts, probably hours and hours of insults .. Ok he's biased toward obsidian and shilling, gettting free game keys ,an odd guy never playing anything, still no one here deserves such abuse.