But on Codex, I think that would mean YOU need to start bitching about Jews...Am I really asking for so goddamn much here? I'm just saying, maybe get the ratio of real content : jew-bitching to a more socially acceptable level.
"jew-bitching" isn't socially acceptable at all, so your request fundamentally approaches "don't do it". Practically speaking, your request is indeed quite demanding because it either requires those with certain political views to not mention their politics or for moderation to ban them. Everybody else gets to mention their politics where applicable, so it doesn't seem particularly fair to single out the group concerned with jews based on your personal discomfort. More importantly, pursuing moderator action on this topic runs counter to the free speech philosophy of the Codex. If you don't want to use the ignore button, I recommend you just get used to it!Am I really asking for so goddamn much here? I'm just saying, maybe get the ratio of real content : jew-bitching to a more socially acceptable level. I don't think I'm being terribly fucking demanding.
If feds are making inquiries to internet forums then they already have what they need and just need IP or any locational data to narrow down where you live so they can send local authorities to knock on your door.Data should be gathered after appropriate authorities with warrant order to do so, not before. Innocent until proven guilty.
Lmao. Imagine believing that there was any part of the world where the USA Feds don’t have a presence.If feds are making inquiries to internet forums then they already have what they need and just need IP or any locational data to narrow down where you live so they can send local authorities to knock on your door.Data should be gathered after appropriate authorities with warrant order to do so, not before. Innocent until proven guilty.
Did you ever entertained the thought that there are people here from other countries than US, or is that too much thinking?
We don't have FBI or FEDs snooping around, especially doing unconstitutional shit like in Kwa...
Lmao. Imagine believing that there was any part of the world where the USA Feds don’t have a presence.If feds are making inquiries to internet forums then they already have what they need and just need IP or any locational data to narrow down where you live so they can send local authorities to knock on your door.Data should be gathered after appropriate authorities with warrant order to do so, not before. Innocent until proven guilty.
Did you ever entertained the thought that there are people here from other countries than US, or is that too much thinking?
We don't have FBI or FEDs snooping around, especially doing unconstitutional shit like in Kwa...
There definitely shouldn't be a list of users with actionable intel on them. And Codex should minimize the amount of data that could possibly be passed to law enforcement, within legal limits of course.
No I understood. The USA Feds are in Poland and they’ll take action to remove “white supremacy”.Lmao. Imagine believing that there was any part of the world where the USA Feds don’t have a presence.If feds are making inquiries to internet forums then they already have what they need and just need IP or any locational data to narrow down where you live so they can send local authorities to knock on your door.Data should be gathered after appropriate authorities with warrant order to do so, not before. Innocent until proven guilty.
Did you ever entertained the thought that there are people here from other countries than US, or is that too much thinking?
We don't have FBI or FEDs snooping around, especially doing unconstitutional shit like in Kwa...
Youve misunderstood what i wanted to say. In poland its solely police that is dealing with such affairs, we dont have federals because we arent federation.
The USA Feds are in Poland and they’ll take action to remove “white supremacy”.
maybe the administration should implement a separate avatar for people with temporary bans?Remember, this entire shitstorm is happening because I banned Kalin for a measly week for shitposting with my name in a news thread (and this after he deliberately antagonized me for weeks with no response on my end).
Maybe, just maybe, folks shouldn't turn every moderation incident on this forum into THE ULTIMATE FINAL BATTLE FOR FREE SPEECH AGAINST THE KIKES?
I'm bored of this now.
Did you all hear me?
I said I'm bored of it.
Perhaps this wouldn't have happened if there isn't a massive, long running, ongoing simmering undercurrent of anger towards you and the way you do things.Remember, this entire shitstorm is happening because I banned Kalin for a measly week for shitposting with my name in a news thread (and this after he deliberately antagonized me for weeks with no response on my end).
Maybe, just maybe, folks shouldn't turn every moderation incident on this forum into THE ULTIMATE FINAL BATTLE FOR FREE SPEECH AGAINST THE KIKES?
The USA Feds are in Poland and they’ll take action to remove “white supremacy”.
The FBI does have offices overseas but ~99% of what they do is catch people who ran off with their kids in custody disputes. I mean look at the Interpol watchlist sometime. This is a huge industry going every direction. The Poles probably got 20 cops in America to cover their end of it.
As even MCA had picked up in the very brief time he was posting here
No. MCA was exasperated with infinishit's biased shilling and passive-aggressive responses when the threw that out. You can interprete it any way you want that allows you to suck infinishill's cock, but that is how that came about.As even MCA had picked up in the very brief time he was posting here
He was either joking or drunk and half-joking. Jesus Fucking Christ. We need an autism patrol around here to explain things to people sometimes.
maybe the administration should implement a separate avatar for people with temporary bans?Remember, this entire shitstorm is happening because I banned Kalin for a measly week for shitposting with my name in a news thread (and this after he deliberately antagonized me for weeks with no response on my end).
Maybe, just maybe, folks shouldn't turn every moderation incident on this forum into THE ULTIMATE FINAL BATTLE FOR FREE SPEECH AGAINST THE KIKES?
MCA was exasperated with infinishit's biased shilling and passive-aggressive responses
MCA was exasperated with infinishit's biased shilling and passive-aggressive responses
Not even simping for MCA right now: Does anyone really think that he really got mad at some specific user here? Dude was like a Pershing tank shooting 90mm shells at his former business partners every 30 seconds.
Considering that he put Blaine and ihaveahugenick on Ignore (briefly), yes, he did get pissed at some specific posters here.MCA was exasperated with infinishit's biased shilling and passive-aggressive responses
Not even simping for MCA right now: Does anyone really think that he really got mad at some specific user here? Dude was like a Pershing tank shooting 90mm shells at his former business partners every 30 seconds.
he put huge nick on ignore because he seriously believed his larp (hugenick was saying he was an obsidian employee).Considering that he put Blaine and ihaveahugenick on Ignore (briefly), yes, he did get pissed at some specific posters here.MCA was exasperated with infinishit's biased shilling and passive-aggressive responses
Not even simping for MCA right now: Does anyone really think that he really got mad at some specific user here? Dude was like a Pershing tank shooting 90mm shells at his former business partners every 30 seconds.
Nick was also harassing the guy.he put huge nick on ignore because he seriously believed his larp (hugenick was saying he was an obsidian employee).Considering that he put Blaine and ihaveahugenick on Ignore (briefly), yes, he did get pissed at some specific posters here.MCA was exasperated with infinishit's biased shilling and passive-aggressive responses
Not even simping for MCA right now: Does anyone really think that he really got mad at some specific user here? Dude was like a Pershing tank shooting 90mm shells at his former business partners every 30 seconds.
The image of your pony avatar has stood for quite a while, even though it is borderline racist commentary. However, your recent additions to your user page--naming the pony avatar "purebreed" and the inclusion of the phrase "master race" in one of your user boxes--create a racist statement out of your user page as a whole, especially considering your past here at The Vault.
Therefore, you are blocked forever. Goodbye.
Oh, I see Luckmann has been banned.
The image of your pony avatar has stood for quite a while, even though it is borderline racist commentary. However, your recent additions to your user page--naming the pony avatar "purebreed" and the inclusion of the phrase "master race" in one of your user boxes--create a racist statement out of your user page as a whole, especially considering your past here at The Vault.
Therefore, you are blocked forever. Goodbye.