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What happened to "mature" art direction? Everything is Overwatch now

Nov 23, 2017
This conversation is fucking stupid.
Says person unable to see the difference between Overwatch and Fallout artstyle lol

And that thinks action games (FPS, TPS, Action-Adventure, Beat em up, Stealth, Platformer etc etc) were at their peak in the late 2000s, when that was their absolute lowest! Absolutely worthless, braindead games.



Oct 16, 2015
Have you forgotten your own posts from a mere couple months ago Sir? Ash never forgets decline-enablers!

But I am tired of fighting with incorrect people on the internet for today. Today, you are my codex buddy


Sep 4, 2015
The kills also weren’t even half as graphic as what they do in the new games.
kano ripping heart out in mk confirmed he's brutal and ruthless killer. in modern mk everyone is just doing sadistic shit for giggles, including supposed "heroes", compared to them kano is literally gud boy and dindu nuffin. modern fatalities are not extreme, they are boring.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006

BTW, the existence of the above in itself already disproves the notion. For much of its history, the Church had a tendency to see corruption and abuse everywhere. That is because the entire purpose of the Chuch was to lead souls towards salvation, meaning, Christians had a tendency to see the world as a place where sin and corruption was the default situation. Christ himself told the Apostoles that he had come to call not the righteous, but sinners to repentence. Those that are whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. And since the job of the Church was to heal the sick, Christians had a tendency to specifically look for sickness and sin whenever it could be found.

What many historians today tend to do is just automatically take Christian sources at their word, which would be the equivalent of using medical literature as an historical source. A perfect example is the History of the Franks by Gregory of Tours. This single book is essentially where the modern perception of the middle ages as a place where violence and brutality were commonplace comes from. Even shit like Game of Thrones was based on this single source. Of course, as a Christian, Gregory had a vested interest in trying to focus on everything that was bad in the society of his time. Anybody using this book as a direct historical source without taking this fact into account is falsifying history. The fact many of the horrors and atrocities he was reporting were based on "hearsay" and were likely urban legends in many cases is never taken into account. The fact the horrors he is recounting were intended to "shock" his readers is never considered to be significant for some reason. Many times in the book Gregory specifically refrains from delving too much into the grusesome details of the account he is narrating because, as he says, would be too "disturbing" to recount. Now, if the violence he was narrating was commonplace in his society, how come would he feel the need to censor himself? And in fact, if it was commonplace and seen as "normal", why write about it at all?

And of coruse, missing from the "historical" accounts is the other half of the book, the part where Gregory talks about the miracles and splendors he has seen or heard about, because his book was precisely about juxtaposing the evils and horrors of the world (which he exagerated at every turn) with the splendors and light of salvation brought about by Christianity. So modern historians ignore pretty much everything in the book that has to do with miracles and visions etc (which is literally half the book), then interpret the other half literally while ignoring the intentions of Gregory, resulting in a view of the middle ages that still lingers on today.

And this applies to the history of the Church as a whole, since everywhere you go, Christian literature follows the same theme. The world is nothing but sin and corruption. Abuse and scandal exist everywhere. Everybody using those sources as an "accurate" rapresentation of Church history is of course missing the point entirely. For a society of pure sin and evil doesn't produce saints, and doesn't procude art like this:


Meanwhile, modern art might just be a reflection of the ACTUAL spiritual evil and debauchery of modern times, all of which is brushed under the carpet since unlike the Christians, who at every turn wanted to paint as dire a picture of the world as possible, the modern world does the opposite. It paints a rosy and idyllic picture of what life is today while brushing all the sickness that's rampant under the surface, all of which however finds expression in modern art and the "secret" behaviors of people with their vices and fetishes and so on.


Oct 16, 2015
Reinhardt I know I mocked you for having an anime little girl avatar a long time ago, but now I regret it and apologize. It was wrong of me to jump to conclusions about any individual based on a perhaps innocent avatar choice. Any chance of going back to the googly-eyed Japanese questionable motives art? The hyper-realistic render of the fat ugly bearded bloke is unpleasant, and serves as a reminder of how bland, boring realismfag graphicswhore shit modern games are every time it pops up.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw
Reinhardt I know I mocked you for having an anime little girl avatar a long time ago, but now I regret it and apologize. It was wrong of me to jump to conclusions about any individual based on a perhaps innocent avatar choice. Any chance of going back to the googly-eyed Japanese questionable motives art? The hyper-realistic render of the fat ugly bearded bloke is unpleasant, and serves as a reminder of how bland, boring realismfag graphicswhore shit modern games are every time it pops up.
Hush, don't tell anyone: his current avatar is also from a degenerate jrpg. And not even a very modern one.


Mar 30, 2024

BTW, the existence of the above in itself already disproves the notion. For much of its history, the Church had a tendency to see corruption and abuse everywhere. That is because the entire purpose of the Chuch was to lead souls towards salvation, meaning, Christians had a tendency to see the world as a place where sin and corruption was the default situation. Christ himself told the Apostoles that he had come to call not the righteous, but sinners to repentence. Those that are whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. And since the job of the Church was to heal the sick, Christians had a tendency to specifically look for sickness and sin whenever it could be found.

What many historians today tend to do is just automatically take Christian sources at their word, which would be the equivalent of using medical literature as an historical source. A perfect example is the History of the Franks by Gregory of Tours. This single book is essentially where the modern perception of the middle ages as a place where violence and brutality were commonplace comes from. Even shit like Game of Thrones was based on this single source. Of course, as a Christian, Gregory had a vested interest in trying to focus on everything that was bad in the society of his time. Anybody using this book as a direct historical source without taking this fact into account is falsifying history. The fact many of the horrors and atrocities he was reporting were based on "hearsay" and were likely urban legends in many cases is never taken into account. The fact the horrors he is recounting were intended to "shock" his readers is never considered to be significant for some reason. Many times in the book Gregory specifically refrains from delving too much into the grusesome details of the account he is narrating because, as he says, would be too "disturbing" to recount. Now, if the violence he was narrating was commonplace in his society, how come would he feel the need to censor himself? And in fact, if it was commonplace and seen as "normal", why write about it at all?

And of coruse, missing from the "historical" accounts is the other half of the book, the part where Gregory talks about the miracles and splendors he has seen or heard about, because his book was precisely about juxtaposing the evils and horrors of the world (which he exagerated at every turn) with the splendors and light of salvation brought about by Christianity. So modern historians ignore pretty much everything in the book that has to do with miracles and visions etc (which is literally half the book), then interpret the other half literally while ignoring the intentions of Gregory, resulting in a view of the middle ages that still lingers on today.

And this applies to the history of the Church as a whole, since everywhere you go, Christian literature follows the same theme. The world is nothing but sin and corruption. Abuse and scandal exist everywhere. Everybody using those sources as an "accurate" rapresentation of Church history is of course missing the point entirely. For a society of pure sin and evil doesn't produce saints, and doesn't procude art like this:


Meanwhile, modern art might just be a reflection of the ACTUAL spiritual evil and debauchery of modern times, all of which is brushed under the carpet since unlike the Christians, who at every turn wanted to paint as dire a picture of the world as possible, the modern world does the opposite. It paints a rosy and idyllic picture of what life is today while brushing all the sickness that's rampant under the surface, all of which however finds expression in modern art and the "secret" behaviors of people with their vices and fetishes and so on.
Can we have a button “this article may contain original research” please?



Oct 16, 2015
Not so much the animu status, I like Jap games. Well, those light on animu usually. The new avatar is just ugly to look at. High interest in little anime girls always seem questionable to me, but it could be innocent and it simply doesn't offend my eyes in the same way. ...but given I now discover you're playing niche "degenerate" games, maybe I was on the money in the first place!



Sep 4, 2015
i really enjoyed only one western game as much as dd in last years - battle brothers. one good western game in many years.


Oct 16, 2015
Oh it's Dragon's Dogma? Well that's not degen.

Good post-decline western games? There's quite a few, mostly indie though.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Reminder that animu is actually objectively better than calarts.

Decline always finds a way to reach new levels of degeneracy and depravity.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006

I don't know about "immature", but a lot of games both AAA and indie do have either bland realism-based art direction (lack of diversity) or that Dreamworks low detail look. Much of the grit and tasteful stylization of yore is gone. The realism focus makes sense, disappointing as it may be, but graphics are ultra realistic now and so they strive for it. The dreamworks look is cheap and lazy though. Indies on the other hand often lack the resources or talent to match the 90s masters, not to mention everything is displayed at high resolution so it makes lower budget efforts harder.

There's other ways the immaturity of modern devs manifests itself.

For instance, all those games with characters that are endlessly spewing cringy try hard shit non-stop. Apparently it's called millenial writing:

It's the first thing i noticed when i saw nu-Shadow Warrior. I remember watching gameplay videos that i had to shut down after 2 minutes because the talking was hurting my brain. Original Shadow Warrior was silly and stupid but not like this.
Nov 23, 2017
Have you forgotten your own posts from a mere couple months ago Sir? Ash never forgets decline-enablers!

But I am tired of fighting with incorrect people on the internet for today. Today, you are my codex buddy

I didn’t forget it. But I didn’t say what you seem to think I said.

You’re also the second person to remind me of that post in a thread that hasn’t been posted in, in a month.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
Reinhardt I know I mocked you for having an anime little girl avatar a long time ago, but now I regret it and apologize. It was wrong of me to jump to conclusions about any individual based on a perhaps innocent avatar choice. Any chance of going back to the googly-eyed Japanese questionable motives art? The hyper-realistic render of the fat ugly bearded bloke is unpleasant, and serves as a reminder of how bland, boring realismfag graphicswhore shit modern games are every time it pops up.
Hush, don't tell anyone: his current avatar is also from a degenerate jrpg. And not even a very modern one.
Reinhardt is one of a few Codexers to choose a prestigious avatar from Codex GotY 2016. +M


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block


Apr 3, 2024
Present Day, Present Time
Kids don't understand boundaries and lots of parents have to tell their kids to take their hand out of their pants or catch them playing "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" and march them home/punish them for it. They're curious about boys and girls being different and given the chance they will try to find out with each other. It's why parents have to talk to their kids about what is appopriate as well as warn them not to let adults engage with them in that way.
What was your childhood like? I was thinking back to elementary school and don't remember this happening. Yet all of us made guns out of legos and drew pictures of ourselves shooting up the school. No one gave a shit about that until Columbine. Maybe it's mostly European children who run around around trying to explore their sexuality?
But yes, sex and violence are at the core of the human experience. It's stupid to deny either, and moreover, I don't think you can create truly beautiful art without them.
The same can be said about any human urge. It's like trying to plug a running water faucet with your thumb. The water's not only gonna keep coming out, but it'll come out highly-pressurized, squirting at unexpected angles. That's my theory behind nearly every form of degeneracy in society. People want to drink, get high, and screw. Try to stamp it out, and you get organized crime, sketchy synthetic weed, and a bunch of depraved faggotry.
Heart of darkness is fucking brutal, even by today's standards it has some really nasty deaths. One of the few games to get under my skin with it's violence.
I went back and watched a LP of that years back because it had scared me as a small child. Those death animations aren't just brutal; they're unnerving and really tap into one's fears of the dark, the unknown, and the like.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Regression of 2D art in RPGs in under one generation,


From this realistic, normal, mature look with grounded colors and high detail...


...to these results which I got by simply googling "rpg game art". Oversized heads, zany colors, childlike aesthetic, etc. The normal looking game in the bottom is Uncharted btw (so not even an RPG)

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
What was your childhood like? I was thinking back to elementary school and don't remember this happening. Yet all of us made guns out of legos and drew pictures of ourselves shooting up the school. No one gave a shit about that until Columbine. Maybe it's mostly European children who run around around trying to explore their sexuality?
Applies to American kids just as much. I don't think it was common for Europeans to draw school shootings though. But we did have toy guns and often access to real guns and learned to shoot at a young age.
The same can be said about any human urge. It's like trying to plug a running water faucet with your thumb. The water's not only gonna keep coming out, but it'll come out highly-pressurized, squirting at unexpected angles. That's my theory behind nearly every form of degeneracy in society. People want to drink, get high, and screw. Try to stamp it out, and you get organized crime, sketchy synthetic weed, and a bunch of depraved faggotry.
That's not true though. You are a product of your time and when your time is degenerate you will act degenerate. We have a problem today with teenagers having access to really weird porn and stuff like foot fetishes becoming way more common than they should be. Drinking excessively and getting high used to be severely looked down upon and as standards have slipped people like you have said it's normal. It's not normal to want to fuck your brain up dude, that's signs of a bad situation.

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