Why don't all you smart guys get together and do an open source cRPG turn based engine?
I have been working on one for the past 3/4 years and at the rate things are progressing, I'll probably be ready to call it a beta by year's end...
But all things considered, I'm frankly still far too embarrassed to post about it on the codex.
It is unfortunately not turn-based at present, but I don't think that'd be difficult to do.
The hardest parts would be, in my opinion, determining who is in combat and of course hacking some sort of grid-based movement system on top of it.
let's just say cube 2 was never meant for this kind of game...
I did free the cursor not too long ago, so it can move around freely on the screen, which should make it a cinch to change the view into a top-down/isometric kind of view. And I tweaked the raytracing, so it accurately traces to whatever the cursor points at. All in all this should help get to the end result, which is turn-based combat with a suitable interface.
But that's all for the future and if I decide to pursue it, I did mention cube 2 was never really meant to support this kind of game.
"C/C++" would be an appropriate description in my case. I use C++ as glorified C, I strongly dislike the STL and the whole "templates all the way down" style of coding. However, I love functors, constexpr, RAII, function overloading, etc. I actually do use classes but only as syntax sugar for C style incomplete type ADTs. Don't like OOP at all, inheritance .. yuck. I like my code decoupled, thank you. I was a typical C Nazi, "C++ to the gas chamber!" kind of guy until I realized that you don't have to use the STL.
I approach C++ more or less the same way, although our styles do have a few differences (I use the OOP paradigm, a few namespaces, not nested of course and I never use classes or the private/protected keyword, which also mean I never use getters/setters that only interact with a single variable).
But regardless I think you deserve a bro fist for responsible (ab)use of the C++ language
To answer the op's question.... I'd pick C/C++ for the engine, and if the game is really small too, I'd most definitely use it for everything else as well... (like nethack)
When the project is a lot bigger on the other hand, you will be best served by integrating some sort of scripting language which interacts with the game logic parts of your engine.
Lua is a probably the most popular language for this niche, but there are many others, some based on LISP, others on ecmascript and I've heard of python and even Mono/C# being used here as well...
I personally only have experience with cube 2's built in LISP-like scripting language (otherwise known as cubescript)...