Almost completely agree.You say meta is just "playing the system". That's basically what being objective and looking at what actually works means. In real life, you'd consider that to be a sign someone knows what they are doing or talking about. In a video game, it annoys you because it ruins the illusion the game was trying to create. Meta is immersion breaking, but that's not a concern for someone who is just trying to win which ultimately is what a competitive enviorment is supposed to be about.
In technical terms, in fact you could say it's being tactical and strategic.
The complaint of "meta" - in gaming terms I've generally interpreted as in terms of gameplay balance in terms of the current situation (in other words, in terms of how patches might benefit one over another). Almost always, if one faction is better than the other, then the "meta" is that everybody intentionally or not joins that one faction.
And I think the reason "meta" is associated with video games, is that outside of video games, with well-done wargaming, there isn't exactly any short-term meta changing stuff. "Meta" in Chess would be more like specific Openings, ... But even then, this "meta" doesn't change arbitrarily, so the game doesn't change. And then also distinctive tactics for the Ending. That is, there is a prescribed way to do things in a specific way, of specific moves. As opposed to the midgame where there is thinking more strategic, more in terms of creating a tactic.
Of course, at a certain level even midgame tactics notation is studied so much, you'll be pulling specific moves from, fuck, theories from the late 19th to early 20th century. I mean, most of the Chess pseudo-textbooks was all about interpreting existing games, every single move, and of course I had played enough that notation was easy. I mean... everybody writes notation for a real competition, so let's just I'm fluent enough I can almost play without a board.
Been a while, though. Getting to the point of having to remember specific previous masters' MID-GAME specific moves.. Well, I really hate memorizing things and that's kinda when I stopped.
Edit: BTW I'm not joking if Chess is where I might have started out thinking about game design theory.
Edit: In fact when I was 12, in Elementary School, I gave a presentation on Chess to the class for some assignment. Can't remember if I got into any theory. (the chess club i would go to was an adult one in the city. The 12 year old I was talking about was the only other kid, and he was actually the best out of EVERYBODY. Immediate KO. I think one time he even played multiple adults - including coach - at the same time. He was definitely well known at that age, highly rated. Pretty sure he was/is on the spectrum. I was never even close to as good as him)