it's just a long stroll through stereotypes that really aren't borne out by looking at tastes in American culture.
Stereotypes are almost always anchored in reality, those that aren't don't ring true and therefore can't survive.
America is a big place, you can find p. much everything in
some quantity there, even smart and tasteful people, but for every Breaking Bad or The Wire there are oodles of brain-destroying reality shows, retardaloozas like Jerry Springer, soap operas, televangelist shows and monster truck rallies.
In comparison, I'm sure not everything produced by the BBC or Dutch, French, German or Swedish TVs is brilliant but it'd be completely unthinkable to find such profound retardery there.
One of the best examples illustrating the difference between a typical Yuro and Kwa TV production is Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, the British vs. the US version. The former is smart, funny, authentic and full of moving, deeply human stories, while the US version is loud, stupid, showy and plastic with "drama" background music.