You fucking faggots make every single thread about your dip shit drama. Last I checked, this thread was about me, not a bunch of tranny and tranny lovers jerking each other off. Fuck yourselves or I'm going to be adding a lot of mother fuckers onto my skull fucking list.
If i can keep my ranting and stupid shit out of the rpg sections, you filthy anti social cunts can keep your shit to one of the dozens of threads you've pulled all this shit on. Dedicate your comments to better shit or dedicate your bare skull to my dick.
Address my mother fucking point dipshit mods. You're all just giving them cover by changing the topics so they don't have to address it.
I MADE A SUGGESTION, GOT BANNED FOR IT, THEN THEY IMPLEMENTED IT ANYWAYS. fuck yourselves and your dipshit complaints. If i was mod i would ban you all for anti social behaviour and brain worms. If i was given the opportunity, i would skull fuck you all afterwards as well. Literally fuck yourselves. Someone calculate the odds of me skull fucking every single one of you within a year if i go door to door in pole land, how's that for a fresh topic, you rehashing, passionless, dipshit cunts.
DarkUnderlord I'm calling you out. You banned me for a suggestion that was obviously good enough to implement. You also lied about it like a malicious cunt or an ignorant cunt.
Infinitron split this thread to quarantine these Jack assess, or give me the rights to ban mother fuckers at will in this thread.
Sir Crispy fuck yourself.
Literal cunts posting the same comments over and over. I actually want to accomplish something here. If you have a problem with other people, go full pussy mode like aweigh or full triggered mode like
rusty_shackleford and hide in your own private password protected shitbox.
Fuck you Rusty. Not only do you hide in your own shoutbox, you still feel the dipshit urge to make forays into places that are better than you to pull stupid shit like this. Skull fuck yourself.
Fuck you Theo, you've even adapted the faggoty anti swagger speech mannerisms of a typical internet janitor since becoming a mod. An anarchist who let it go to their head the instant they got power. I could be a better mod than you and I've been banned at least 5 times now.
Fuck you
Bigg Boss for always managing to force yourself into this same shitty drama despite not even typing in the shoutbox.
Mebrilia the Viera Queen you dumb bitch. This isn't the shoutbox. Take one fucking second to proof read your shit. you watch yachts for a living, you have the time. I hate how you force yourself into this conversation every time it's brought up despite it not being shit you because you want to simp for Theo. You're not any more rational or mature than anyone else here, and Theo doesn't give a flying fuck about you
And fuck
Skinwalker the most for constantly being a faggot who chimes in with dipshit remarks every time despite not having the balls to actually engage with a conversation in any meaningful capacity. No one even bothered responding to you, you fucking coward. Eat shit
I would add you all to my lists but you're all already on them for the first 5 times you pulled this shit. Why is it that every single fucking time i get banned my banned thread is about your stupid fucking shoutbox and mod drama. Every single fucking time. you realize how brain dead you faggots are? Everything is fine. You're not going to get banned unless you do something really fucking stupid, and even then just make a new account. I'm not banned and we all know the shit I've done. You're all going to be fine.
You fucking degenerats can anal fuck yourselves with your goal posts on your slippery slopes, i don't give a shit. Make a thread suitably fucked enough for you all and quarantine your selves in it