I'm not blackpilled, I'm VERY optimistic about future. Just don't fool yourselves. If Jews are portrayed in Kingdom Come 2 as JUST victims, without giving explanation WHY they were expelled from so many Kingdoms and why peasants and folk hated and still hate them, any explanation, any context given, something that any curious enough mind, like 14yo mind of me in history class wondered "But why THE Jews? Why Hitler hated them? Just....like that? For no reason?" if no backdrop is given why
Zed Duke of Banville, a humble AD&D connoisseur and nothing but that or
Infinitron a trusty news bot that shares all relevant info about inclined upcoming niche cRPGs (including not published by Obsidian), why are these two maligned by some including shizo lunatic with horse cock Wall, why why why why WHY all actors thought what they did, why they behaved the way they behaved, if this multilayered, you in someone else's shoes etc perspective is not given...
... guess what boyz? You sleep in Jewish Ruled World.
Wake Up