What's thing going on over there?
I thought we had prestigious exclusives rights to pimping Wiz 8.
This is the Nvidia Color Bug. It swaps the red and blue color channels.
I just messed up the first try because of the Nvidia color bug. Nvidia fixed the bug in newer drivers. Also, it was blurry because I had DOF on and it was on top of the 2D parts. I made the corrections and posted the mod on the Steam forums. However, no one seemed interested so I removed it.
-------------------------------------------------------Widescreen Mod-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The shader mod is seperate from running Widescreen, the Widescreen fix is a different mod. It has correct FOV for 3D part only. The 2D is stretched.
Widescreen Mod
The shader mod is nothing more than SweetFX applied to OpenGL. SweetFX previously only worked with Direct3D 9-11.
You have to run Wizardry 8 in OpenGL mode for the shaders to work. OpenGL Grid line fix
Your 3DVideo.CFG file should look similar(except maybe the video resolution) to this:
Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio
--------------------------------------------------------The Shaders Mod---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here is the mod to add shaders
It is just a generic tool but with the settings I tweaked for Wizardry 8. By default your game will look like my
Shaders ON screenshots but you can tweak the settings to your liking.
I have Bloom Lighting, Tonemap, Vibrance(Saturation), Curves(Contrast), and Sharpening enabled.
Shaders ON
Shaders Off
Shaders ON
Shaders Off
You can toggle the MasterEffect effects on/off in game with the "Numpad ." key. Also, the sharpening effect is SweetFX and can be toggled with the PAUSE key. You can change the shader toggle key mappings in the config files.
If you want to know more about what made this possible
http://reshade.me/. Reshade is the brilliant wrapper that makes it possible to wrap SweetFX, MasterEffect, and GEMFX to OpenGL.
Lastly, I am enjoying Wizardry 8 Enhanced Version 9