MrRichard999 thanks again man, i'm playing Chronicle right now and enjoying it a lot. this would never have been possible without so many random variables working out. i'm currently thinking/looking for a new RPG to translate but i'm running into the problem that all the Wizardry games left (PoB, Five Ordeals, Wedge Of Life, "Grand Adventure", Asterisk,
Empire 3, Summoner, and Dimguil) aaalllll come w/ their game files in .bin/.pak/.etc compressed archives and I have no way of extracting them.
ordinarily this alone would not be a problem as one can still do a translation by simply hex editing the compressed archive itself, but all of the Wizardry games I just mentioned also feature a type of text-encryption; from what I've read it is called dictionary encryption (correct me if i'm wrong). For example, in Wizardry Empire 3 everything textual
except for inside-the-Dungeon-NPC-dialog can be found inside the compressed archive UMDDATA.bin and you can hex edit that .bin file with zero problems whatsoever. that's how i translated pretty much almost everything, except of course for the NPC dialogs that are found inside the dungeons.
the dungeon NPC text is found inside the Empire 3 "executable", which for PSP games is the EBOOT.bin archive. Now, this was when I first ran into what I later googled/learned is dictionary encryption or more simply put "text compression". I took screenshots of an ingame Empire 3 NPC conversation inside the game's 1st dungeon and then I used the search functionality of windhex32 and also crystaltile2 with pieces (i.e. japanese characters lifted from the conversation) of the text but it turns out everything is in there, but it's all scrambled.
Example would be, ok this is a normal looking NPC dialog text in X game, inside a compressed archive but without encryption:
Now what i did was basically search for terms like "hello", and when it didn't find anything, I eventually ended up searching for "He" and "H" (in this fictional example i mean) and also It ocurred to me to also do searches for the 「 and for 。。。 and the like, and sure enough the conversation text from the Empire 3 screenshot is most definitely inside the EBOOT.bin buuuuut unlike with everything that's inside the other game .bin, the one with 80% of the game text, the dialog text found in the EBOOT.bin is all completely jumbled like so:
「Hexx133fff.....#qq..SOME Sxx1ffffxx..x n
So do you understand what I mean now? and the same thing, same exact type of text compression, is also the case with the dialog/dungeon-text from:
- Prisoner of the Battles, both PS2 and Windows PC
ー Wiz XTH 1 and 2 i.e. academy of frontier and unlimited students
ー and of course... Wizardry Empire 3
so you can understand why i feel frustrated. Especially after i put in all those dozens of hours translating Empire 3. (which reminds me, I need to polish up the bits remaining of everything-but-the-NPC-dialog text that i already have translated and working for Empire 3 and i need to learn how to make a patch for the game so we can upload that ”menu patch” (though i’d say full translation of all enemies, spells, items, etc is much more than just a mere menu patch but whatever...).
i have no clue how to make a patch for it, right now all i have is a psp empire 3 .ISO with the modified UMDDATA.bin inside of it.
ANYWAY, my real point here w/ this post is basically asking you if a) is it possible to crack the compression/encryption on the text in these archives, and b) your thoughts on this subject?