I reached level 64 last night (after having not played since I reached 54 on Friday). I finished VotE and Krassarang Wilds and I am now half way through Kun-Lai Summit.
The fun in the MoP levelling questline is frontloaded. Jade Forest starts off as very fun with you machinegunning the Horde, and then meeting Lorewalker Cho. Cho's voice actor Jim Cummings really carries the story here. The Alliance side quest where you drink the dreambrew and see Anduin and Garrosh also hypes up the events you are participating in as being enormous. The missions where you play as Rell Nightwind's squad were funny. There is also a sidequestline at Tian Monastery where you get introduced to the masters at a banquet, which was pretty funny. The quest with the evil Pandaren witch was neat. The designs of the Sha are good, they look like hug menacing gooey monsters. Environmentally, I like the Jade Forest with the red painted houses on top of the chinese hills connected by bridges, and the bamboo forests, but it would be nice to see this zone redesigned on a much larger scale like the Dragon Isles zone, with much taller Chinese hills. I would have liked to have seen the Jinyu town fleshed out more.
The Valley of the Four Winds storyline is overall fun as you are tagging along with Chen Stormstout and Lili and seeing the humorous situations they get involved in. Mudmug was funny. There was also that funny rape analogy quest about the Pandaren girl who was abducted by the rabbits who forced her to feed them carrots and they're going "OH YEAH!" and she's acting as if it's a traumatizing experience. The story lost my interest after I left Chen and Li Li behind to go to Stoneplow village. The 90s Asian martial arts movie training sequence was neat. Environmentally, I like the farmland to the North of Halfhill with the fields of humongous crops. The river/lake area to north is also okay. The rest of the zone is rather boring, empty flatlands and hills. I did like the informational segments with the place that kept different varieties of grain and the silk moth farm.
Krassarang Wilds I really like visually. It too could benefit from being redesigned as a Dragonflight zone with the jungle trees being Emerald Dream sized so you could better fly through them. The zone also has some of the most beautiful music which I listened to a lot when doing fishing dailies way back when. Unfortunately, the story was almost entirely boring. I didn't get invested until I reached the Temple of Chi-Ji and was fighting with Anduin against a big Sha. Curiously we don't see the Thai or Indian/Mughal/whatever architecture seen in Chi-Ji's temple anywhere else in Pandaria. I saluted when that Night Elf guy drank the vial (of what I presume to be dark animus) and sacrificed himself to bring back his daughter. I was surprised that the Anglers Wharf did not have an inn to set your hearthstone too.
Going back to Stoneplow village, with the NPCs from both VotFE and Krassarang showing up for the big battle there was pretty fun.
Kun-Lai I kinda like visually, with the reddish grasslands flanked by grey and white snowy mountains and blue sky. I don't like it as much as the Jade Forest or Krassarang. The story starts off as pretty meh. I got a little bit more invested when Admiral Taylor began trying to build a base and build an army of Alliance Pandaren, but you don't expand Westwind Rest and the army never does anything. After that you're doing boring stuff for Grummles.
I have tallied up the bronze I need for the stuff I want:
2200 kite recolor
2200 x 6 cranes
4400 x 2 juggernaut recolors
4400 x 4 skyscreamer recolors
38500 Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent
38500 Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent
38500 Iron Juggernaut
3000 DH weapon
3000 Monk weapon
3000 Paladin weapon
3000 warrior weapon
4000 DH armor
4000 mage armor
4000 monk armor
4000 shaman armor
5000 raid tot cloth armor
5000 raid tot leather armor
5000 raid SoO cloth armor
5000 raid SoO rogue armor
8000 Garrosh heirloom spear
= 221,200 bronze total
I earned 6k bronze in 1 hour of questing, so I need to do about 37 hours of questing to get the bronze I need. Unfortunately I've been spending all of my bronze on buying prismatic gems (trying to jack up my crit, mastery, and stamina as much as possible), and then I am going to have to spend my bronze upgrading my ilevel. I would like to kill Garrosh on mythic for the new "Paragon of the Mists" title. Might become my new favorite title, replacing Legend of Pandaria. I like "Paragon" more than "Legend", and "Mists" is a more creative way to refer to my favorite expansion and continent than the straight up noun "Pandaria". It's also a prestigious limited time title. So it's Legend of Pandaria but just better. Maybe I will keep Legend on my retail paladin main and Paragon on my new Timerunner character. Anyway, it's going to be a long time before I can start using the bronze I earn for buying cosmetics.
One thing I forgot to say about Remix is that I am enjoying playing with the four Frost themed tinker gems (Brittle where killing an enemy makes them exploded into lots of ice shards upon death, that feels really impactful. The Frost shield also looks cool. Seeing hailstorms appear is also cool, Etc). They make my Frost Death Knight feel more Frosty, and makes up for how lackluster DK animations usually feel. It would be nice if these powers would carry over into retail.