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World of Warcraft: Dragon Desperation


May 21, 2011
The amount of people that bought the game edition that's 40 euros more for 3 days of "early access" is disappointing but not unexpected. If there's one fanbase that I definitely expect to be eating up all the shit that a company throws at them it's definitely this one.
It's like 25 (since it includes 1 month of game time) for a no lag weekend before launch when large part of playerbase has a job. It's one of the easiest sells out there.


Jul 30, 2013
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
The amount of people that bought the game edition that's 40 euros more for 3 days of "early access" is disappointing but not unexpected. If there's one fanbase that I definitely expect to be eating up all the shit that a company throws at them it's definitely this one.
I evidently drunk bought it months ago, which is no excuse. I expected only the most sweaty nerds, but it is pretty chill for the most part. Everyone is practicing, gearing alts up, or trolling trade chat. No regrets so far.

Relative to the prior expansion, you level up really fast. Although you need to complete the campaign at least once, there are more quests than one can know what to do with. Alternatively, you could spam delves or dungeons. I went from 70 to 74 in about an hour through dungeons on my Preservation Evoker. The normal dungeons are too easy.

Hero talents are hit or miss. The new dungeons will cause drama/rage, and so I look forward to mythic+ with friends.

Hallowfall is visually one of the best zones Blizzard has made in WoW.
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Just Locus

Mar 11, 2022
It's easier than ever to make a MMO these days but it's still fucking expensive and you'll be competing against other games with decades of content. Very few succeed and it's a very hard sell to get a hundred million dollar budget to make one.
That's the thing, making an MMORPG in a genre as oversaturated as is, is difficult already but having the manpower and will to fill it with years and years worth of content is a whole different beast that many devs don't bother with, the only reason Guild Wars 1 is still up and running is because the servers have negligible server costs. AFAIK Neverwinter Nights 1's Multiplayer is the closest thing to a successful "make your own MMO" type of feature since it's player-ran and players manage and create content for the servers regularly.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
It's a shame no "make your own MMO" engines were a success. HeroEngine flopped hard. It's easier than ever to make a MMO these days but it's still fucking expensive and you'll be competing against other games with decades of content. Very few succeed and it's a very hard sell to get a hundred million dollar budget to make one.

I strongly suspect that Cloud Imperium is gonna license StarEngine and you only need one or two successful licensees for that to be worth doing. Amazon is gonna do their same with Lumberyard/O3DE using their Lord of the Rings MMO as a showcase and Mark Jacobs is licensing his Camelot Unchained tech to anyone who wants it (lol)

The story of EQ is a lot like that. Brad McQuaid got rich and promoted to a management position, but it made him miss being hands on with games. So he left to make games, along with some others. EQ made a fortune but they spent all the money on trying to make another hit, but so much was half baked crap. Eventually they ran out of money and sold the company.
As unfinished as Vanguard was, I think it'd still be running today if the average person could play it. That game was hilariously unoptomized and required top-end specs.

I absolutely love Vanguard. I got in the Beta and I upgraded my PC specifically for it. It mostly ran well for me but some areas would be 18fps, and that was with a 8800GTX which I think was top end at the time if not the top card. They later changed a few things that drastically improved performance but I think they disabled some lighting or cloud technology (actual fluffy 3d moving clouds), and it worked. But the game's graphics lost a little something compared to at release. I still loved how it looks though. There is a dungeon with shiny golden and marble surfaces and it still blows my mind to look at it even now. Seeing that in 2006 was mind blowing.

The performance did kill the game though. It was also very buggy at release. A lot of kind of minor bugs that they fixed mostly in the first year or so. But a lot of it was fundamental. Like being able to loot. Sounds dumb but the loot system allowed everyone in the group to roll a dice with need or greed and some other options etc. I played with real life friends and they had been playing WoW a lot and they had zero tolerance for bugs and issues. They both quit before level 14 and they only got that far because I kept hassling them to play with me. They never saw any of the cool stuff. They never saw flying mounts that you could fly anywhere, even straight into a dungeon and then in some cases fly through the dungeon on the mount. They never saw the amazing graphics and textures, or the gigantic dungeons, or the amazing combat, the multiple continents, etc. I don't think they even got the basic horse. I saw a statistic that about 95% of players quit before level 4. Such a disaster, such a shame.

I still play it on the emulator sometimes. That has come a long way lately. TL-dr I think it would have been a big long lasting game too if it could have got another 6 months of development time. The whole thing is Microsoft's fault. (And a little bit Sigil for not tying MS down)
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Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
About the Vanguard: Saga of Heroes clouds. The game had realistic weather, sunshine and then clouds would form and it could rain and there would be storms and lightning etc. They were actual volumetric actual clouds that players maybe even fly through on a pegasus. A lot of games started having similar tech to this around that time, but the amazing thing with Vanguard is that they planned to have this weather travel across the entire world. So clouds would form and it creates rain and storms in one region, but the clouds are moving so that storm goes to other players in other areas of the world.

The reason they put so much effort into it is that they planned to have weather affect gameplay. Also EverQuest had quite advanced and realistic weather relative to the time, and people loved it. They were trying to improve on that game in every way. And they were using WoW as a benchmark for presentation.


Jul 27, 2024
Hallowfall is a beautiful zone but so terribly wasted on the Arathi.

I've always disliked half elves but somehow they've made them even more obnoxious than usual by having fat half elves, dark skinned half elves and disabled half elves.

My preferred approach to 'diverse' NPC's is to take the same approach as The Elder Scrolls in terms of having the Bretons and Nords as fair skinned races and then the Redguards as a dark skinned race. Not just randomly painting random members of a race with darker skin and stereotypically ethnic features in order to meet a quota for 'inclusion'.

Hopefully the Arathi will be antagonists in the long term so we can be rid of them for the most part.

It's bad enough that the regular high elves and blood elves can now be 'diverse' too but the Arathi are creepy in terms of their context. Half elves were not only rare but actively shunned until the lore was sanitised heavily but even accounting for their existence, it makes no sense for a bunch of humans and elves to breed with each other to the point where they blend together as a whole.

I just want consistent, immersive world building. It was nostalgic but bittersweet to dip into Classic and see the days of each race having a distinct look without desperately trying to reflect modern day big city demographics.


Jul 30, 2013
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
Arathi are hit or miss. The biggest issue is the one-armed lady (Faerin); she suffers from modern writing. A “not Imperium of Man” would be welcome, but I can already see Blizzard trying to backtrack and water it down with Faerin.

The initial entrance to Hallowfall, where land opens up, the light clears, and the music hits you - perfect. I think the last time I had a reaction to a zone entry was the Dark Portal/Hellfire Peninsula. I don’t know why Blizzard hasn’t managed to nail that recently.
Feb 3, 2022
World of Warcraft: The War Within

I have been playing for 2.5 hours. I finished the Isle of Dorn questline and was at the part where you go underground, but I decided to turn back and go complete the sidequests up above on the surface.

My current chief complaint is that the expansion is braindead easy. Be it fighting overworld mobs or delves or doing the first dungeon. I don't think my HP has ever gone below 90%, not even when I was mass pulling everything in sight as a DPS spec. For the story delve, you are FORCED to pick the tier 1 difficulty. And then for the dungeon, you are FORCED to go through the dungeon with NPC followers, and again I could pull everything in sight and just not care, and the bosses died so fast I didn't even get to see all of their mechanics or RP. Even FF14 Dawntrail was more challenging than this, when mass pulling FATE mobs while levelling up my other jobs, or the threatening and engaging dungeon bosses where you have to be paying attention and can't be absent mindedly playing. That being said, the moment to moment gameplay of TWW is a little more engaging than Dawntrail was, as Dawntrail was hours and hours of a visual novel with a very boring, low tension story occasionally punctuated by an exciting dungeon or boss fight, vs WoW The War Within where you are constantly running around clicking on objects in the game world and constantly killing stuff.


The story had me engaged early on with the tension of the sudden devestating attack on Dalaran with people dying in the streets, people being kidnapped and carried away by evil spiders, buildings collapsing, etc. And then you and the survivors fighting for your lives on a beach, and then when Baelgrimm arrives it seemed he was going to arrest us and throw us in prison and we were going to have to break out. But after that it turns out that the Earthen are chill with us, and the tension dissipates and the story becomes kinda boring as you run around doing whatever.


The destruction of the Cinderbrew Meadery was underwhelming. I was expecting a huge, devestating explosion that would leave nothing but a smoking crater left, but then in the cutscene the stonework and even the wooden barrels that supposedly exploded are still intact. EDIT: upon rewatching the scene, apparently Baelgrimm actually kills the Nerubain lieutenant with just his leap, and there weren't any other living Nerubians around, so why did we blow up all of this mead again?

I finished the prologue AND the first zone storyline in only 2.5 hours? We only have three more zones to go and then the raid? How short is this expansion's campaign?

It is disappointing that we haven't heard word about what is going on the rest of the world at this moment. Dalaran - one of the most advanced cities/nations of the world and the world's center of magical learning, and a pillar of the world's infrastructure - was just wiped out in 20 minutes. There should be world wide panic and every nation going on red alert and mobilizing their flying cavalry, airships, mage portals, etc, and sending an immediete punitive expedition. Not just the nations, but also military orders such as the Ebon Blade, the Silver Hand, the Tyr's Guard, etc.

There is a moment in the storyline when a character says "Storm" three times in a row. "The stormborn" and "the stormriders" and "the storm something".

Aggravating feminist writing where the strong man who does his job and protects everybody gets shat on in favor of the woman girlboss who deserted her post. Also, women with beards. Won't waste more words on that.




I like how verdant the new city of Dornogal is, and I like the celtic knot designs in the trim. I do not like how overall blocky/square the architecture is, though. So Valdrakken and Oribos was preferrable in that regard. There was some neat stuff such as gardeners spraying water magic to water the plants instead of using a watering can or a hose.



It's cool how the Earthen do the Utawarerumono thing and have use crystals for lighting, embedding it into their walls or having it in place of candles on top of stables or on lampstands, but the glow/lighting effect is not very strong/good.


I find it unbecoming that Madam Goya has set up shop in a small room in a dilapidated alleyway filled with litter and rats and common ruffians. The same Madam Goya who ran the Black Market Auction house out of a nice house on a mountaintop next to a hot springs resort in Pandaria, and was using a palatial stone alcove house in Valdrakken. She has been exchanging highly coveted magical weapons and dragons that sell for millions of gold each for 10 years. She can afford some place nicer. It's like a bank. Going to an auction house is like going to a bank; it needs to look nice and prestigious so when you feel confident about handing over lots of your hard earned money. This is bad form.

Music: haven't heard anything that would make it onto my favorite's playlist so far. I noticed that they are using a hammered dulcimer which is nice, but it isn't Timothy Seaman tier music. There was a playful sounding part around the Cindebrew Meadery, will have to look that up later. The inn music is okayish.

I have been mining and picking herbs and thus far haven't found any cool fantastical stuff like in Dragonflight like the air herbs that blew you back or the frost herbs that froze you.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
World of Warcraft: The War Within

I have been playing for 2.5 hours. I finished the Isle of Dorn questline and was at the part where you go underground, but I decided to turn back and go complete the sidequests up above on the surface.

My current chief complaint is that the expansion is braindead easy.

You paid money for this? :lol:

I absolutely love Vanguard. I got in the Beta and I upgraded my PC specifically for it. It mostly ran well for me but some areas would be 18fps, and that was with a 8800GTX which I think was top end at the time if not the top card. They later changed a few things that drastically improved performance but I think they disabled some lighting or cloud technology (actual fluffy 3d moving clouds), and it worked. But the game's graphics lost a little something compared to at release. I still loved how it looks though. There is a dungeon with shiny golden and marble surfaces and it still blows my mind to look at it even now. Seeing that in 2006 was mind blowing.

Vanguard was friggin' cool and it's a travesty that it died. I didn't discover it until it was on the way out and was kicking myself. It had such great ideas.


Jul 30, 2013
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
My current chief complaint is that the expansion is braindead easy.
I agree 100%. The difficulty curve is a joke at the moment. I ran a few heroics on my Blood DK, expecting a step up in difficulty and I was dead wrong. Granted, people still die if they mess up the insta-kill mechanics, such as those in Dawnbreaker. Coincidently, everyone bitches about Dawnbreaker - I wonder why :-D.

I thought Blizzard wanted heroics to better bridge the gap to mythics, but I don't see that happening. I recall mythic 0 is supposed to be equivalent to a 10+ in DF, and there is no damn way heroics can prepare new players for that.

Vanguard was friggin' cool and it's a travesty that it died. I didn't discover it until it was on the way out and was kicking myself. It had such great ideas.
I haven't heard that name in ages. I can't remember why it failed though.


Oct 23, 2017
WoW should copy Lord of the Rings Online's landscape difficulty slider. Some may enjoy the braindead rush to endgame but if I were going to bother playing retail I'd want the majority of PvE content (questing) to be enjoyable. It's why I don't play Elder Scrolls Online anymore.

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
My current chief complaint is that the expansion is braindead easy. Be it fighting overworld mobs or delves or doing the first dungeon. I don't think my HP has ever gone below 90%, not even when I was mass pulling everything in sight as a DPS spec. For the story delve, you are FORCED to pick the tier 1 difficulty. And then for the dungeon, you are FORCED to go through the dungeon with NPC followers, and again I could pull everything in sight and just not care, and the bosses died so fast I didn't even get to see all of their mechanics or RP. Even FF14 Dawntrail was more challenging than this, when mass pulling FATE mobs while levelling up my other jobs, or the threatening and engaging dungeon bosses where you have to be paying attention and can't be absent mindedly playing. That being said, the moment to moment gameplay of TWW is a little more engaging than Dawntrail was, as Dawntrail was hours and hours of a visual novel with a very boring, low tension story occasionally punctuated by an exciting dungeon or boss fight, vs WoW The War Within where you are constantly running around clicking on objects in the game world and constantly killing stuff.

Blizzard has announced that they will be increasing leveling difficulty tomorrow (August 28th) with it being most noticeable at level 70.
As players have jumped into The War Within and begun leveling up, we’ve seen data and heard a great deal of feedback that players coming into Khaz Algar with endgame Dragonflight gear were extremely powerful relative to that initial content. It is entirely intended that effort put into gearing translates into a significant combat advantage at the start of a new expansion, but the values we’ve been seeing are extreme, often not even allowing time for normal combat rotations. This disparity also caused mixed-level groups to experience skewed results, with lower-level players contributing drastically more than level 80s. Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 28, we’re going to apply hotfixes to the game to address this.

The hotfixes will adjust the scaling of enemies in War Within leveling content to increase the power of lower-level enemies, bringing the duration of combat more in line with expected WoW behavior. These changes will be most noticeable at level 70, and will have a reduced impact as your level increases. Enemies at level 80 and above will be unchanged.

Again, we’ll make these changes tomorrow, August 28.

Thank you!


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2

Vanguard was friggin' cool and it's a travesty that it died. I didn't discover it until it was on the way out and was kicking myself. It had such great ideas.
I haven't heard that name in ages. I can't remember why it failed though.

Vanguard was a fantasy game that came about during the height of WoW's popularity as both a game and pop culture phenomenon, as I recall. WoW basically sucked all the air out of the space and killed every other game that didn't target a different genre niche.


Jul 27, 2024
Arathi are hit or miss. The biggest issue is the one-armed lady (Faerin); she suffers from modern writing. A “not Imperium of Man” would be welcome, but I can already see Blizzard trying to backtrack and water it down with Faerin.

The initial entrance to Hallowfall, where land opens up, the light clears, and the music hits you - perfect. I think the last time I had a reaction to a zone entry was the Dark Portal/Hellfire Peninsula. I don’t know why Blizzard hasn’t managed to nail that recently.
Yeah, the premise is a cool one. The execution is as you say, very hit and miss.

I really like the Empire trope in general though so few modern games do it right. It always slides into petty caricatures of 'fascism' and 'zeal' rather than a bolder, more nuanced take that focuses on the better elements of the likes of the Roman Empire.

I'll reserve my full judgement for now. Hopefully the game won't do what FFXIV did and completely nuke the Empire off screen after teasing and building it up for years.
Feb 3, 2022
I have finished all sidequests up on the surface, and then finished the main storyline of the second zone, the Ringing Deeps. I am now level 77, half way to 78.


The sidequests are overall much more engaging than usual. Sure, you have your usual filler chores with the locals you don't give a hoot about (though some of them were neat such as the above one with the rock giant), but you also have sidequests with prior characters you do care about, such as Rannan, or sidequests with the Bronzebeards. I have also come across two sidequestlines that seem to be somewhat plot important foreshadowing conspiracies within the leadership and history of the Earthen.


The fungal treant and the candle monsters look cool.


I like this fantasy plant with a crystal growing out of it.


I came across an ore that was wrapped in magical webs, and when I tried to mine it I got caught by webs and slowed down. Neat.

I like the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles-esque Kobold delve where you have to carry the candle/air purifier around or you will die outside of it. The candle/air purifier runs out of fuel the more steps you take, so you have to actually stop and plan out your route around the room. And there are tough enemies who can knock you back, further expending your candle/air purifier, so you have to burst down that mob/stun him/use knockback prevention abilities.



They're doing that stupid thing again from the Zaralek Cavern storyline where you confront a villain, and then your character just stands there doing absolutely nothing while this villain does whatever he wants be it picking up a magical artifact or attacking the guy you are supposed to be protecting or running away to do evil things another day. How many more people would I have saved from being zombified had I cut him down as he ran past me?


The narrative is making Magni out to be some deadbeat father who "failed" Moira and Dagran. Huh? It was Moira who chose to say "screw you dad!" and have a baby with an evil demon worshipper who then got killed and left Moira a widow and Dagran without a father. It was Moira who decided to continue living with the evil demon worshipping dwarves rather than come home to the safety of her people. But Magni is getting blamed for the foolishness of his daughter, and she's thrusting the responsibility of her actions on him? What a joke.



The sanctimonious prerendered cutscene dialogue and presentation continues to be awful.

The Ringing Deeps story ends with Moira Bronzebeard (a foreign royal) unilaterally appointing Brinthe as the Earthen's new High Speaker. Not only is this an ergregious violation of sovereignty, but Moira has only known Brinthe for a couple hours at most, as we know that Brinthe has been away from the Speakers for several years, possibly decades or centuries. There could very easily be other Earthen speakers who didn't desert who would have more experience than Brinthe and more understanding and would be better qualified. Sure, the Speaker NPCs come running in cheering for Brinthe at the end, but you would think they would be rooting for one of their own who had been with them for the past however many years through thick and thin, rather than some deserter who hasn't been with them for however long and just came slinking back right when a position opens up.


Jul 11, 2023
Turning Magni into a mewling cuck is par for the course.
Been called a tinfoil hatter but if you notice Blizzard has been systematically destroying every strong male character in the story to prop up their new girlboss replacements.
I can't wait for the shitstorm when they get back to Illidan then again I expected one for how they treated Arthas in Shadowlands and it never really materialized so maybe the fanbase is broken beyond care.


Aug 30, 2023
I only played 1,5 hours of the new expansion so far. Unfortunately I read a spoiler about what's happening during the introduction quest before you go to the Isle of Dorn. So the story stuff war nothing special so far.

The start at the Isle of Dorn with the battles at the beach was the usual stuff. I think many expansions started in a very similar fashion. The new capital (?) city of the earthen seems to have a decent layout but the look itself is not very interesting. Feels a bit greyish tbh. Don't know yet if that's true for the entire zone or just the city. I also dislike the bearded females. Don't know why. Maybe because it looks stupid, maybe because it feels like a social message/commentary. Maybe both.

So, impressions are not too great so far but WoW is always like coming home and relaxing. I hope I find some more time to play in the next days.

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