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World of Warcraft: The War Within


Ph.D. in World Saving
Nov 30, 2003
Clogging the Multiverse with a Crowbar
Out of sheer curiosity, I recently dabbled into WoW Retail, just to refresh my memory, and...


The fuck have they done to this game? It's completely different to how I remembered it. It plays like a Diablo clone. And where are the trainers? Oh right, they outright removed them. Everything feels steroid up and dumbed down at the same time. Where is the fun in that?

Makes only Vanilla Private Server the only viable option left. The fuck Blizzard...


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
Does anyone else feel this way, and/or think I'm an idiot for thinking this? Please give me random funny rating skittle buttons and troll me for this opinion, thanks.
Remember in TBC when you could macro hunter to basically be 1-2 buttons. Those were the days.

I don't care for the button bloat and I don't even play modern WoW but aside from shift modifiers I also used alt modifiers though obviously not for every binding - alt+5/6 for example is just too awkward.
Lol, if you want to reduce your class to a one button macro, it's much easier to do so now on retail.

Install GSE addon, go to wowlazymacros, copy paste a macro from the many available, and you are done.


May 14, 2008
I just want to whine about something and see if you guys shit on me for it.

When I was playing this game I was always completely flabbergasted by the sheer number of keybinds. In the context of any other game, it was absurd how many unique key binds this game asked of you, most of which were highly situational or 1+ minute cooldowns. While a lot of the time, that means I wasn't pressing them, in contrast to my core rotation which I was spamming on GCD, that was still a lot of fucking keyboard real estate. For reference, when I was at my most mad, playing Gladiator Warrior (rest in peace), I was hitting something like 85-93 APM, for context (most classes sat around 60-ish).

I think it's not too far out of bounds to say that the comfortable keys to hit on the keyboard are maybe keys ` through 6, tab, WASD + Q, E, R, F, G, Z, X, C. That's 12 keys not counting movement keys. On a typical gaymer mouse, you have maybe 3-4 mouse buttons available for free binds.

When I was playing Warrior, I had something like 27 key binds. Not including on active trinkets. It was to the point where I would try to swerve towards passive trinkets, even if they were explicitly not BiS, and avoid talents which necessitated extra keybinds, because I had nowhere to fucking put them. Or I would try to macro together at least offensive cooldowns (defensives were usually too situational), which obviously leads to a reduction in versatility and potentially performance.

I remember the one patch long ago that was intended to address button bloat by pruning some of the lesser used and weird skills like beast tracking and other weird flavor shit.

But the button bloat parade continued relentlessly with each patch often adding yet more keybinds, including 45 second cooldown abilities that are part of critical mini-burst windows, and therefore necessitating a core rotation keybind. Worse, many of them are on GCD and often de-synced with major burst cooldowns.

Shift+button binds never worked well for me, being way too awkward and clunky. IMHO, an "MMO mouse" with 12 numbered side buttons is a necessity for World of Warcraft. The only game that I've come across that was close to as bad about this was Warhammer Age of Reckoning/RoR.

Does anyone else feel this way, and/or think I'm an idiot for thinking this? Please give me random funny rating skittle buttons and troll me for this opinion, thanks.
The playerbase chimps out if an ability is removed. And if they don't get new buttons every 2 years.

I've never liked having 10 different damage spells. Needless complexity.

PS: latest beta added more keybind slots, lol


Jun 4, 2023
Does anyone else feel this way, and/or think I'm an idiot for thinking this? Please give me random funny rating skittle buttons and troll me for this opinion, thanks.
Haven't tried an MMO mouse with all the buttons (looks dumb as shit and I assume it's awful to use/inaccurate). I have two buttons on the side which are bound to shift and ctrl. Using ~ through 6 and some keys near WASD gives you a ton of options with shift/ctrl modifiers.

Anyway, you're not wrong. The number of keybinds needed in many MMOs feels bad to actually play.


May 14, 2008
Does anyone else feel this way, and/or think I'm an idiot for thinking this? Please give me random funny rating skittle buttons and troll me for this opinion, thanks.
Haven't tried an MMO mouse with all the buttons (looks dumb as shit and I assume it's awful to use/inaccurate). I have two buttons on the side which are bound to shift and ctrl. Using ~ through 6 and some keys near WASD gives you a ton of options with shift/ctrl modifiers.

Anyway, you're not wrong. The number of keybinds needed in many MMOs feels bad to actually play.
Why would the sensor on the bottom be bad because it has more buttons on the side? That's retarded.

I use the G600 and for WoW I use all 12 thumb buttons plus the mouse's "gshift" key so they cover 24 keybinds. Mostly for things like defensives or speed boosts that you want to activate while moving and lower priority things so I don't have to open a menu or bag to use them.


May 14, 2008
What is the current meta for flag running in battlegrounds? Are DH and bears still king? Or did the +60% tank damage taken make them extinct in PvP?

Is the best flag carrier for War Within going to end up being moonkin or something because it's like a bear without the harsh PvP template?
Feb 3, 2022
What is the current meta for flag running in battlegrounds? Are DH and bears still king? Or did the +60% tank damage taken make them extinct in PvP?

Anything with high movement speed, be it DPS or tank spec. People in RBG pugs aren't sticklers about who grabs the flag so long as it is grabbed ASAP. Cat form druids, paladins using divine steed + blessing of freedom, DH using two charges of leaps, Moonkin flapping his wings as he glides off of the Alliance base in Twin Peaks, etc. It's also cool when the priest or dracthyr help you out by gripping/flying you across the river. Monk, mages, and Dracthyr helping protect the FC while waiting for the enemy flag to be returned by using Ring of Peace or their frost wall or their wing knockbacks to keep the enemy team from whacking on their FC is also appreciated. Paladins using consecration, hunter traps, and frost mages can also help slow down chasers.


May 14, 2008
What is the current meta for flag running in battlegrounds? Are DH and bears still king? Or did the +60% tank damage taken make them extinct in PvP?

Anything with high movement speed, be it DPS or tank spec. People in RBG pugs aren't sticklers about who grabs the flag so long as it is grabbed ASAP. Cat form druids, paladins using divine steed + blessing of freedom, DH using two charges of leaps, Moonkin flapping his wings as he glides off of the Alliance base in Twin Peaks, etc. It's also cool when the priest or dracthyr help you out by gripping/flying you across the river. Monk, mages, and Dracthyr helping protect the FC while waiting for the enemy flag to be returned by using Ring of Peace or their frost wall or their wing knockbacks to keep the enemy team from whacking on their FC is also appreciated. Paladins using consecration, hunter traps, and frost mages can also help slow down chasers.
But who is the best at holding it while waiting to cap?
Feb 3, 2022
What is the current meta for flag running in battlegrounds? Are DH and bears still king? Or did the +60% tank damage taken make them extinct in PvP?

Anything with high movement speed, be it DPS or tank spec. People in RBG pugs aren't sticklers about who grabs the flag so long as it is grabbed ASAP. Cat form druids, paladins using divine steed + blessing of freedom, DH using two charges of leaps, Moonkin flapping his wings as he glides off of the Alliance base in Twin Peaks, etc. It's also cool when the priest or dracthyr help you out by gripping/flying you across the river. Monk, mages, and Dracthyr helping protect the FC while waiting for the enemy flag to be returned by using Ring of Peace or their frost wall or their wing knockbacks to keep the enemy team from whacking on their FC is also appreciated. Paladins using consecration, hunter traps, and frost mages can also help slow down chasers.
But who is the best at holding it while waiting to cap?

It doesn't really matter because the time to kill in WoW PvP is now so fast regardless of which class. Paladin can keep themselves alive for a few more seconds due to their self heals but they're still going to go down anyway. It's on your team to 1. try to keep the enemy away for as long as possible and 2. to kill the enemy flag carrier before you go down. Fast classes can maybe buy some time like running laps around the top of the forts on Warsong Gulch or up the stairs and off the ledge over and over again inside the fort in Twin Peaks, but that only works if you have maybe one or two enemies on you, anymore than that and you're going to die.


May 14, 2008
Thanks, sounds a little lame compared to how it used to work.


May 21, 2011
I think it's not too far out of bounds to say that the comfortable keys to hit on the keyboard are maybe keys ` through 6, tab, WASD + Q, E, R, F, G, Z, X, C. That's 12 keys not counting movement keys. On a typical gaymer mouse, you have maybe 3-4 mouse buttons available for free binds.

Take out the movement keys, so : `, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, q, e, r, f, z, x, c, v -> 14
shift/ctrl + everything on the rightside: 3, 4, 5, e, r, f, x, c, v -> 18
For something that doesn't need to be used a lot: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F8, 6, t, h, b -> 10
normal/shift/ctrl/alt + mouse middle/side, wheel up, wheel down -> 12

54 easy binds with a relatively normal mouse

The only real issue is in arena pvp if you want to bind important stuff per enemy target.
Feb 3, 2022
Prepatch maintenance has finished. Account conversion took 20 seconds . New warband screen is a little buggy at the moment. Sometimes when you click to the favorites/campfire scene, the weapons of the characters won't display, so if you click on a character they will enter a battle stance wielding nothing.



May 14, 2008
How many days would it take to get the Garrosh shoulders in remix if I started today? Basically, how hard is it to get into a heroic/mythic raid group? Is there still some sort of advantage in scaling by leaving a character at level 20?
Feb 3, 2022
How many days would it take to get the Garrosh shoulders in remix if I started today? Basically, how hard is it to get into a heroic/mythic raid group? Is there still some sort of advantage in scaling by leaving a character at level 20?

It costs 38,500 bronze which you will easily make in half an hour by joining a world tour PUG and speedrunning the first three MoP raids on heroic. World tour groups technically do all 5, but the last two raids take an hour to an hour and a half to do due to the sheer length of the hallways and standing around waiting for scripted RP to play, which means diminishing returns in bronze per hour, so many people drop from group after Terrace and the group leader invites new people to replace and fill spots on the way to Throne of Thunder.

To get into heroic world tour PUGs, you do not need to be max geared. What generally happens is that group leader is looking to invite a few max geared players (ie 4 to 6) to carry the group through the content and will kill eviscerate each raid boss in 5 to 30 seconds, and then once that is secured he just invites whoever else has applied and go. Who it is doesn't really matter so long as people aren't having to waste time picking your body off the floor because there are 50 raid bosses to kill each day and people want to go go go. So low geared 70s get invited too.

The Tusks also cost 20 Bones of Mannoroth. You get 10 from killing Mythic Garrosh, so you only have to do two Mythic Garrosh runs. You get 4 bones from heroic Garrosh kills so you could do 5 heroic Siege runs instead. Again, you do not need to be max geared to get into a Siege group.

I let my sub run out before Blizzard doubled Bronze gains, so there might be an expectation that more people are max geared since you can get max geared in half the time it used to take (was a week and a half for me), but again the content is trivial with only a few max geared players to carry, you don't need a full group of them, so I'm guessing a low geared 70 could still get invites. If for some reason you can't get invites, you could just form your own heroic world tour group and watch the applications roll in. Wait until you get a few high geared carries and then invite whomever and go.

For Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar, you do in fact want the whole group to be max gearred, or at least several max gearred ranged classes to beat the DPS check and kill the Iron Star engineers up on the platform before they can unleash two Iron Stars simultaneously and wipe the raid. People generally do not farm Mythic SoO a lot, because again there are diminishing returns on the bronze acquired per hour after Terrace, and by the time people have finished heroic SoO they generally don't want to do another hour of SoO for slightly more bronze. People generally only run mythic SoO once for the Paragon of the Mists title, so you will have to spend more time waiting to catch a group.


May 14, 2008
Thanks! Would there be any advantage to rolling a healer for group invites?

Sounds like one could not do the SoO at level 20 because nobody would invite a level 20.
Feb 3, 2022
Third cinematic for The War Within. For some reason it wasn't uploaded in 4k, and isn't available in 4k on Blizzard's press kit page.

The 2 second shot of Hallowfall and the 4 second shot of the spider zone are cool. Didn't care for the rest of the cinematic.

The Harronir looked and acted like the Na'vi from Avatar.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
This is the worst Blizzard cinematic I have ever seen. The way they animated her hears when she puts on her armor for emphasis is just pure cringe. It's a minor thing but it's what ticked me off; the whole trailer looks like shit. I haven't played any modern Blizzard games in years but I still liked to watch their cinematics because they were always top notch albeit declining in quality. But now everything they do is total shit. The old Blizzard is truly dead.



Jul 27, 2024
She's genuinely one of the ugliest characters I've seen in recent years and that's saying something when games like Concord provide ample competition on that front.


Jul 11, 2023
Third cinematic for The War Within. For some reason it wasn't uploaded in 4k, and isn't available in 4k on Blizzard's press kit page.

The 2 second shot of Hallowfall and the 4 second shot of the spider zone are cool. Didn't care for the rest of the cinematic.

The Harronir looked and acted like the Na'vi from Avatar.

What did they do to her jawline? In early renders and art it actually looked feminine.

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
What did they do to her jawline? In early renders and art it actually looked feminine.

Trannies projecting. Nobody with any influence has the balls (or the desire) to say anything when they conjure up these monstrous designs. In gaming, it's been happening for a bit over 10 years now, and shows no sign of slowing down.


Exploring and Enjoying
Jul 23, 2023
Codex+ Now Streaming!
But everything up until that part also felt very cliche.

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