Speaking of streamlined content, I did 5/7 HC with some guild I just found on a god forsaken low-pop RU realm (we were one of the first 15 guilds on EU to kill the first two bosses, rofl). On the night after EN opening I went through normal with a bunch of randoms from that group finder thingy, some wipes here and there, but it was pretty straightforward.
Degenerate gameplay aside, I feel like the biggest blow to WoW was the queue system. It's just a stream of faceless nameplates now, you'll never see those people again, whether it's a bg or an instance. And why would you care anyway, since everything is so easy and simple, almost anyone can do it (or if they can't, you just drop out of the group and wait for another 10 minutes to get a new one). Back in the day you actually had to work with what you had, both in terms of people and actual skills/challenges. Finding someone good and friendly was such a nice and important thing. Guilds and static groups were formed organically instead of a shallow gearcheck that's prevalent nowadays. Not to mention the fact that you actually knew AND cared (to know) about people from your realm. Reputation had a meaning.
Also, I have never seen as many dipshits as I did in the last few weeks. It's like all decent people have abandoned the ship a long time ago (that's most likely what happened anyway). Not a single enjoyable conversation. Granted, RU realms were a cesspool from the get go and that new guild is just further cementing the stereotype, but EU is not far behind. Cancer swe kids cracking putin jokes or screaming SUKA BLYAD DAVAI over and over. Reminded me of a small-town zoo with a stale smell in the air; where all of the sad animals have that shitty brownish color to their fur and attitude.
And yeah, not planning to resub or use the token. I had a lot of good memories linked to this game, but it was such a long time ago, guess it's better to let go. Too bad the b.tag system wasn't introduced until later on, so many good people were lost in the everyday nonsense and all I got to go by now is their character names in my friend list.