First week, Tons of new content to explore, new factions, new quests, new dungeons, etc bummed out there's no flying but no big deal you're still leveling.
Second Week, level 110, Heroics, world quests, interesting rewards, cool lore, leveling professions. Finding the terrain annoying as you can't fly but always find yourself on the wrong side of a mountain or cliff.
Thrid Week, mythic dungeons seem unrewarding, world quests starting to get monotonous, still no legendary drop, reached revered with all factions after purchasing pets, found no more reason to grind. World quests introduce world bosses great idea, poor reward incentive. Realize your profession is mediocre and unrewarding as it use to be, as well as finding yourself at 778 with nothing else to make because everything has gone to green. Flying really starting to become an issue as you constantly find yourself being dismounted by adds as you attempt to traverse the terrible geography to your next world quest.
Fourth Week
LFR found to be pointless, world quests never changing, the wait to develop your class hall really begins to show its slowness, artifact power leveling is over 50k and your realize having an alt would be pointless. RNG really starts to weigh on you as you still haven't had a legendary drop and versitility seems to be on your dps gear and your class can hardly pull 150k in raids making you worthless. Flying is no longer important as you avoid most world quests now and use your whistle when you need to, or have your hearth set to Suramar cause well really what else is there to do. Slowly come to the conclusion you did the second month of WoD and unsub.