Volcanic should only fuck your healer if cunts aren't moving out of it. I ran one the other night that had a mage that ate every 2nd one that appeared under him and a hunter that wasn't much better. When the damage wasn't straight up putting them in the ground (~75% HP) it was draining mana and potentially taking away casts from the tank. Fortunately I worked out when it was best to just leave them low and never let the tank die, so still made 2 chests.
Kara was a really fun 5-man imo, I hope they get a largely positive reaction and do more "5-man-raids" aka dungeons that take more than 20 minutes. I would love to see a more BRD-ish one, very non-linear and possible to get lost in. New Kara is alright in that regard up to Curator (the same layout as old Kara, but from a different entrance, the old side door), but then it's pretty much a straight line for the other 3 bosses. Haven't done a Nightbane run yet, that fight looks good though.