Sounds like you had a particularly bad experience. The servers I tried all linked me directly to a torrent and one even had a bigass collection of old mods for download for use with the old client. There were some errors and issues, but it was totally playable.I recall having to jump through all kinds of hoops last time I tried a private server. WEird torrents to find an old client, digging through partially dead sites to find UI mods for old versions (because fuck the default WoW UI) and after finally getting onto a server things were laggy and several quests and features were either buggy or missing altogether.![]()
And Scrooge only likes gankfests she started?
Some time around Warcraft 1, when it was hurr good humans vs hurr evil orcs?I once tried to pin point the exact moment when the Warcraft story jumped the shark
I know right, Warcraft just wasn't very refined and that was the problem.Some time around Warcraft 1, when it was hurr good humans vs hurr evil orcs?I once tried to pin point the exact moment when the Warcraft story jumped the shark
IIRC outside of STV, grinding is likely faster anywaysMost of the areas are packed, not just the starter areas. It only starts evening out at the late 40's through 50's areas. I've given up on questing as it's a waste of time and just grind shit. Much faster than waiting and fighting for specific quest spawns.
I recall having to jump through all kinds of hoops last time I tried a private server.
Revenant How did you make that much money so fast? Share your secrets please :3
6.2 is meh. The Tanaan Jungle thing is ok-ish and gearing up again in PvP is addictive as always but else... they nerfed a lot of toy items, some that were around since vanilla. The Piccolo now only makes your own character dance, wtf. Even Noggenfogger got nerfed. It's ridiculous.
And they nerfed treasure garrison missions to the ground, I have no idea how to make gold anymore. The inn now is basically completely useless aside for creating an endless army of followers. So now you have all these goldsinks in the game but at the same time they take away every method to make money and they justify it by "people feeling the need to have alts", what in the name of fuck? You make heirlooms easily available for gold and then say that people shouldn't feel the need to twink?! And when you play alts you cannot even afford them anymore because how in gods name do you make money! And no alt ever will be able to build their garrisons because of NO MONEY!
I have no idea what they are doing. Are they trying to ruin the game on purpose? Do they want to kill it so they can go F2P? Do they want to force people into buying their tokens?
The treasure missions nerf and the toy nerfs are really pissing me off, more than anything so far this expansion. And Blizzard is so smug and arrogant, I cannot even put to words how annoyed I am.
Will this finally lead to me quitting my sub? Stay tuned for next week's episode of "Scrooge pays for a game she kinda hates"
It's like trying to pin point the exact moment Diablo's awesomely complex story jumped the shark.
That's why relying on cooldown based gold income, be it missions, profession crafting or whatever, is always a temporary and fickle way to make money. To farm gold efficiently, you need a method that doesn't have any kind of cooldown and you can repeat it indefinitely. The most lucrative of these is, of course, sniping the AH, but that requires some knowledge of TSM and a bit of tedious setup, so it's not for everyone. I myself farm transmog items instead and then sell them on the AH. Watch this guide, for instance:Revenant How did you make that much money so fast? Share your secrets please :3 <...> And they nerfed treasure garrison missions to the ground, I have no idea how to make gold anymore.
That might be part of it but they would have to have eventually nerfed it when the next expansion came out, anyway, so people didn't just dick around in garrisons.I'm pretty sure they're cutting gold faucets and adding in mandatory gold sinks (as well as high-ilevel gear to buy with gold) to drive up token prices.
Can't fault them for getting the best of both worlds (sub fee and f2p/p2w moneygrab)!
I'm pretty sure they're cutting gold faucets and adding in mandatory gold sinks (as well as high-ilevel gear to buy with gold) to drive up token prices.
Can't fault them for getting the best of both worlds (sub fee and f2p/p2w moneygrab)!