Some of you guys never heard of Game of Thrones "Red Wedding"...
GoTards can never shup up about their red wedding so probably everyone has heard about it.Some of you guys never heard of Game of Thrones "Red Wedding"...
Farming for a Netherdrake, of course.People complain that there's nothing to do right now, but what were people doing at this point during BC or Wotlk? All I remember is doing the annoying as fuck Ogri'la dailies and these level 70 elementals everyone was farming.
It’s very rewarding for us to hear that there’s demand out there for more RTS content in the Warcraft universe so once we’re done with Void I think we’ll get together as a team and talk about what would inspire us to work on next. There’s no question, though, that we’ll consider Warcraft, StarCraft, or even new ideas. Anything is possible.
Single-player HotS and old Warcraft 1080p patch aka 'remake' probably come first. But we need a new Culling of Stratholme."Yes," he said when asked if it had been discussed internally. "We've definitely thought about it. It's not being worked on today, but it is cool.
"We'd love to do it - we have the tools, we have the technology, we have a team that's very passionate about that type of content. I've certainly heard it mentioned around the office many, many times. No one's coding today, though. I don't want to overpromise and say it's imminent - it's not imminent. But it's something we definitely want to do."
Yeah, I don't know about the "organized" part, BC had specs and vanilla had entire classes that were completely useless, itemization was a complete mess until before Cataclysm, but I do agree about the flow, raiding involved going through all the raid tiers instead of just getting the latest welfare gear and foregoing all the content before the current patch.The older expansions didn't have a wealth of content but it was better organized and had flow.
I believe they were taken on raids in TBC. Maybe that was a Wrath thing. Still can't think of any classes in vanilla that were useless/not taken on raids. Sure, most were pigeonholed into one primary role but, especially with 40 raids slots, you didn't see classes that weren't taken.
I wonder when they're going to do away with specs, so that you can play as all possible versions of the class so that you can have more fun and don't have to bother with such stupid things as "choice" and "builds".
First, currently quite a lot of talents actually have different effects according to the specialization turned on at the moment.Well, the talent tree (if you can call it that) is already pretty much identical across all specs and you can change your specialization at will so it's not that far off.![]()
If alliance had done it, you would call it strategy.They used you mate, horde is evul like that.
Missed your chance by about 10 years. (Heart of the wild + nature's swiftness)My body is ready for the uniclass, so I can play anything I want at all times.
First, currently quite a lot of talents actually have different effects according to the specialization turned on at the moment.
Second, changing your specialization is only possible out of combat, so it's not so "at will" as you make it to appear.