Damned Registrations
Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
- Joined
- Feb 24, 2007
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so this is basically a GECK?
Pretty much. The people we rescued on that mission were in vault suits too, more or less.
That second base looks really hard to defend.
Yeah, hoping I never have to. If we do, everyone is going to book it for a corner and hole up while we let them fuck up our base. Honestly, if it can just stay up for say, 2 more months? It'll have more than recovered the investment. Anything past that is gravy. Also, I could fairly easily convert it to be easily defended by taking out the hangar.
I'm playing one campaign since 2021. I'm near endgame and haven't seen any red deep ones. Are they new?
I would assume so, they're pretty common on missions in south america on land, and those exterminator missions include them often.
On with the update!
Wasn't expecting much of a concrete result from this, but it actually unlocked the option to research our codex again. So nothing for now, but potentially good stuff in the future!

This took quite a bit of effort, but it's worth it for the space towels alone, which provide environmental defence against both heat and cold at the same time, and can simply be purchased instead of needing a bunch of manufacturing. They also give+3 morale a turn or something like that, which is quite nice.

Ooh, and chem coats! Might be time to pay the organ traffickers a visit... The laslock guns are weird; laser weapons with tiny clips and bonus damage that scales with rank. Never seemed that worthwhile to me, but interesting for sure. There's a bunch of other junk as well, including just generally better access to higher tier guns in the midpoint between alien tech and human; stuff like pulse ammo guns, smart bullets, etc. Once we research them.

Haven't seen that in a while! Means it's probably...

Yep, that's a megapol ship. A troop carrier if I'm not mistaken. We can probably win but...

Oof, that's dicey. We could have ran away too, but I'm always eager to add new factions to our prisoner pool.

The cruisers are just small ships, but carry a lot of crew. I've fought a few before and the standard megapol officers aren't that tough, mostly carrying shotguns and high quality pistols.

Oh fuck, except these guys. These guys carry big guns, including crazy plasma weapons. Forgot about them.

Jesus christ that was just one shot. Seemed like some kind of shotgun? You can tell it hit twice from the armour losses. We run her back inside and have 3 people start using the surgery kit on her.

Yeah, I've got no idea what that gun is, but even if we stole it, we probably couldn't fire it. And these fuckers are insanely tanky. They're also quite slow and have terrible vision, so on an open field they can be picked off with snipers and weapons normally reserved for taking out tanks. Might be vulnerable to gas too actually, and probably melee. But in the clusterfuck of ruins we landed in, trying to kill or capture here is a suicide mission. We bail before we even finish treating all the wounds.

Man, Ogres are such an awesome race. Probably my second favourite after the catgirls. They've got serious drawbacks too, but those drawbacks are easier to remedy than a crippling lack of hp and armour. Hell, one of the biggest drawbacks they have is that we can only recruit 1 each month.

Hmm, I vaguely recall seeing this before. I suspect it'll be much more useful with the green codex in hand.

Apparently it's an actual object. Guess we need to research it then!

Speaking of research, this is finally done. We've come a long way from mounting a light machinegun on a truck. 20 times the damage, longer range, 5 times the accuracy and still has a 200 round capacity. This thing is a beast of a light weapon mount. We could theoretically fit 2 on a pirahna. Ammo production is still a problem though.

Hmm, our research of the codex has revealed some lore on the lokknaar gods. They seem heavily linked to the shadow tech stuff, along with the gnomes. Saving the loknaars would get us some scriptures to learn this stuff quite a bit faster, and we can probably handle some sky pirates now. Something to consider.

In other news, we're stepping up our monster related research.

Pitfiing lets us convert live animal/monster captures into monster corpses and glamour at various rates. The first number is how many animals are needed, the second how much glamour is received. So we could turn our 16 werewolves into 160 glamour, for example. We're not going to be doing that, however.

Not a bad little gun. That skorpion ammo lights things on fire while dealing piercing damage, can be pretty good vs the right kind of target. Definitely one of the better SMGs we've found.

For the price of 700 tokens, we've gotten access to two things: The ability to buy slave taskmasters, which would give us some extra storage and income, and...

A new contact. This takes a bit of research as well, but only a fraction of what the smugglers required.

Shit. I really would have liked to run this mission, but we've only got 2 gals standing right now, and the boys will NOT do well in a cave. Better luck next time.

Not going to show them all, but we've researched a ton more weapons too. Mostly just to clear chaff from interrogations and books and such, but occassionally they bring their own benefits, like unlocking cannon ammo manufacturing, or a step towards making our own vessel mounted gatling guns.

Hmm, interesting. Assuming it grants us the shrooms needing for making medical supplies, we've got basically an unlimited supply now. That'll probably be helpful at some point.

This was supposed to be a milk run! This crazy ass guild engineer had a flamer, and dumped his whole ammo supply on our gal at point blank. Or at least as much as he could before he finished killing himself.

Damn. Good thing chainmail resists burning pretty well.

We got another mad scribbling, and another mediocre reward from it. I vaguely recall this is a ship accessory. I think it blocks one hit per combat? So it'd be good on a really lightweight shadowtech ship... which I've never seen before. Whatever, might give some good research.

Not sure how close this gets us to making our own 50mm or gauss ammo, but it must be a step in the right direction. Queue it up!

These guys are basically just strictly superior guard dogs AFAICT. I forgot to do it, but buying several for base defense and hunting stragglers in certain missions is on the todo list.

I'm not sure, but I suspect it would be possible, albeit pretty grindy, to get this before a lot of other options for contacts. I like that the game has so many parallel paths to achieving particular goals.

Dart pistols would be excellent for capturing people, darts are a lot better than harpoon stun bolts or rubber slugs. Also, we unlocked zero-g missions? But how would we get there...

Oh, amd we can buy missiles now. Good stuff! Our current ships can't use them, but it's nice to have options.

Speaking of options, our contact has two new ships for sale. The first is this beast, which can take us to space, if we so desire. Quite the gas guzzler though.

This thing is even worse on that front though, using a ton of helerium to fuel it's insane speed. It's arguable a worse gunship than the pirahana despite it's higher toughness and speed, but I've used one of these before to scout ships of reasonable high speeds (~2000 or so) to see if they were zippy pirate vessels or stargod ships taking a pleasant stroll. Better to risk this thing (and not much of a risk, this can escape nearly anything) than a gunship loaded with rare tech.

Hey, remember way back when we fought the gunrunners and shot their armored car with this thing? And it didn't die? That was bullshit. 125 piercing damage and it ignores 40% armour. Holy shit this thing is deadly. Strips a big chunk of armour on hit too.

Make me an Ogre and have me carry one of those terrain smashing tools if it pleases you. And maybe a weapon that gives strength condemnations too
Thy wish is granted.

You might have been thinking of a hammer or pickaxe when you described terrain smashing tools, but this thing, at least in the hands of an ogre, is better than both. It hits harder (About 200 damage reduced to ~80 vs terrain compared to a pickaxe's 70 applied fully to terrain) and has a bit of reach so it can take out cover on second stories and more safely bust through walls without standing directly in the line of fire. As a bonus, since it's accuracy scales with strength, even this newbie can land shots with it reliably, turning most things into a fine red mist.

And these are just his starting stats, in crappy armour. Just wait till we get a masterblaster outfit on him, or load him up with titles and training.