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In Progress X-Piratez! Ironman! No spoilers! Oldschool X-COM Total Conversion with mutant amazon pirates. Death to the star gods!


Went on a shambler hunt and realized the chainmail does have one major flaw
Dont Shawl and Radiator shirt stop both?

Loot is mostly unimpressive...
Its strange that the water missions havent thrown aquaplastics yet. Or did they?

But they've got some decent weaponry and too large numbers for a daylight brawl.
Do you know that your ship type determines enemy placement? :>

We also have this 'upgrade' to the basic spear. I don't usually use these. They take up less invetory space and hit harder
Does the pike still have like 4 range? It works vertically. Funny to poke flying pigs out of the air...


as crouching next to one (window) is generally safe
As you dont get shot when kneeling? Nope. Yellow is you
Jan 7, 2012
Crouching everyone in awful crafts like the airbus that start open does seem to work pretty well. Obviously there's no good solution, either you charge out and face full TUs reaction firing (including melee), or you pray they don't just unload a shotgun from outside the window. I think it works especially well vs. small shit like during ratman rodeo (probably also if you use Narr'lokks.. Wouldn't do it in any other scenario vs. just moving to the side so you can't be seen at all.

btw, new protip: Whip people on the floor to train throwing and make sure they don't wake up. Stop when they get the ghost icon since that means they are overstunned (usually not a problem if you stunned the enemy with a stun weapon rather than a damaging weapon, they'll take dozens of turns to die). My milk run loadout is now rubber slug shotgun w/ 2 spare clips, a stun baton, and a whip. Very nice to see tons of skillups after even the easiest missions.

as crouching next to one (window) is generally safe
As you dont get shot when kneeling? Nope. Yellow is you
How do you get that view? I remember using it before.
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Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Whip people on the floor to train throwing
Trains reactions too. I actually find reactions one of the easiest stats to train, since it's done by both actual reaction shots and plenty of light melee weapons. Though I've had issues occasionally with not properly targetting the body on the floor. Not sure what the deal was there.

Dont Shawl and Radiator shirt stop both?
They'd bring the penalty from 200% to about 140% Helpful, but not exactly ideal on a long mission.

Its strange that the water missions havent thrown aquaplastics yet. Or did they?

None directly, but the deep ones carry aqua weapons, which can be converted to aqua plastics via disassembly after some research, at a terrible rate. Way easier to massacre security of various factions.

Do you know that your ship type determines enemy placement?

No and I didn't want to! Ease up on the spoilers. I'm trying to stumble to victory like a blind, drunken bird over here.
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Jan 7, 2012
True, basically all 3 of my milk run weapons train reactions. It can just be hard to get that start, especially on peasants or narrlokks


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I wonder if my save is broken somehow. I once again got two base assaults within 24h, same factions as last time, but ratmen first this time.

I'm considering visiting pogroms. With night ops and full kill gear, surely 6 gals can handle it? (Probably not)

So Damned Registrations, what's the furthest you've gotten into the mod? I assume it's not this run you're lping.
Jan 7, 2012
I wonder if my save is broken somehow. I once again got two base assaults within 24h, same factions as last time, but ratmen first this time.

Seen that too, might be normal?

I'm considering visiting pogroms. With night ops and full kill gear, surely 6 gals can handle it? (Probably not)

Well this is what they look like, in one right now!


Spent a full 11 turns just peaking out of the craft and taking potshots, ending every turn inside. Need great reactions of course. Got 2 I think tanks I need to deal with, I have people with javs just waiting for them to come near, I don't think I have anything else good enough to penetrate.

I think day is generally better, half their guys can see as well as you, there tends to be streetlights everywhere, and there are sometimes monsters like blood hounds you want to spot across the map. Take heavy armor. My 3 catgirls have ol' rifles and bows, my 3 gals heavy shotguns and javs. You can blow the streetlights up but its kind of wonky, I think because you have to actually miss to hit the fragile light part, so shotguns work the best but still kinda suck and sometimes take multiple tries.

EDIT: Javs failed (stabbing resist?). The hammer didn't. 43 enemies total
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Jan 7, 2012
Bad news. The spear doesn't count for leveling monster hunter (the +1 armor per 2 levels title for killing monsters with melee weapons). Sad :negative:


How do you get that view? I remember using it before.
f10, screens are in the save folder i think

Helpful, but not exactly ideal on a long mission.
But does it stop the stun per turn?

No and I didn't want to! Ease up on the spoilers. I'm trying to stumble to victory like a blind, drunken bird over here.
Well, I'm not sure its true, havent looked it up 100%. But it appears so. I figured you noticed that enemies are placed differently on 1st turn on different ships. Its obvious on some of them.
I dunno about the Turtle. It just looked like the game preplaced a horde before your exits, so I assumed.
Jan 7, 2012
Well obviously the game has to take into account your ship, they have different layouts and enemies can't spawn inside it, but can totally spawn right next to it. Or above/below it.


Well obviously the game has to take into account your ship, they have different layouts and enemies can't spawn inside it, but can totally spawn right next to it. Or above/below it.
There is a difference between "taking into account" and flying the Scorpion! Everyone should fly the Scorpion!

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Not the most exciting thing to start an update with, but I would certainly like to have these, given how good even normal javelins are.

Slightly more exciting is that we've hit our promotion target yet again, just barely. Putting this one off for a bit might have been preferable.

I encounter this lovely layout on a milk run reminding me that 2x2 units have some unique problems. We literally can't exit the craft right now because of that bush.

In this case, the problem is easily solved with a javelin. Could have been something more substantial though, I'm sure. One more reason to get a craft with a better layout.

This was just a small civ craft I shot down, mostly because it was fast enough I thought the owners might be rich. No such luck. I try to get them to unload their shotguns on our masochist to farm the armour title, but they just run around like idiots instead. The AI seems to have some level of 'oh shit we're outmatched don't even try to fight' built into it, which is neat.

Promotions don't happen right at the start of the month, oddly enough. At any rate, regardless of infarmy we won't get our next one until we try our hands at a Pogrom. Not sure if success is required there or not, but it's a good enough reason to avoid those until we get more bases sorted.

Another new mission type unlocked! These are... just don't do these. I don't know what the rewards are, but they can't possibly be worth this bullshit. Random fire blasts everywhere, large map, dozens of fire immune imps you can't hide from... just a total disaster. Maybe if I had like, fireproof power armour or something, but fire in general ignores armour, so...

Not so much a milk run here, we encounter a landed medium ship that appears to be a mini version of the Enterprise. Neat.

...and it's full of government agents. Strange fellow tried to take one out non-lethally and ate a bullet for his trouble. These fuckers have excellent reactions.

Turning and running from the window would be suicide, so we're going to crouch here and hope things turn out. If we can't see him, he can't see us AFAIK, so we should be safe.

I try sending Oasis out to handle the problem, but there's so many, there's no way we can pick off everyone who has a bead on that window.

Whether by luck or design, however, nobody shoots Strange Fellow and he gets to live. Huzzah!

Standing next to a door of an enemy ship is always a risky move, but I'm pretty confident in our chainmail. Short of there being a boomasaurus or something in there, we'll be fine.

After several turns of cat and mouse, we manage to clear the windows and get Strange Fellow safely into the core of the ship. Phew.

Speaking of trusting in our armour, Oasis here just tanked like... 8 hits? From weapons like scoped magnums, lasguns, and government pistols (basically scoped magnums as well) and only lost like a quarter of her hp. And those were shots from the sides, where the armour is weaker. Losing 30 hp ain't nothing, but it's not going to end our mission either.

Aside from the enforcers, they had at least one of these guys too. Sadly I didn't manage to capture any. I want their armour. It's really, really good.

Finally, we defeat their last soldier, found bravely defending the bridge after their pilot rushed out to fight me in the elevator.

The infarmy results of such a mission are... not good. Largely due to the fact that we haven't researched most of the hostages we took, but even just the ship parts cost us a large chunk due to being govt property. Whatever.

So was the loot worth it? I'd say... it's a wash. We did get a few nice weapons, like the pistols, lasguns and gauss cannon and a ton of ammo for that.

On the other hand, those govt fines are a cost of 90k each, none of this is revolutionary tech advancement, and we took some injuries that will take around a week to heal. We could have spent that effort better elsewhere for sure.


We finally get this damned thing researched. Our reward is... nothing. It unlocked nothing. You'd think it'd lead to an awesome new facility or cybrog augments or something, but no. I suppose we need more medical tech to work with it. Luckily, I know where we can get that tech. Unfortunately, it'll be a total bitch to get. Back burner. I want a team of 12 elite ubers for that mission.


Ooh, I do like loot boxes!

Not the one I was hoping for, but pretty nice. These can have things like vibro swords and damaged power armour. Our only contained smelly rags though. Fucking RNG.

Speaking of shit RNG, the hundreds of man hours we sunk into recycling the necroplane parts resulted in... mostly complete crap. This seems like an early game/last resort kind of option. Won't be doing more of this any time soon, if at all.

Found this while browsing the production options. That list is so large it's actually easy to miss things if they aren't announced. This is how I know you can theoretically get an armored CoS Beastmaster captured. Not sure how though, might need to break morale. Anyways, the reward for doing that seems lame. Force circuitry is nice, but drops off priests as well, who are much easier targets. But who knows, maybe interrogating an armoured one gives way better results.

Dropped in on a small landed ship and found one of these dudes. Marsec has some really good shit, and this CAWs gun is the least of it, despite being an AMAZING gun. It's basically the perfect gun for untrained schmucks in base defenses. It's got insane accuracy even in untrained hands, range out to about 12 tiles, and punches right through light armour for reliable kills on things like bloodhounds and storm rats. Kinda surprised this is the first one we found, guild security often has them iirc. At any rate, we bail, as I was expecting a milk run, only being able to field a single gal and some boys. We shall meet again, Marsec.

Happy to have got this done, but it didn't reward us anything sadly. I do know it's related to extracting demon essence, which is on the todo list. Demonic essence makes for a great last resort weapon for really powerful targets like bosses.

We also finished up this little project, which is our first taste of immortality. Was absolutely over the moon the first time I saw this.

So, we can make our troops immortal now. Anyone, not just gals. No big deal. We do only have 2 stasis pods at the moment though.

In exciting, unrelated news, I'll be starting a Patreon! The current goal is to reach 500$ a month so I can quit my job and become a full time LP chronicler of inclined games. Those joining the 'Monocled' tier can have their favourite soldier rendered immortal via stasis tech. Supplies are limited!


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
If we can't see him, he can't see us AFAIK, so we should be safe.
Would be nice if it were the case, but the los can be pretty wonky sometimes. Sometimes you can even fail to see someone standing right next to you on the diagonal.

I fought a landed raider craft. Terrible idea. They're all ubers, and while most of them have guns that won't scratch chainmail they also have some pretty nasty guns. But two-three decent guns is not worth fighting a dozen super strong soldiers. 3 guys in 40+ days sickrest, and that's with hospital built. Yowch. Shit score as well.

Shrugging off small arms fire with chainmail is really nice. Can autopilot through easy missions.


Kinda surprised this is the first one we found, guild security often has them iirc.
I am surprised you encountered them. Should have tried grabbing one.
I had a really hard time making the Guild angry enough to send some mil-spec dudes. Game changed or RNG I guess.

This is how I know you can theoretically get an armored CoS Beastmaster captured. Not sure how though,
by using our charming ways!
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Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
tfw whole tech tree is locked off by not having a stapler :negative:
It is a fairly common drop from guild team leaders and other semi-ranking members. I feel like it's 50% chance every warehouse war to pick one up. Higher chance on landed transports, but those are rare.
You can get unlucky though. There's a lot of seemingly random tech tree locks, sometimes from things like the stapler, sometimes from interrogation only techs.
It seems very worthwhile to interrogate shits like ratmen and low ranking thugs just to clear out the pool (ratmen in particular seem to take only 2-3 days to interrogate, so it's very efficient). Those expeditions you can buy also seem fairly worthwhile, especially early on before you have a chance to fill your vaults with your weaponry/treasure collection.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Why are you wasting those tokens on gambling?

You can't always get what you want, but if you try real hard, sometimes you get shit that is fucking rad.


And we've researched the last of the three ships. Interesting. While I don't think I want to use the worm as a dropship since it's got a decent chance of gassing our own team on a lot of maps, this one is just a non-starter as a dropship, only carrying 4 crew. It would, however, make for an excellent gunship, being more than twice the speed of the turtle, having 6 armour and a third more toughness, and most importantly, 2 HV weapon mounts, which means we can load it up with our infinite ammo bioplasma projector and just explode some nerds. We can get some guns in the other slots too, maybe a gauss cannon and carronade for targets we actually want to find wreckage of. Pricetag is 850k dollaros though, and even 240 toughness doesn't last long against missiles, so we'd be in danger of losing it if we didn't pick our targets carefully. Losing the ship isn't a big deal; we'd recover the crew and can just buy a new ship. Losing our fancy infinite ammo plasma cannon would really suck though.

Finally got around to researching the main reward item from that peasant mission. 50k monthly income is nothing to sneeze at for sure. Thought it does feel like a bit of a let down, was hoping for something to expand our base options. Makes me wonder if it can be hacked, or used as a component in a higher level workshop.

Another kick at the catgirl can!


Jaedar has earned the honour of wearing our shiny new duds. So how good are they?

,,, Pretty damned good! About 20 more side armor and 16 more frontal armour. Still not in chinmail territory, but not far behind the shieldless version. And holding bigass two handed guns is certainly a nice perk! +20 bravery too, not that Jaedar needs it.

Oh man... these poor catgirls are fucked. No way we're saving any of them.

I passed up missions earlier because we might have run into 5 of these guys in a tangled jungle where we could pick them off by ones and twos. More than a dozen in an open field is going to be a bloodbath.

For everyone but us. They do slashing, which our armour laughs at, and their melee skill isn't up to the task of overwhelming our evasion reliably.

After being swung at over a dozen times from the sides, the managed to land a single hit for maybe ~15 damage? Lots of morale damage too, but these guys just aren't a threat as long as we can keep our gals between them and the squishy boys.

It's a tad tricky since the craft has 3 entrances, we've only got 2 gals, the bastards keep regerating and getting back up, and the map is large enough we eventually need to move out across it to get the stragglers.

But aside from losing all the poor catgirls yet again, it's a glorious massacre. Just over 30 werewolves defeated.

Turns out defeating 30 werewolves, some of them multiple times, earns quite a lot of xp. We even got some bravery!

The loot was nice too. Ninja sickles are excellent weapons, basically like spears but requiring two hands and having 5 tiles of range instead of 2. They also have a proper melee attack. Nekomimi swords for tough targets, and best of all, all those werewolf bodies. Trust me, I've got big plans for those.

Finally got around to finishing this tech. It's functionally the equivalent of 5 crew quarters and 1 vault, making it perfect for any base we want to load up with runts to make us money. Despite the hefty price tag, we start construction of one in the secondary base immediately. We want one in our main base too, but that'll require a lot of very expensive juggling of existing rooms, unfortunately. Or risking opening up more infiltration routes, which we might do now that we have a decently sized army. Need more money though.

Not listed here: Something around 10 health/turn regeneration and ~130 health. Bastards do NOT go down easily.

These bastards, on the other hand, go down very easily indeed. Mohawks are wimpy ass bandits basically on par with highwaymen. They raid in large numbers and fall down very quickly to our chainmail gals forming a killbox right outside the access point. Whole things lasts about 4 turns.

No worker casualties this time!

Didn't take the time and effort to give everyone a potshot this time, so the xp gains were much less.

However, titles like defender and cavalier are applied to everyone present, regardless of firing a shot or not. One of the perks of letting enemies raid you, especially with such a large standing garrison.

Luckily at this point -500 infamy is a drop in the bucket. Improving our space capacity is certainly still on the list though. I think we'd have gotten a mission instead if this fired and we had the right tech.

Another level C bounty hunt. For the goblin again, unfortunately. Though I am a fan of this mission.

Like the tribal hunters, we're tasked with rescuing this exterminator, and we get to control his actions and starting loadout. So just how good is that big clunky suit of his?

It's uh, pretty fucking good. Basically invulnerable to a lot of attacks. He'll still get one shot by a chryssalid though.

Luckily, this map doesn't seem to have any chryssalids. His starting position is a bit ass though, quite far from us and without a good spot to put his back to a corner.

These bastards are making up the brunt of the enemy troops. They have shitty primitive weapons, almost exclusively melee. Literally none of these guys can even hurt our new friend and unlike on water, they've got no special advantages on land.

These fuckers are the real threat. They're armored just as well as the exterminator, and those claws will tear that armour apart if they can get close enough.

Luckily, they are suceptible to poison (choking) damage, and has gas rounds tend to put them down after one or two shots, sometimes even on a miss.

Amusingly, he'd be perfectly safe if I left him like this and unloaded his cannon arm. But that'd be a bad idea...

We can't kill the lobsters on our own. I have forgotten, yet again, to properly load the spare equipment onto the turtle. So we don't have things like the wyvern plasma gun, the AP sniper rifles, a big pile of gas grenades or any weapons suited for piercing armour aside from a couple poison daggers. And I don't want our gals running into melee with these guys if it can be helped.

Luckily, the exterminator picks the lobsters off easily enough, and we get one with a poison grenade. I won't say we were entirely superflous, as our vision allowed him to stay out of their claws while picking them off, but he certainly did the heavy lifting here.

Amusingly, we get to keep anything we made him drop on the floor, which includes some interesting new weaponry. The Chryssalid gas weapons are intended as anti-zombie weapons, but will fuck us up quite badly too, or anything else with a helerium based metabolism. The boys would be completely immune to such weapons though. We also managed a few live lobstermen captures and a bunch of deep ones. Not nearly as exciting as the werewolves, but those carapaces can be rendered into some extra aquaplastics.

The exterminator himself becomes our prisoner. Sadly, stealing his armor isn't an option, so we simply free him in exchange for a big pile of bank tokens. We should have over 1000 now. I don't like most of the bank rewards, but I think they've got at least one or two more of interest.

Time for another shot at this mission. This time we're bringing a real crew.

And the layout is much. much more favourable. Ramshackle fort in the woods at night? Hell yes! It's a damned shame our craft is so well lit though, we get spotted and marked for snipers constantly just trying to get into position.

Definitely don't see these guys in the bandit camps. Capturing him would be nice, and not that dificult. Dudes are very tanky but not all that well armed.

These guys, on the other hand, do tend to be pretty well armed. Or at least riskily armed; they carry large primitive weapons capable of hurting even our tanks, but they aren't terribly accurate.

Motherfuckers also seem to have some sort of long range napalm weapon, which is concerning. It's quite accurate, but the damage wasn't that impressive for a fire weapon. Though being lit up and exposed for everyone else to shoot is a problem as well.

Gandalfina, working against her nature as the HOT gal, puts out the flames so we can resume hiding under cover of darkness. And, you know, not burn to death.

They've got blood hounds too, but they're a joke when facing off against our chainmail.

Fuckers land another shot at even longer range! Very glad I decided to leave a fire extinguisher equipped on a gal from now on. It's a major threat.

We find one of these guys sniping at us from a window on top of their fort. Not much of a threat honestly; good skills but not tanky and not carrying a heavy weapon. Manstoppers are scary to lighter armour, but not chainmail.

Ah, THIS was the fucker setting us on fire. Pyrotechnic and explosive cannonballs are a thing. I think he was using the explosive type, as the pyro ones have massive radius iirc.

Oh, another fun quirk of this map: Enemies get reinforcements over time! Including this highwayman with some kind of fucking ROCKET LAUNCHER.

For someone who's been hit with explosive ordinance twice in one map and hails of bullets besides, she's holding up pretty damned well. Going to end up in sickbay for a month though.

They had so many B-Boys and hoes we actually lost score for looting them, but overall another big net infamy gain. That's about 250k just from the infamy conversion at the end of month right here.

Some decent training going on too. The injuries suck, but Bravery gains are always welcome.

Honestly I'm surprised our animal cages took this long to fill up. That beast den we built houses a lot of them. We'll sell off a werewolve even though they're arguably the most valuable thing here. A lot of these guys still need to be researched, and 17 werewolves is honestly a bit overkill.

We really need another prison set up too. I don't even want to interrogate that bandit boss yet since that might trigger a promotion later. We offload the low level bandits a sharp guy I think.

Plenty of titles gained here, especially gal of steel from all those smg bursts flying around. Good stuff!

We finally finish grilling one of the government enforcers and are rewarded for our trouble! This will unlock some excellent armour for us. It won't make the chainmail obsolete, but it's on par with it and will give us more flexibility for what kinds of weapons to deploy and environments we can handle well.

Our secondary base is coming along nicely. We've got 45 runts working here at the moment, and after this month ticks over, we can have them all cranking out cigars, for a total income of about 1.5 million per month. We can fit some more workspace in the last 4 slots too I expect, maybe a still will improve efficiency as well. I got some numbers to crunch. At any rate, ~3 million income a month from this base would be a conservative estimate. We're also building a large prison here, where we'll convert excess prisoners into slaves instead of simply ransoming them. It's got a decent garrison of about 18 people too, including 3 zone stalkers and some decent gear. The hangar is a big weakpoint but I'm holding onto it until we win at least one god damned race trophy. Fucking RNG.

Current main base setup. Ideally I'd remove the small crew quarters and replace them with a single large one, along with adding in more personal labs and some other stuff we've yet to unlock. I didn't plan things out that well for the long term, honestly. We're going to need to either open up the potential assault angles a lot or bulldoze and rebuild some expensive stuff like a personal lab. Best option to be safe might be scrapping the bottom right 4 tiles and putting the large crew there. Again though, need lots of money for that. I might just wait until we can base cannons and say fuck it and fill the empty spaces instead with a crew quarter in the top right.

Lastly, our current researches. There's a few things here to look forward to I haven't mentioned yet along with still a ton of extra fluff I'm trying to clear out of the pool to get better random rewards from decrypted disks and gun almanacs. And even more stuff in the insanely long list of things we can pick from. Exciting times!


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I am teh doom slayer.

That second base looks really hard to defend.

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