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In Progress X-Piratez! Ironman! No spoilers! Oldschool X-COM Total Conversion with mutant amazon pirates. Death to the star gods!

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
arent the mushrooms ingredients for drugs and liquor
Not that I've found so far. I keep expecting to find such a recipe though. Right now we can turn them into medical supplies, which we have no use for.

Just the one window AFAIK, and yeah, I switched away from it for similar reasons. It's general layout would be good for sniping from it's windows and taking cover, if that's your thing, but it's hard to cover all the entrances while also sniping from windows. And it's voodoo cannon is incredibly good, despite the limited ammo. If the shadowbat weren't such an absolute beast of a ship, it'd be my next choice, probably.

Onwards to the update!

Krazy Hassan turned out to be fake news: He only had one new gun for sale, and while it was a decently strong rifle, it wasn't that impressive. Quite the letdown. Hopefully he unlocks cool stuff in the future.

Our update begins with yet another letter.

For those not reading, die. But also the Lady of Bloom is a god, so far as we know. Getting a letter from her is... interesting to say the least.


We've finally gotten infodumps on every nation in the world. Despite the claim that expeditions are now pointless, they are in fact still a potential source of young ubers and other vagrants. If we had any spare vault space I'd be firing them off constantly, and have considered making a base for that purpose in the past. They tend to bring in enough random loot to make a small profit as well.

We get another catacomb run and send in the only 4 gals on their feet at the moment, and opt to arm them with knives instead of spears. It's a perfect run, netting us a ton of titles and hero's blessings, along with yet another silvalinga stone we can't use yet.

Something has come to my attention: Slut's stats are capped in some places where they shouldn't be. Despite both training and lots of missions, none of her base non weapon stats are rising any more. So she's stuck with inferior aounts of TU and strength, in exchange for extra stamina and hp, and possibly some weapon skills (haven't capped any of those yet AFAICT.) This makes her ill suited to melee or throwing, to be honest, and she can't even equip a decent pistol while wearing chainmail. I might have to turn her into a sniper or maybe archer to make use of the stamina. Which is a bit of a shame since between the extra hp and her massive pile of armour titles, she's a fantastic tank. If I can get some more str she could work as a chainmail wearer with pistols standing overwatch in risky spots. Maybe we'll give her some heavy weapons to earn reaper and tank killer titles.

Speaking of heavy weapons, we can make some ammo for some now. I'm honestly not a big fan of the cannon type weapons, generally favouring machineguns or explosives, but this seems like an obvious requirement for better weapon tech.

The catacombs gave use enough blessings to craft the offering to purple bloom. Can't think of a good reason not to.

Hmm, this didn't unlock any new tech directly, but I wasn't expecting a lot for something that was embarassingly easy to unlock. Just getting more loot from captured drones is plenty.

And as I go to check what that extra loot might be I stumble on this... it seems like an alternate way to harvest fungus? Maybe this is the method you'd need to use if you didn't have the green codex or a cunning captain? It's rather cumbersome, turning 5 outbreaks into 3 and some mushrooms at the cost of 900 work hours. Would need to be pretty desperate for mushrooms to do this.

Ah, the actual drone dissassembly. Quick, still only grants one grav unit (boo) but also grants some laser weapon components (huzzah!) I'll definitely be trying to stun more of these things in the future. And maybe one of those terminators as well if we get the chance. We did some more gambling and got another space suit, so those missions are looking even more appealing now.

Some may ask "Is it really worth it to spend all those tokens on gambling?" or "Why would you use a mortar shell to hit a lowly guild operator?"

To which I reply "Durr hurrr hurr hehehee. Mortar go boom!"

Another minor tech advancement- I kind of ignored these in a previous playthrough, but on closer inspection, they make excellent underwater weapons, with good accuracy and TU costs, with very long range on the aimed shots. They don't handle armour well, but that's fine for the deep ones, zombies and fish we've seen so far.


Hmm, this didn't give us anything either. I think I know where we need to look next and it'll be a pain. We're getting pretty well geared though, so we can handle it I think.

Aside from whatever else this mysterious item might do, it confers the same inventory and income benefits as 100 heroes blessings would, which is pretty nice. I think it also unlocked the white dress, which is interesting in it's own right.

No direct reward here, but seems pretty important.

Another gambling reward. Would have been nice much earlier having a chaingun that uses such plentiful ammo, but it's a bit obsolete now. At least until we unlock even better ammo for it. Also, I love the style!

Wait, we could have recruited catgirls this entire time! This isn't the method I thought it was!

Ugh, to add insult to injury, I burnt up all our puresonal databases, so we're bottlenecked there for now and can only recruit a single catgirl. Oh well. Echidna II is on her way.

The white dress is, predictably, terrile armour with no inventory space. It is also, however, classified as civilian clothing and has some incredibly strong resistances to mind and warp damage, along with voodoo power and defence.


And it replaces punching with this, which, having used it before, is fucking awesome. Don't let the apparently low power fool you, this will knock people out left and right like nobody's business.

Another solid month. Maintenance has reached over 4 million, but our manufacturing income is up to the task. We've got over 100 runts working in the secondary base now. Time to start a third.


Finally, at long last, we've got a relatively easy source of new gals. Sadly, they're shitty gals with a permanent penalty to morale regen. However, that can be safely ignored with a fuckton of bravery. Time to start catching some raiders.

We had access to this for a while and I honestly should have grabbed it earlier. I knew most of the items it sells would be of no use to us, but I forgot...

It unlocks some flight research as well. That might be very important indeed. We shall see.

It also sells pretty much anything we can loot from a wrecked ship, which is a nice shortcut if we have the money to spare or sold off something important.

Speaking of wrecks, we managed to shoot down (up?) one of those rocket truck convoys. One of them survives to engage in the fight and I try pretty hard to take it out with stun rods. Sadly, even on our gals with the best reactions and after stripping away a bit of armour with a chaingun, we can barely cause any stun at all. Fiery predator ends up tanking a volley of turret fire point blank (surprisingly well actually) so we call the attempt off and just blow it up with a magnum and a pike. Maybe cattle prods would be more effective, I'll have to check some numbers. If not, some acid to wear the armour down for the stun rods should do the trick. Not sure this is actually worth doing but damn it I'm going to try.

You know, I'm not generally a fan of such outfits but this works for me. I think it's the pony tail. I'm a sucker for really long hair. Oh, and we can start raiding some satelites and shit now! May as well get some more value out of that big stupid space bus we purchased.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Is the underbase mission any good?
I got it, but couldn't go on it for spoilery reasons. And it said it was a one time offer. Would like to know if I screwed my progression up.

Engaging new craft in this is always nerve wracking. Is it a government kill ship? Or a harmless ore hauler? Or a clown car of elite commandos?

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Using a new image hosting site since copying the links from imgur one by one was a pain in the ass. Let me know if this failed horribly somehow.

Is the underbase mission any good?
It's kind of ho-hum. It's totally fine to have missed it.

So first up we've got this shitty event again. Urgh, what a waste of money. Or so I'd say, but we can actually use the space at the moment. Too many ship parts waiting to be assembled right now.

Blackmarch contact doesn't give us anything useful at this point, but it was taunting me from the research list.

I manage to spot another pirate blimp and shoot it down to enjoy the shooting gallery.

I also make an ill advised attempt to stun and capture the turrets. They're not quite as tanky as the armored car and immobile so this should be easy... except I forgot the cattle prods at home and the electric cannon ammo I thought would wreck them is just bouncing off. Seems they have 50% electricity resistance, so we need to roll about 80 damage to get through. Would have been maybe doable but...

I fuck up and run out of energy, because the map is an overheated jungle hellhole that has depleted our freshness rapidly. We eat a volley of cannon fire point blank. And live, because our armour is that fucking good. But still, time to abandon this plan.

Alas, in the process of abandoning the plan, I fuck up AGAIN and leave another gal stuck in the line of fire. I've got a solution this time though.

Turrets don't shoot unconscious bodies (on purpose anyways) and stun rods are great at stunning gals in chainmail from behind!

All in all, a pretty lae result, lots of fatigue and wounds for a little xp and loot we don't need. Definitely could have handled that better.

So this thing is flying around now. Which is terrifying.

This also seems mildly terrifying. But maybe useful?

This is definitely useful. Despite not unlocking anything. :rage:

Another promising tech that didn't unlock anything for us. I'm sure it's all leading somehwhere though.

We run into some of these bad boys after shooting down a tiny craft. Time to get some megapol intel!

Or, uh, maybe not. That fucking HURT. To be fair she wasn't wearing chainmail but even still, that was a single bullet. I think they have gauss weapons. I want them.

Surgery kits do wonders for reducing sickbay time if you can apply them fast enough, but we're not risking any more of that nonsense.


Not exactly the way I want to be building bravery.

Can't recall where we picked this up, I think a mining ship? Looks fun at any rate. Can't get ammo for it though.

We run a chupacabra hunt and despite Gandalfina being the only gal and killing most of them with a knife, all she got was a single point in melee. I'm guessing she's capped on that now. Echidna got some gains too at least, plinking them with a bow from the air.

Went ahead and researched this, but we still don't have the fruits needed to make this. Which sucks, because they are the compnent needed to make healing gel.

Probably should have done this one earlier, these generic concept type techs usally seem to pay off.

And indeed it led to...another generic concept tech. Well, it's slightly less generic!

Went on mission to hunt bloodhounds. That is not a bloodhound.

That is a ninja gal.

We've got a solution to this problem. Or so I think, but the crazy bitch is still standing after being hit by this.

There are a lot of them too. Most have fairly weak weapons I'm not that concerned about for the chainmail gals, but if a stray shot hits someone else they're gonna be a red smear pretty quick.

Fortunately, we have the ancient technique of 'hide behind the doors.

At least until turn 3, when they get close enough to open the doors and the other 6 gals all open fire. Yeah, this isn't happening.

We're not going home empty handed though! Echidna shows her real value by snatching up a ninja gal we downed and bringer her back aboard, all without drawing reaction fire even from the crazy ninja bitches.

Hmm, that's a little concerning.

Echidna II later on shows her value again by rescuing one of our ogre boys and bringing him back to the ship for immediate mass surgery. You'd think she'd have trouble moving with triple her weight capacity, but that only has an effect if you end the turn while so encumbered.

This isnt everyone, but I figured I'd give an overview of the actual stats on our gals and some of the boys. This is with the titles included, but not armour bonuses. Looking pretty good!

Another form of nuclear battery, equally pointless at the moment.

I've been putting this one off because the peasants aren't that important, but maybe it's hiding something nice?

Son of a nun! I can't believe I forgot such an obvious connection. Well, that opens up a useful line to us at least.

Yet more catgirl shenanigans: Single handedly destroying some poor bastards barn by deplying high explosives and getting the fuck out of dodge, without having to risk fumbling the throw.

Hehehe. Kaboom.

Quite the lame reward though. No apples this time.

I saw a craft moving at 540 and it tickled something in my brain, seeming familiar, so went after it. The brown ships are raiders and pirates. This is some kind of gunship I think.

I don't know if we could have taken it down or not, but I decided not to risk things further than this. We don't have the crew to handle the crash site anyways.

Fucker even tries to turn around and chase us afterwards. The cheek! good to have meta-identified these though and found their top speed. They're probably good hunting in the long run, once we get a nicer gunship. Maybe that black scarab...

Another line of research I put off for quite a while.

It doesn't give us much for now, and I know a bunch of it is crap. But it stands to reason bigger guns for ubers would maybe lead to bigger guns in general, like craft weapons?

I decide it's time to unlock some more missions as well. Never done these before, but I think some gals in white dresses could make an absolute killing on something like this. We've got a looter outfit too, which is made for just hauling out treasure and captives. I think it counts as infiltration?

We finished questioning this one but just got some religious nonsense, nothing useful. Grr.

Damn, I'd like to run this but all the gals are fucked up right now. We need several with spears in case we get a zombie mission, the boys lack the melee skills and TUs to stop a chyssalid.

Ahh. Now this on the other hand is promising- the boys have better diving gear than the gals anyways, they're pretty much all fresh, and I've never finished this one before. Killing everything that moves sounds like a great idea. Shit, I didn't make the air muskets. There's probably some time, we got a lot of runts and it doesn't seem time sensitive.


Can't recall where we picked this up, I think a mining ship? Looks fun at any rate. Can't get ammo for it though.


the only original gal i lost was instagib'ed by this in plate
she was lightly injured on her way to the craft, circling out along the fucking map edge...
true fucking story

also ptsd dog was uploaded 13 years ago...

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Seems like your bog standard open water map with a handful of deep ones. Should be easy enough.

Ouch. Fuckers have good reactions apparently, Azira hasn't even fired yet and got reaction sniped. good thing only one had a bow.

Well, aside from that things go well enough. The Air muskets aren't amazing, but they're not bad either. Deep ones have 10 armour, which is effectively about 14 vs the flintlocks. Damage wise it's a wash with the harpoon guns, but I think the accuracy makes them a bit better.

Fuck, it's some sort of double stage mission? That makes sense given how it was described but... I didn't realize such a thing was even possible.

Not only are we stuck in our crappy frog suits for the land battle, all our ammo is depleted and we only have access to the underwater gear. At least we can reload the guns with our spare ammo.


How the hell do this chicks end up in places like this?

Well that's mildly terrifying. I've never seen these and we've got nothing that seems like it'd be good against them. Maybe some good weapons are lying around?

There's a lot more than just the one too.

Well, shooting them can cause damage, but if they each take 25 bullets to put down, we might just run out of amo first.

Fuck. Predictably, they have spooky charm attacks that cause stun damage, which would be fine except we're in a scorching hot terrain and don't have our wisdom canteens to fix that. The oxygen tanks on the wetsuits are also suddenly nonfunctional.

We do find some treasure sitting around, including a jeweled cross I've been dying to get. Maybe this is a time we just take the loot and run?

Looking at our gear, pretty much everything seems to suck. We've got 1 oxygen tank, nothing else that can be used as stims, and all our weapons are physical. Maybe the poisoned dagger will work? Or a cutting or stabbing weapon is better than piercing?

Well, one thing we have going for us is that the frogman suits have decent charm resistance at least. Would have really sucked if they had like 400% weakness like some gear does.

Not only are they dealing stun, but morale damage too. And buckets of it. The zone stalkers seem fine morale wise. That 30 extra brave makes all the difference it seems.

Despite having even better charm resist, our lone gal brought along isn't faring too well either. I think the issue is her low freshness, crippling her stun and energy recovery stats.

We sent pierre off with the scuba tank to scout things out a bit, maybe find a torch or ally to fight with. We spy a cat! Cats are good vs ghosts and shit right? Maybe?

Strange fellow's stun bolts seem more effective than the muskets are, but still not exactly stellar performance. Probably like 90% daze resistance and 95% piercing or somehting.

Cat successfully revived with oxygen! Go get em'!

The boys seem fairly well suited to this kind of combat, but we're losing this battle of attrition. We're recoverring tiny amounts of stun each turn. We've managed to down a ghost or two, but when they sleep they don't leave a body and do wake back up eventually, so the stun bolts aren't that helpful after all.

Fuck, there's 2 more down here and another at the other end of the beach. Also, pierre got knocked out and I sent Modron to carry on and revive the cat. Their attacks aren't super accurate at these ranges, but they can each fire several times per turn and hits seem to inflict about 30-50 stun.

I try letting Gumsmith just punch one back into oblivion but they're actually fairly evasive too. Though it does make me realize their charm attacks are subject to melee deflection. Too bad they can fly as well, rendering such tactics difficult to employ. Also, as you can see half our team is down already. If I can just kill off the two that are here though, maybe we can gradually recover everyone and slowly clear them map. The ghosts DO die, eventually.

I'm really regretting having split the party and sent that oxygen tank away. It would have made a huge difference.

Spears seem like our most effective tool right now, reliably inflicting a point or 3 of damage it seems. Still takes many hits to kill a ghost, and they move away while our energy is dwindling from the heat, movement, and trying to stab things.

Pierre wakes back up at least, but going for the tank would be a suicide run at this point I think.

Fuck! This wasn't even from a hit- Oasis has hit the point where she's gaining more stun from the heat that she's recovering each turn. I should have been more careful about making sure everyone had their radiator meshes equipped. I didn't think the heat would matter much; I was expecting deep ones or something, not ghosts with stun spam I'd need to chase with spears.

Strange Fellow II is the last man awake, and he's managed to pull our perfect gal back to the spawn point. There are still 2 ghosts nearby, at least 3 more on the map. If we extract now, all the boys we brought will be lost, along with their gear. The gear is no big deal, but Pierre, Cleve, Modron, Azira, Gumsmith and some others will all be lost. Our campaign can survive that but it'll be a huge blow. If we stay, it's entirely possibly (I'd but it at like 2/3 chance) that we lose our last man too and lose everyone, including the craft and probably all the land gear it has too, which includes irreplacable stuff like the quad rocket launcher and mortar.

Experiences like this seem fairly typical when I encounter a strange new mission. We could have easily handled this is I knew what to expect, and if I'd been more cautious and just fled to begin with, we wouldn't have lost anything and still have gained a bit of useful intel. Instead we're now in a situation where I've got a slim chance of making this a massive victory, and a large chance that we take a crippling loss, or a guarantee of taking a large, if not entirely crippling loss. What shall we do bros?


Feb 22, 2021
Situation is fukt, time to mitigate this disaster and leave before all is lost.

Gumsmith will be fine, the naked ghost ladies are probably just lonely ;)


Sep 24, 2014
Yeah, GTFO trying to save Cleve if you can.

(I love when spoiler-free runs stumble upon this particular mission) :smug:


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Ghosts scary, I would have evaced as soon as I saw single damage. DILDOs are not very good either, they're very close to being peasants.

I had a really bad runin with an underwater mission, fucking hallucinatoids. The x-bows are also completely useless, I should have read the bootypedia ahead of time and just taken harpoons. Steamrolling bandits in chainmail has made me complacent. Water missions feel pretty hard in general, you take a lot of stun damage and even chip hp damage can quickly become lethal as you just build more and more stun while knocked out.

I think I've also stumbled upon the next tier of research upgrade. Overall I feel quite happy about my geoscape state (I'm even building towards brainers in my secondary bases, although you can't get a lot) and I have 3 millions saved up from apple fermentation, but in the battlescape I am feeling increasingly outgunned. Also the jellyfish is a total deathtrap, half the floors are transparent and the insides are lit so you'll frequently eat reaction fire before you even get to the grav lifts. The special weapon is nice (I one shot a car with it, and kill an osiron security in one shot about half the time), but it's just way too hard to disembark. Will probably keep it as an interceptor and secondary landing craft though.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
3 millions saved up from apple fermentation
Wait it's that much profitable?!
It's super fancy mang. Can you imagine how much hipters irl would pay if robin hood had a wine brand? I also finished sorting all my stone and have no other runt projects in need of doing, so I've got a lot of runts working on it.

(it's not just apples. I've got a good stockpile of a lot of stuff built up so I sell most things I loot now)

I just wish I had stockpiled all my coconuts.
Jan 7, 2012
Hehe, just one of those missions. I get the feeling some of these are intended to be aborted.

Recently had a similar horrifically tough mission where it was peasants vs. a warehouse of heavily armed troops with automatic rifles/machineguns, grenades, and two armored cars. Anyone found a way to do that? Most weapons that can beat an armored car aren't really carryable by a peasant, so I don't see a way to accomplish it without really good tech. Gotten this mission 3 times.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Recently had a similar horrifically tough mission where it was peasants vs. a warehouse of heavily armed troops with automatic rifles/machineguns, grenades, and two armored cars. Anyone found a way to do that? Most weapons that can beat an armored car aren't really carryable by a peasant, so I don't see a way to accomplish it without really good tech. Gotten this mission 3 times.
Yeah, just lost a full squad of peasants to this one. It's tricky for a lot of reasons. I guess having non-peasant humans is the way to go. Maybe some thrown dynamite or something might work.

The gothic raygun probably destroys armored cars really well, but that falls under really good tech I guess.

Also, I feel like the game has started taunting me. I really want to do a pogrom so I can progress in ranks, but it hasn't spawned one in two months. Meanwhile it did spawn some kind of hyper church ship which had at least a dozen shielded gunmen with LACCs or heavy lazors, 2 chryssalids, a flying dual-bladed lightsaber woman, 2 reverends, and my ship spawned with enemies on all sides so I couldn't even disembark.

Still plenty of stuff to research though. The tech tree isn't going to run out any time soon. But I feel like most new missions/enemies I run into are just too tough.

Hehe, just one of those missions. I get the feeling some of these are intended to be aborted.
For sure. Normal missions also seem to have a chance to replace the enemies with something way out of your league.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Most weapons that can beat an armored car aren't really carryable by a peasan
Depending on the weapon, you could have one pick it up, fire, and then drop it. Would cost some extra TUs but a peasant can fire even ludicrously heavy weapons this way. Failing that, I think acid can actually be reached pretty early on.
Jan 7, 2012
For sure. Normal missions also seem to have a chance to replace the enemies with something way out of your league.
Especially annoying when you can do it but your weapon loadout is wrong and you have to re-equip everyone from the item pile. Extremely so on big craft like the skyranger (equipment is in the back behind 10 people).

Depending on the weapon, you could have one pick it up, fire, and then drop it. Would cost some extra TUs but a peasant can fire even ludicrously heavy weapons this way. Failing that, I think acid can actually be reached pretty early on.
They take 50% damage from chems which is actually worse than bullets. I know you can wear them down but these cars also have like 150 TUs so they can run up on you quick. And usually peasants have poor stats so that if they spend most of their TUs firing a weapon they immediately get reactioned. I think the only way to really reliably do it reliably is some really strong explosives like Dynamite. Although maybe chem grenades...
Jan 7, 2012
Been thinking a bit about base layout and I feel this is pretty good. Don't have traps at the moment so I'm just going with what I have.



Moving the access lift away from being the choke point gives you free shots into the hangers where most enemies are. The lift honestly sucks, fast enemies just hide behind the doors and can run into your crew quarters in one turn, and its got weird angles and multiple levels and an easy ladder to the top level. Get it away from us.

Putting the radar in the corner lets you get it up fast for detection (and defense if its overcharged), so you can get a new base and immediately start shooting things down. Which for at least your first 2 or 3 bases is probably the best way to do it. Then crew quarters comes immediately next for defense and supporting everything else. If you don't have the large crew quarters then make your normal one on the right open spots to bridge more quickly to the workshops, then delete it after building large crew quarters.

I don't really like the design of the upper level for the crew quarters, it's a bit awkward to defend those two doors at 90 degree angles to each other. But in my experience only one enemy at a time goes for them (probably because the ledge is 1 tile wide, once one enemy is on the way the rest can't path towards it). And if you can hold the door then dropping high explosives on the hangers is sexy.

If/when I get traps then throwing them on the open spaces works. And if you only want 1 hanger it still works fine.

Sewers as always suck, but if you have a soldier with aye phone on the top right and bottom left of your crew quarters you can detect them running around to flank you.
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Putting the radar in the corner lets you get it up fast for detection (and defense if its overcharged), so you can get a new base and immediately start shooting things down.
Issue I see with this is that there is usually one or two of your guys will spawn in the radar room, which is a bad place to be in this layout. The corner looks bad on the map but pretty defensible in battlescape view.

Sewers as always suck, but if you have a soldier with aye phone on the top right and bottom left of your crew quarters you can detect them running around to flank you.
I find the sewers to be annoying, but not actually bad so far. They count as bad terrain so it takes ages for someone to move through them. Maybe it will change with more serious attackers, but for now I have found that everything upstairs dies before the sewer stalkers even make it anywhere.
Jan 7, 2012
Do soldiers spawn in the radar? Don't think I've seen that. Is it only if there's not enough other spawns? I've seen my own soldiers (when I really have a ton) spawn in the freaking hangers, which is... irritating,

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