5 damned wounded alerts, and the purple one is for Luka who is just about ready to pass out. This is rough.
Fuck, we get ambushed point blank by this spidertron. I'm not used to tanks having such good reactions.
Manatee rescuing a catgirl that ran out of energy sooner than expected. Barons are way too tanky.
Almost got that stupid mind orb, it was a tile further than I realized. Not leaving it behind, it's too tactically useful against tanks and bosses.
Like checking if a spiderdemon has enough TUs to shoot me if I run up to it. Time to die motherfucker!
Lenneth is kinda hemmed in, spending all her TUs each turn killing shit coming up the elevator. Which is fine, it's easier if it comes to me, and the sword is very efficient. Also, wtf is that at the end of the hallway? It's like there's a little shrine around it...
And there is indeed an item there.
It's a busted miniturret.
Looked up the ghost gal to get an idea of what might work on our spooky friend. Laser should have been good, so this might not be a good analogue after all. I didn't think of EMP, but we've got none anyways. Electric... that might work.
And the wheel keeps turning...
The right half of the map is basically clear now, and seems to have no elevators or spawning points. Left side won't be long now.
Mapped out a tiny bit of the maze Robroy found. Doesn't seem worth exploring. Maybe if we had more speedy catgirls in peak condition.
It's not obvious in this shot, but theres a glowing red tile under the cursor here. That generally denotes an ally, or at least a neutral, like a cat or a damsel. But in this case it is...
A severed head?
Seemed sketchy so I killed it. I forgot to screenshot it's map sprite, but it was basically one of those golden display cases but... with a red severed head inside. And it was in that room in the corner under the weird device. Also, those wall tiles are like, shifting skulls. I think taken from Doom.
Spot where that explosion went off. It certainly didn't leave much behind.
Fuck me, I was way off. These guys don't have 666 HP, they have a THOUSAND. No wonder they're taking forever to kill.
Well then. John Romero? Wasn't that the Daikatana guy?
Yeah, that was probably the severed head. Job done I guess? We won the game? Or maybe we had not NOT kill him because the message was reversed. I'm not fluent in cryptic videogame calvinball.
A glowing shrine thing? Reminds me of those things with the orbs on DS9. Lets smash it!
...and it just exploded in my face. Fair enough.
Catgirls are running out of freshness again. Ugh. I don't know why, they should be using it for items of any kind.
Their armour is 4x freshness drain, but so is this guy's, and he's at full. What gives? Maybe the freshness restore is some elemental effect the cats resist, like charm.
More demon spawns. Seems to happen mostly on this middle layer, which I'm hoping we can just avoid entirely.
Luka has finally built up enough energy to stop building stun every turn. The window for lower stun is like, between 350 and 500 energy, which is the cap. Normally a none issue, but it's troublesome when missions take TWO HUNDRED TURNS j/F$#@$J@L#!
Well, Lenneth finally has a breather. I'd like to take out that ghost thing but... what am I gonna do, sprint up, punch it 4 times and run away? Punch it 10 times and hope it doesn't kill me if it lives? That doesn't seem like a good plan.
So the plan is this: once these guys are done clearing the left side, we swarm the fucker. Should be good odds of finding it's weakness that way. Worst case scenario, we just pile on the sword hits, which did at least some tickle damage before.
This central room is finally secured too. I couldn't approach it from the right for fear of being trapped in that hallway and getting crossfired on.
Robroy stops guarding the hole in the floor and moves towards the lift too. Meet's a caco along the way, which falls to his hammer. Hammer gud.
Since the troops need another turn or two to get ready, I pop down the lift a bit, and run into a pair of barons! Just as well, I brought the eye with me.
Time to test the artifact juggling plan.
And it worked great! Killed them both and took relatively little stun. I should have thought of this ages ago. Would be great for the crystal skull too, helping preserve energy and health.
Since we've TU's and energy to spare, I drop to the bottom to take a peek.There's a weird ship or something, and some important looking doors.
Weird glowing tiles back there too. Maybe exit tiles? But too sparkly, and seems like a bad placement for that...
Back upstairs to wait!
But egad! The boss has come out to fight. Well, it didn't hit anyone, just walked out here. I guess because it's turn 21? Or because everything is dead up here?
I just wanted to check it's TUs but... what the hell? Didn't it only have 20 health before? WTF. Did we kill it's first form, like one of those beast masters from the church? Or was it because we killed the severed head? Maybe it's easier to kill now. This is certainly a great chance with it's TUs all spent...
I try the shockafist, but no dice. I'm not sure if we're missing or dealing no damage. Either way, this catgirl is moving over to the imp to heal a bit instead of spending all her TUs here.
If the issue was just our melee acuracy, maybe throwing stars? I try several...
...but to no avail. We did drain it's freshness with the mind whip. Sadly, that thing does no health damage, so it's not a way to kill this thing. Shame we've got no mind damage stuff. I brought an accursed swill for this sort of thing but it was left behind ages ago.
Plasma pistol? Nope.
Manatee isn't close enough to help yet. Also, I just noticed this hole in this room. Another way underground, to bypass the boss and elevators maybe? Might check it out later.
We sense a soul behind the doors here. Still nothing special down there though.
Fuck, we threw all sort of this at it and nothing. There's a few more things to try, but we need more troops to get here. Hopefully it doesn't just oneshot someone.
Fingers crossed...
No whammy! Well, there's a baron trying to whammy us, but it's melee is a joke. Boss seems to not see us. Maybe it has no spotter/sniper traits? Most of the demons lack it too.
Thinking that maybe electric will work after all, and we just need way more accuracy, I send Lenneth in with her idiot-savant stats. And sure enough, very first punch, instant kill. That was anti-climactic.
Bastard didn't even drop cool loot!
The tunnel is almost at the elevator. I've started bringing everyone else down it. We'll all be grouped up again soon.
Stun is finally back to readable levels. I really like this mechanic, it's a whole extra resource layer to consider how to spend. I guess energy was supposed to be like that, but it recovers too fast to matter, generally.
Alright, no more distractions. Bottom floor, final destination!
Yeah, that's the kinda party I was expecting. And there's no way those are exit tiles.
Okay, one more delay, we need time to get everyone the fuck down here.
Out of the way fucking caco demon!
Le fuck? Where's all the demons to butcher?
With manatee carrying the eye, I guess Lenneth gets the skull now. She doesn't have nearly the same energy recovery, but with the item juggling trick, it should work quite well. If I'd thought of this before, we could have cleared the first two parts of the mission with like, 4 catgirls juggling skulls and maybe vampire swords.
Oh, now the pinkies show up. Wait for my turn assholes, I need your flesh to fuel my profane rituals!
That's more like it. All aboard the pain train!
Oh no, it was waiting and opened fire point blank into our armourless front. We just lost 180 health!
And we jsut gained it all back in one swing. Balanced item is balanced.
Oh come on, I get to the cool demon door and a fatass caco is blocking the elevator? I can't swing up, this sucks.
Ooh, but we found a pretty ball pit next door! I'd try stand on these tiles or break the panels to look for a secret, but I'm worried we'll instantly lose the game again.
I have lenneth try standing on the weird tiles back here since the pinky survived them, but they are indeed damage tiles. Our shield blocked it, so it's not mind or warp. Maybe laser, because yellow? In retrospect, could be electricity too.
Luka finds some demon passage at the top of this elevator. Actually, it lines up with the room Lenneth was hiding in above, the top stop is just ruined.
Big elevator also has doors at the mid level leading to... this. Fuck I hope we can skip this.
There's another elevator at the far end of the hall though. Ugh.
And a hole in the floor partway there?
Oh, it's another busted elevator. I guess this is the intended way to get past the glowy tiles.
But there's a hole in the ship over here that seems like a better option...
Well, next turn. For now, we've got control of the near side of the ship and the elevator shafts.
I'd like to take this turn transition to point out, without Manatee, this would be impossible. Not because it can't mathematically be done, but because it'd have taken three times longer, and I'd have given up at the prospect of another 100 turn mission. Can you imagine if I'd put her in a XEC or Hovertank like the game implied I should? She'd be following along sadly unable to attack anything for the last 3 sections.
Well. That's not what we gave her though.
Oh man, this room was MADE for this combo of character and items.
Layout of the ship is super weird. It's connected above in the base or something, but it's assymmetrical? Is it some weird shadowrealm ship? (Spoiler, it's not, I'm an idiot.)
Man, I need some montage music for this.
Single most satisfying turn in this entire LP. Better than the nukes even. So. Many. Kills. And of giant demons at that. I wish I could take this item back to the main game and see how many missions I can finish in a single turn.
Still a ton of cacos in the air though.
I tried getting around the ship but there's glowy tiles back here too.
It didn't do THAT much damage, but we'll be knocked out before getting across for sure, and don't have the TUs to do anything even if we got there.
Rather than go through the hallway, Lenneth elects to make a new route. Vandalism ho!
Well shit, that would have been real useful an hour ago.
I got basically everyone piled in here. Then I realized there's a door on the other side. Fuck. I tried to fix our formation a bit but energy and TUs were mostly spent.
As a result... RIP catgirl. First casualty of this level.
Cool looking room over here. I want to smash the red thing, but dare not.
Room beyond has a gun, which is empty, seemingly to troll you when you go to fire it.
Hey, you know who else has over 200 Health to absorb stun and can deal hundreds of damage reliably by spending 30 TUs he'll get back instantly? This guy.
Oh no, a 24% inaccuracy. Whatever shall I do?
No more hiding one tile off the floor, bitches!
Didn't even burn half our stun pool. Chumps.
Ah, so this ship is the target zone? I guess that means yet another level. At least it seems easy enough to reach.
Fancy new ride. Roomy.
Need time for everyone else to catch up.
Well shit, so much for my plan to carve a hole to get in.
Why can these guys cross? Is it not hitting them?
Hmm, maybe it is, but not hard enough to kill? The energy is gone, maybe it's more of a stun/slow trap?
Hmm, elevator down here is thrashed. We'll need to go all zigzag or something.
Or our friendly neighbourhood ogre could just smash a hole for us to jump down!
Now the landlocked ones can take this route.
And of course, because I'm an autistic nerd, I noticed a flickering shadow on my cursor here and had to investigate a possible secret room. Well, looks like a good one! I wonder how many more I missed. These levels must be crammed with them. Definitely one of the better parts of the overall design of this mission.
Oh fuck, this one is guarded!
Time for Luka to abuse the Eye. She doesn't have much health to absorb the stun,
But she just recovered 20 turns worth of energy, and went to full TUs to clear the rest of the room.
Even random catgirls are getting a turn. I lost track of a photon sword when the other one died I think, so we're resorting to a dagger. Thankfully, demons take full poison damage.
Main item of the room was a BFG. Which is good, because I forgot to grab the one Doomguy had! Shit!
Only uses 50% TUs to fire? Not bad! Tons of freshness potions here too, but I'm leery of staying here to collect/use them, I expect more demons pouring through that hole. There's a bunch of extra BFG ammo too.
And we get ambushed from behind too! Just a pinky though.
Damn, why didn't I think to pair the Eye and a Shredder before? Perfect combo!
Except then we low rolled and it made me sad.
Whatever, lets haul the ammo and go! I don't have specs on the gun, but ammo says 120-360 damage. I'm guessing it's AoE as well.
11 left of our original 30. But damn, we've found some strong items.
Ending slides? Is it over without a boss fight?!? Also, I'm retarded, this 'ship' was supposed to be a train, which was mentioned in the lore ages ago. The yellow tiles are obvious maglev tracks or something. Maybe it was EMP damage?
I like how they knew we'd be using annihilator armour. Though they missed the fact it's all catgirls and ogres. I think the only uber gal left besides Lenneth is Slut, and she's in a Bio Suit.
An infinity ago indeed.
I hope 'alone' doesn't mean 'now your freshness is totally fucked.'
Checkmate is only 11 pieces left? Challenge accepted!
We're as ready as we're gonna get. Lenneth is still in peak shape, and several others are still damned near it.
Oh god, it's another massive level. 5 floors again, 4 through 0. The map is 4 times bigger than this screen. I kept expecting the final level. Like, Aurora's final mission; big open level on the surface, then big indoor level, then tiny final area. Made sense. But no. We had the giant surface level, then the MASSIVE underground 8 floor base, then the 5 floor residential area, then the 5 floor demon pit, and now another massive 5 floor map? I'm a sucker for grandiose, elaborate endings. I thought Crosscode's insane super puzzle and 20 stage boss was great. But this is beyond the pale. I've gone through 18 floors so far, plus the martian surface. I've been LPing this mission 12 hours a day for three days now. Let me REST.