I didn't find EW storyline anything special or better than Xcom 2. Actually both have you use a psionic soldier and then do a very similar last mission. But geoscape in Xcom 2 is so much better than EW it is not even funny.
I care about that even less :DI didn't find EW storyline anything special or better than Xcom 2. Actually both have you use a psionic soldier and then do a very similar last mission. But geoscape in Xcom 2 is so much better than EW it is not even funny.
Yep but i mean the fact who we're getting invaded and we dont know anything about aliens, so we'll discover slowly. The mystery feeling
Yep but i mean the fact who we're getting invaded and we dont know anything about aliens, so we'll discover slowly. The mystery feeling
Actually LW2 does fix it because now you need corpses for both research and crafting of items. And you need them to sell them on black market so you can afford to make stuff. Blowing them up means you don't get corpses.. unless you took that one perk with all your grenadiers which means you are not effective at blowing up cover.I'm still salty about the complete lack of actual guerilla fighting. Every mission in 2 can be solved by grenading everything into dust. Even LW2 doesn't really fix that.
Actually LW2 does fix it because now you need corpses for both research and crafting of items. And you need them to sell them on black market so you can afford to make stuff. Blowing them up means you don't get corpses.. unless you took that one perk with all your grenadiers which means you are not effective at blowing up cover.I'm still salty about the complete lack of actual guerilla fighting. Every mission in 2 can be solved by grenading everything into dust. Even LW2 doesn't really fix that.
I am not even sure why they implemented the hiding mechanics, I guess they decided it fits the theme. Also it kind of works with pod system, as it makes it less terrible.Actually LW2 does fix it because now you need corpses for both research and crafting of items. And you need them to sell them on black market so you can afford to make stuff. Blowing them up means you don't get corpses.. unless you took that one perk with all your grenadiers which means you are not effective at blowing up cover.I'm still salty about the complete lack of actual guerilla fighting. Every mission in 2 can be solved by grenading everything into dust. Even LW2 doesn't really fix that.
That's a rather heavy-handed way of fixing it though. By stealth missions I was thinking of something like a Commandos map with slower gameplay, no timer and maybe even new stealth-related abilities for each class. The devs seem to be a bit obsessed with their own story anyway and missions like that would be ideal for telling it too. Instead we get "Regular XCom but you get an alpha strike now".
No. In 80% of all missions you get no corpses and at best can salvage unit loot, like energy cell or weapon mod. So you still can grenade every living and unliving thing on the map, which is usually the most effective course of action as you have a chance to blow up cover and finish hp bloats faster with crits.Actually LW2 does fix it because now you need corpses for both research and crafting of items. And you need them to sell them on black market so you can afford to make stuff. Blowing them up means you don't get corpses.. unless you took that one perk with all your grenadiers which means you are not effective at blowing up cover.
You could but explosives make a lot of sound and bring in multiple packs from all over the map. Also it does not work from mid game and beyond as enemy life overtakes explosives damage and if you didn't level expert shooters you are going to find yourself with a group of cover destroyers with nobody to finish off aliens.No. In 80% of all missions you get no corpses and at best can salvage unit loot, like energy cell or weapon mod. So you still can grenade every living and unliving thing on the map, which is usually the most effective course of action as you have a chance to blow up cover and finish hp bloats faster with crits.Actually LW2 does fix it because now you need corpses for both research and crafting of items. And you need them to sell them on black market so you can afford to make stuff. Blowing them up means you don't get corpses.. unless you took that one perk with all your grenadiers which means you are not effective at blowing up cover.
No, they died just like the rest and grenading allows you to survive until mag and laser weapons and even then massive explosions remain the decisive factor of success in both nuXcom2 and LW2You could but explosives make a lot of sound and bring in multiple packs from all over the map. Also it does not work from mid game and beyond as enemy life overtakes explosives damage and if you didn't level expert shooters you are going to find yourself with a group of cover destroyers with nobody to finish off aliens.
How so? Stealth works much better with cover. Invisible Inc has no shooting but its TBS works very well with both XCom like cover and stealth.It's hard to make TBS mechanics that works well with both cover shooting and stealth.
How so? Stealth works much better with cover. Invisible Inc has no shooting but its TBS works very well with both XCom like cover and stealth.It's hard to make TBS mechanics that works well with both cover shooting and stealth.
That is a good point, but I think all we'd need in XCOM would be to have hunker down behind high cover make you count as hidden/untargetable (because why are you getting your head out if your intention was to hide behind cover in the first place?).How so? Stealth works much better with cover. Invisible Inc has no shooting but its TBS works very well with both XCom like cover and stealth.It's hard to make TBS mechanics that works well with both cover shooting and stealth.
It's different cover. In Invisible it's "they do not know you are there" cover, in XCOM it's "they know you are there because you stick out and shoot" (except when you are concealed).
And there is shooting in Invisible, but it's a momentary instakill firefights.
What would be the point of playing it over OpenXCOM then?so all we need in xcom is being like x-com.
Bloom.What would be the point of playing it over OpenXCOM then?so all we need in xcom is being like x-com.
In the end everyone will end up with a team of supersoldiers as a main team, wiping out pods and hp blobs with superabilities. Unless you will be restricted to only one type of supersoldier per mission, but even then your mission will be centered on keeping supersoldier alive andgetting as much kills to level as possible
They said that for EW expansion for Xcom 1, all they did is make players team much stronger than in EU.In the end everyone will end up with a team of supersoldiers as a main team, wiping out pods and hp blobs with superabilities. Unless you will be restricted to only one type of supersoldier per mission, but even then your mission will be centered on keeping supersoldier alive andgetting as much kills to level as possible
They said u will usually have only one hero soldier, maybe 2 if you grind a lot. Not more.
The hero soldier get fatigue just like normal soldiers, so you'll have to rotate him out
Also, they buffed many enemies (and featured new ones)
Flashbangs take care of that problemThe difference is that nuXcom had aliens who could disable your troops outright. Accidently triggering a pod of Vipers could wipe your team. They will not wound your troops, they can strangle three soldiers and remaining could panic. Even if you free them they will be in a midst of enemy troops, who already moved to the best possible position, usually flanking you.