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Around the rogue in 7 days

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Around the rogue in 7 days

Game News - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Fri 4 March 2005, 23:43:00

Tags: Joseph Hewitt

RogueBasin is serving up a write a rogue-like in 7 days contest, which means 168 hours of hardcore coding mayhem for the people who have the time, love for coffee and nicotine, and mad coding skillz to pull off such a feat. According to the FAQ on that page, it's been done before by Joseph Hewitt, the Gearhead guy, with Dungeon Monkey. Here's a clip from the page to make this news post seem longer:

Q) How do we judge the Winners?

A) The primary criterion is completeness. The resulting game s­hould be complete and playable. The author is encouraged to not rele­ase another version.

That being said, the only true judge of your "Winnerness" is yourself.​
Stupid hippy judges.

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