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Steam Greenlight: RPG Highlights

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Steam Greenlight: RPG Highlights

Information - posted by Crooked Bee on Sat 1 September 2012, 00:03:06

Tags: Cinemax; Driftmoon; Expeditions: Conquistador; Frayed Knights; Inquisitor; Instant Kingdom; Iron Tower Studio; Logic Artists; Malevolence: The Sword of Ahkranox; OlderBytes; Rampant Games; Stygian Software; Swords and Sorcery: Underworld; The Age of Decadence; Underrail; Visual Outbreak

As you know, Steam has launched its community rating service, Steam Greenlight, a system that developers can contribute their games to, which can then get upvoted by the community in order to pick those that will be granted the honor of being accepted on Steam. You can read more about it in the official FAQ. However, submissions seem to be unmoderated at the moment, and there's a lot of "white noise" games being submitted, so good ones can get lost and remain unnoticed. Here is a list of indie RPGs currently on Greenlight that might be worthy of your vote, with links to their Greenlight pages:
Obviously, only those with a non-dummy Steam account can up- or downvote a game. Someone should tell the Knights of the Chalice dev to submit it there. Maybe if it makes it on Steam we can finally get a sequel.

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