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  • darkpatriot
    Fortunately for Iran, their operation was an abysmal failure that barely caused any damage, so Israel didn't feel any need or pressure to retaliate in a more direct way against Iran.
    While groups under the FSA did receive support, not every group under the FSA did. Your deception here is you are trying to make it seem like it was being claimed that ALL of the FSA received such assistance, when none of the statements you provide are saying that.
    One is an article on a controversy over international adoptions in the US and the other is just noting that Poland is having to deal with unaccompanied children, many of whom are orphans, and it is straining their systems.
    That has nothing to do with an invader deliberately attempts to culturally assimilate children from ethnic groups they are trying to erase. It is just more attempts to equate what Russia is doing as part of normal adoption practices or normal practices for dealing with children who are orphans are separated from their parents for some other reason.
    People don't have a problem with how adequately or inadequately Russia is providing for children who don't have caregivers. They have a problem with the ethnic cleansing, and it should also be noted that many of those children Russia is taking to be raised as "Good Russians" were not without caregivers.
    What are your thoughts on the South's attempt to secede and their arguments re: State sovereignty in determining national makeup/association?
    Fuck this character limit, that was painful. If you're still willing to answer, I'm just going to start a thread in Politics.
    A politics thread I might participate in...
    I'd be willing to answer, and a thread would definitely be better. I probably wouldn't get a response out until tomorrow though, as I am going to play some games for a bit then sleep.
    Did you ever see "Rustlers' Rhapsody" (1985)? It's a "meta" comedy about good cowboys and bad cowboys. Obviously a very silly unrealistic setting, but some interesting ideas I thought. Time for a rewatch.
    I have not. I will try and keep it in mind next time I am looking for something to watch to fill the emptiness I feel each and every day.
    Part 1: Perfectly legal as per Virginia's Ratification Law written by James Madison.
    Part 2: DO in the name and in behalf of the people of Virginia, declare and make known that the powers granted under the Constitution, being derived from the people of the United States may be resumed by them whensoever the same shall be perverted to their injury or oppression, and that every power not granted thereby remains with them and at their will:
    Change your avatar, I keep mixing you up with a quality poster like Dexter.
    Another example of the inner authoritarian in all communists that is never far below the surface.
    Post a anti-Biden meme on a normie site and see how the OUTER authoritarian of the Liberal/Democrat actually comes to the surface.
    Indeed. The left is a cesspool.
    I was thinking of Evoland: Legendary Edition ... brings you two great and unique RPGs, with their graphic style and gameplay changing as you progress through the game! It contains: Evoland. Evoland 2.
    why do you always misspell the english language what the fuck
    Assuming this is about the shoutbox comment about this movie scene:

    It wasn't the bayonet charge that I found ridiculous and unrealistic about that movie scene. It was the densely packed Marines with no dispersion or any significant organization or attempt to at command and control for that matter (something Hollywood often gets wrong for battle scenes of all eras).
    I like the effort part of the skill system, but I think combined with the random rolls it is actually more harmful.
    you judge who you are. so if i accuse you of something you didn't do, i can't be sure if the problem is you don't know who you are. it's word. the definition of you is what you decide you are. objectively speaking that is all bullshit, but subjectively speaking this stuff changes how you perceive my accusations. anyway i don't think less of you. but then what is you? whatever men.
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