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  • Jeez why did you move my post to a thread where I will just get "old" ratings for it? Even you rated it "old" you son of a bitch. Everyone will think I'm a bit daft now when my post looks like that.
    For some reason I’ve received an alert for a user I don’t stalk replied to the thread I don’t watch (Infusion DevLog 7). Do you happen to know why would that happen?
    Are you sure you don't watch it?
    Yeah, absolutely. Never did. It’s just an alert about one certain user replying to it and no other alerts since then.
    Clockwork Knight
    Clockwork Knight
    I got a wrong alert a few days ago too, saying I was quoted in this post. I think it's because I was quoted in the pyramid earlier and that remained somehow (multi-quote?), because it happens once in a while.
    Staff Member, I wanted to ask why my Witcher thread has been archived. Also, was it at the bequest of the Pollocks?
    Somethings oughta be posteriorized for posterity. If that thing ain't stickied there could be more dudes reading Sapkowski.
    Attempt at and convincing a Staff Member to archive and hide a thread uncovering the pedophilic content of a story written by A. Sapkowski!
    Hide? Dude it's a sticky.
    The user has chosen to romance Fie, a cast member who's ostensibly younger than the rest of romanceable characters
    My esteemed colleague seems to suffer from a bout of horrible taste so violent that he deems it necessary to drag innocent bystanders into it
    Excuse me but all I saw was a strong bond being forged between comrade-in-arms
    Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi
    Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi
    cunnie it's the only valid option when the same it's available.
    I don't remember you rating my posts like... half a decade ago. Now you're doing it every chance you get. Don't worry, after I get my stuff from Owlcat and Monomyth, you can drag this place into the pits of hell with your "newsposting", with no objections from me.
    German humour. How quaint.
    poop jokes?
    I was actually bored at work enough to go through Infinitron's ratings for the last few days. Literally a single old rating on one of Sorin's posts in the Warhammer thread last night.

    Doesn't really strike me as "every chance you get".
    So let's say a super cool Codex poster wants to write his first review. Theoretically.
    How does it work?
    Should he just send it to the staff and the staff will decide if it's good enough to publish?
    rogay has proven himself a fucking dunce and repeatedly said he's not staff
    I've contributed light copy-editing and asked for elaboration on things that I believe could use more clarity. Most of the others are far more demanding.
    So, I finished BG3 a while ago. It's a much better game than DOS2, but still let down by poor writing in the end.

    Anyways, looking forward to residents sperging for the next few months/years.
    How many animals have you fucked
    Writing in the game is good though
    Spamming threads constantly, every page for years with the same image is now allowed? Literal spamming is ok now. wtf
    It is not the same image. The last change was what, 3 months ago? And it is always adequate to the topic at hand. Not to mention, these practices have earned me a goldfist from our Schwaryze Unterfuhrer....
    Just a rule clarification please. So posting the materially same garbage over and over is ok while changing immaterial details of it Infinitron and it isn't about soyfaggot, but he's certainly guilty of it — adding nothing to a thread and spamming used to be not ok.

    Is it ok now?
    infinitron if u return my posting privileges i may share some classified data about space niggers, the mightiest race in galaxy.
    Be Kind Rewind
    Be Kind Rewind
    He already knows all about them, the gay niggers from outer space set up shop in Tel Aviv.
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