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Not Many FPS's Fulfill the Power Fantasy


Apr 3, 2024
Present Day, Present Time
So you want to annihilate everything with no amount of skill involved.
Midwit take from someone lacking creativity. There are all sorts of mechanics that can allow the player to retain momentum without having to move backwards or duck behind cover:
>melee parries
>physical/energy shield
>resources for all of the above forcing the player to remain active or in the case of timed parries, not be braindead
Put all the cigarettes in this guy's urinals. What kind of beta bitch signature is that?
It's a quote. And I'm assuming you're just taking the piss because who unironically calls something "beta bitch"?
Same for the thread. Power fantasy requires struggle and challenge for there to be real payoff. The action hero always goes through turmoil, close calls, gets an ass kicking at times, and then the ultimate victory in the end is that much sweeter. Without risk there is no reward. Many FPS deliver power fantasy just fine, just not for pussbois.
I've got my games for when I want to get my shit pushed in and then power through to overcome. Other times it's fun to have a nice ol' slaughter. I never implied that anything had to be served on a silver platter.
Now if we condense the lameness down to the fact that backpedalling is indeed often the superior tactic - nothing can be done about it outside of locking the player in arenas (which classic FPS often do, but doing that all the time is lame as it kills genuine level design), slower backpedal than sidestrafe or forward momentum (some do this), behind the player monster closets (again, this is done from time to time), or an enemy type designed to specifically punish it (not done: say uses a grappling hook if you're past a certain distance, or teleports behind you). The latter being something worth exploring perhaps.
That's what I'm saying. Backpeddling is fucking stupid. It's why I'll always prefer dodging into attacks to running away from them. Speaking of which...
Real chads don't just dodge like Soulsborne autists. They take the pain and dish it out in even greater amounts!
Ironic, considering that in Bloodborne, you're encouraged to take the pain and dish it back.
What a way to introduce yourself...
If I gave a shit about making good impressions and trying to fit in, then I'd be elsewhere farming upboats and (you)'s.


Oct 16, 2015
Doom 3 is like a poor man's Half Life (horror shooter)

More like poor man's System Shock 2/Quake/Doom 64/Stalker. Idk I remember feeling the horror element of Half-Life when I was young, though it was minor, but now not at all. Probably because everything is so scripted and therefore predictable. As good a game Half-Life is it just has zero long term appeal; zero replayability past a point. I probably wont ever play it again.


May 3, 2017
I just like shooting stuff.

Also FEAR is special to me because it nails the feeling of Hard Boiled and some other John Woo movies in first person. You play FEAR for the beauty of action itself.
John Woo action isn't just about the shooting. There's a lot of physicality. You can't do it in first-person view. A good John Woo-style action game also wouldn't have permanent weapons, it would make the player rush towards temporary carries, including a variety of sidearms.


May 3, 2017
Even if I made a John Woo-style action game, it would not have slow mo. That's easy mode, every time. A whole button that I could use for something else.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I just like shooting stuff.

Also FEAR is special to me because it nails the feeling of Hard Boiled and some other John Woo movies in first person. You play FEAR for the beauty of action itself.
John Woo action isn't just about the shooting. There's a lot of physicality. You can't do it in first-person view. A good John Woo-style action game also wouldn't have permanent weapons, it would make the player rush towards temporary carries, including a variety of sidearms.

I haven't played Max Payne since the game was originally released and i don't remember much from it.

I remember liking it but right now i can't remember if the combat and slow mo shit was actually good. Was it?

Because right now i can't imagine a way in which slow mo wouldn't just be decline. The idea of flow of the action slowing like that. I can't concieve of a way where that would ever be a benefit, in terms of the quality of the combat system.


Jul 25, 2019
Coal Region, PA
they actually made a video game sequel to Hard Boiled called Stranglehold in 2007. I enjoyed it at the time even though it wasn’t great.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023

Trepang does power fantasies well. It's got some nice meaty weapons.
Midwit take from someone lacking creativity. There are all sorts of mechanics that can allow the player to retain momentum without having to move backwards or duck behind cover:
>melee parries
>physical/energy shield
>resources for all of the above forcing the player to remain active or in the case of timed parries, not be braindead
You're describing Halo infinite's campaign pretty well. You have sword clashes, the thruster, an obvious shield and an energy shield you can drop and if you play on a decent difficulty standing still will get you killed. Might not be what you're looking for but it fits.

Maybe try Xeno clash. It's a melee focused FPS (has guns) where you beat the shit out of a bunch of star wars alien rejects. Might be what you're looking for.


May 3, 2017
I just like shooting stuff.

Also FEAR is special to me because it nails the feeling of Hard Boiled and some other John Woo movies in first person. You play FEAR for the beauty of action itself.
John Woo action isn't just about the shooting. There's a lot of physicality. You can't do it in first-person view. A good John Woo-style action game also wouldn't have permanent weapons, it would make the player rush towards temporary carries, including a variety of sidearms.

I haven't played Max Payne since the game was originally released and i don't remember much from it.

I remember liking it but right now i can't remember if the combat and slow mo shit was actually good. Was it?

Because right now i can't imagine a way in which slow mo wouldn't just be decline. The idea of flow of the action slowing like that. I can't concieve of a way where that would ever be a benefit, in terms of the quality of the combat system.
It does make the Max Payne series easy. The lack of shootdodging and sliding enemies is also a big miss.


Oct 1, 2018
What's the point in pushing a button if nothing awesome is going to happen?

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
What's the point in pushing a button if nothing awesome is going to happen?
That's why you should never touch a girl's clitoris. Waste of time. Play Nu Doom instead and get a glory kill out of your clicks.


Sep 6, 2022
First Alien vs Predator got it right.

Aliens vs Predator 2 is also great.
But I don't think it's quite a power fantasy.
You take a lot of damage from enemy weapons if playing as a Predator and Alien.
As a Marine you get a lot of heavy weaponry which may make you feel as a real Action Hero.


Oct 16, 2015
I just like shooting stuff.

Also FEAR is special to me because it nails the feeling of Hard Boiled and some other John Woo movies in first person. You play FEAR for the beauty of action itself.
John Woo action isn't just about the shooting. There's a lot of physicality. You can't do it in first-person view. A good John Woo-style action game also wouldn't have permanent weapons, it would make the player rush towards temporary carries, including a variety of sidearms.

I haven't played Max Payne since the game was originally released and i don't remember much from it.

I remember liking it but right now i can't remember if the combat and slow mo shit was actually good. Was it?

Because right now i can't imagine a way in which slow mo wouldn't just be decline. The idea of flow of the action slowing like that. I can't concieve of a way where that would ever be a benefit, in terms of the quality of the combat system.

It's better than most games with slow mo as they all just make you a god. Max Payne slow-mo is semi-balanced by the combat being designed around its use. Ultimately it is mostly just style over substance though, and the game vastly overrated by dweebs. But certainly not a bad game either. If you've played it once before a long time ago, you may get another playthrough out of it, though I wouldn't recommend it when there's tons of much better games and it's definitely less replayable than even Half-Life.
Mar 18, 2009
Even if I made a John Woo-style action game, it would not have slow mo. That's easy mode, every time. A whole button that I could use for something else.
John Woo himself made a TPS and that had slow mo. Also wasn't as good as Max Payne.

It's better than most games with slow mo as they all just make you a god. Max Payne slow-mo is semi-balanced by the combat being designed around its use.

First Max Payne had it right by making it so you can only regenerate slow-mo bar by killing enemies. And you die so fast in that game it makes me glad to have slow-mo for tougher encounters. 2 fucked it up by making it regenerate on its own and it ended up being too easy as a result. I still enjoy it though, the physics make for some really good looking shootouts. I keep replaying these two games every 2-3 years, might partially be a nostalgia factor but I don't care. Fuck the haters. Nothing Remedy made since has been remotely as fun.
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H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
Before anyone bitches about Rogue City being too easy, never forget how many turds got filtered by that first ed-209 encounter LOL. Pretty sure that cut the playerbase in half. Haven't played the game on higher difficulties. I feel like that defeats the whole point.


May 3, 2017
Even if I made a John Woo-style action game, it would not have slow mo. That's easy mode, every time. A whole button that I could use for something else.
John Woo himself made a TPS and that had slow mo. Also wasn't as good as Max Payne.

Well, John Woo (probably) isn't a gamer. Who knows how many of Stranglehold's ideas were the producer's? I might put a replay mode in my John Woo-style action game, just like in racing games, where you get to watch your playthrough of the level from any angles, but that would be it for slow mo.

Stranglehold wasn't very good. Was excited when I watched the previews before it came out, but didn't end up playing it until ten years later.


Feb 9, 2016
A game with parry mechanics usually allows you to keep moving forward against the odds, but that is something that's not very popular in the FPS genre, at least not the ones with guns.

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