You’re not giving us any actual info about what you disliked, so it’s hard to tell you… Sure, the game opens up, and it’s better once you’re past the starting sequence in town, but if that didn’t hook you up already, I doubt the rest will.
Well, I figured people would go deeper, you know? Talk about how it all unfolds, defend it, or whatever. Maybe even trash-talk me for hating on heartfelt efforts—which is not my intent—but anything, really.
Honestly, it feels kinda bare-bones compared to Nevada. The thing that hit me the hardest so far was the whole worker situation. Like, Lucas straight-up says something like: "Nah, Korgan’s to blame, actually. Steal the data for us, and we'll spill the beans on the rest." And that’s it. No extra details, no backstory, no twists or turns—nothing. It’s supposed to be a larger plot point for one of the first major quests, but it just drops out of nowhere with zero depth, no character, nada. And the two options you get to choose from are basically “I’ll do it,” or “I won’t.” …Eh?
I used that as an example because, I’ve had a bunch of conversations like this with key NPCs where stuff that should be important in the story is just laid out like that.
It's not like all conversations are done in this matter, but all the same.
Similar deal with the locations.
The first location's PREMISE: "We got like raided and stuff. Go figure out why."
Villager 1: "Help! My ribs are broken!" (there’s no way to help unless you find medicine or your Doctor skill is high enough, probably)
Villager 2: "Help! My son’s gone!" (you practically trip over him in the next location, no need to search for him)
Villager 3: "Help! Raiders at the barn!"
Raider 1: "We need the key to the barn, or else."
And I can even quit the conversation whenever I want and go away. No forced, violent end, unless I've talked myself out of it—as it's supposed to be happening.
Hero: "Nah, we’re coming for you with like pitchforks, or else!"
Raider 1: "Kthx, we peace out."
I mean, It’s not bad, per se. There’s stuff happening at least. And don't get me wrong, I still have my fun while running around with 5 dogs chasing my agile-10-APs-ass, kitting one hit at a time without a single attack from any of the dogs, yet again. Yay. But, you know, after Nevada had like ten times the complexity right from the start with all the texts, lore, quests, sub-locations, NPCs, and all that, I figured this would be even better. And now I’m sitting here with this simplistic thing right off the bat, so I’m kinda confused.