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Review Oblivion scores 5/5 at Games Domain

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Bethesda Softworks; Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

<a href=http://videogames.yahoo.com>Games Domain</a> has entered <i>The Best Blowjob</i> competition with a <a href=http://videogames.yahoo.com/gamereview?cid=1951037560&tab=reviews&page=0&eid=447462>very promising Oblivion review</a> and the ambitious 5 stars score:
<blockquote>If you had anything particularly pressing to be doing at any point over the next few months, it's time to cancel it. Bethesda's much-anticipated fantasy action RPG Oblivion is every bit the game it promised to be, with stunning visuals and vast amounts of engrossing, well-designed gameplay. Lovers of its predecessor Morrowind will be delighted; new addicts will find it as easy to play as it is to like. The only problem with Oblivion is putting it down.</blockquote>Well, if you put it that way...


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
So, VD, I know you're probably wanting to save it for the official Codex review, but can you give us a hint of what you think about it so far? Did you ever get that whiteout problem fixed?



Jan 4, 2005
You know, Games Domain was one of the earliest general gaming sites, and was a good, intelligent hobbyist sort of place with intelligent reviews conducted by people actually interested and knowledgeable in the specific genres of each game.

Before Yahoo came along, bought it up, eviscerated it, and dumbed the living FUCK out of the place

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Data4 said:
So, VD, I know you're probably wanting to save it for the official Codex review, but can you give us a hint of what you think about it so far?
Well, I prefer to see more of the game and form a stronger opinion before sharing it, but so far it seems that it's an ok adventure/exploration game with some stats & skills, poor & unimaginative writing/quest presentation, poor mechanics, especially the underdeveloped skill perks - a 10-year old would have come up with something better, etc. The only question is how fun exploring/adventuring is. Overall, I mostly agree with suibhne's impressions

Did you ever get that whiteout problem fixed?
Yes. My supercomputer has finally arrived.


Mar 24, 2006
rofl!!111 lolzzz u guyz say like oblivion bad before now u 0wned by pete
oblivion realz rpg not ur fallouts coz dialogue and story boooring

/End troll


Ballistic Interactive
Mar 24, 2006
Cryptozoology Central
Twinfalls said:
You know, Games Domain was one of the earliest general gaming sites, and was a good, intelligent hobbyist sort of place with intelligent reviews conducted by people actually interested and knowledgeable in the specific genres of each game.

Before Yahoo came along, bought it up, eviscerated it, and dumbed the living FUCK out of the place

what the hell are you talking about, it was crap right from the start


Sep 11, 2005
CoolKidd said:
rofl!!111 lolzzz u guyz say like oblivion bad before now u 0wned by pete
oblivion realz rpg not ur fallouts coz dialogue and story boooring

/End troll
Fuck it, KC, enough is enough!

Levski 1912

Jan 9, 2006
And yet...

Eurogamer review said:
It's an adventure game in the purest sense of the word in its effortless capacity to give the player a seemingly infinite wealth of possibilities - full of intrigue, excitement, risk, reward and this continual sense of the unknown.

There is hope for gaming journalism.


Feb 26, 2005
Some Stupid Reviewer said:
If you had anything particularly pressing to be doing at any point over the next few months, it's time to cancel it.

Well, I was planning on visiting Germany next month... BUT FUCK THAT I WANNA PLAY OBLIVION!!!!!

*cancels plane tickets*


Jan 25, 2003

The attitude of some folks here remind me of an old joke:

The police car gets a call on the radio:
"Folks, we got a report about someone driving in the wrong direction on the highway. Could you check?"
The officer replies:
"One? One? You must be kidding - thousands of them!"

Take it easy, folks. Being wrong isn't as bad as not admitting to be wrong. Yes, Oblivion has flaws, but the package as a whole is convincingly good, in my humble opinion. Allow yourself to like it.


Oct 23, 2002
Why, Eurogamer, why? I've never read that sort of gushing over there before now. That places them squarely in the "suspect" category. :(


Aug 23, 2005
Rendelius said:

The attitude of some folks here remind me of an old joke:

The police car gets a call on the radio:
"Folks, we got a report about someone driving in the wrong direction on the highway. Could you check?"
The officer replies:
"One? One? You must be kidding - thousands of them!"

Take it easy, folks. Being wrong isn't as bad as not admitting to be wrong. Yes, Oblivion has flaws, but the package as a whole is convincingly good, in my humble opinion. Allow yourself to like it.

Not only do shills give sloppy blowjobs to companies, but also to other shills! Wee.
Mar 24, 2006
aweigh said:
Rendelius said:

The attitude of some folks here remind me of an old joke:

The police car gets a call on the radio:
"Folks, we got a report about someone driving in the wrong direction on the highway. Could you check?"
The officer replies:
"One? One? You must be kidding - thousands of them!"

Take it easy, folks. Being wrong isn't as bad as not admitting to be wrong. Yes, Oblivion has flaws, but the package as a whole is convincingly good, in my humble opinion. Allow yourself to like it.

Not only do shills give sloppy blowjobs to companies, but also to other shills! Wee.

Such wit! Guess it's not only shills that give sloppy blowjobs, though. You and the rest of this pathetic clique of "hardcore, savy gamers" have been holding your own little orgy of hatred against Bethesda ever since the reviews started rolling in. I bet most of you haven't even played the damn game. . .

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Well, let's be honest here, I'm guessing a lot of you (us, really) hated it long before it came out.

And with good reason.

Overhyping a game should not go unpunished. I knew Oblivion was overhyped before it came out. The only way for it to fulfill its promises is if God himself was on the dev team. I'm fairly sure he wasn't.

Of course, Rendelius' criticism holds true mostly for those 100%-score gaming sites. They don't care how good or bad Oblivion is either. They predicted it to be great, they're best buds with BethSoft, hence it must be great. Journalistic integrity? Fuck you!

I don't expect any negative reviews at all in the coming days. I hope RPGCodex will be honest and just label it a "decent game that fails as a CRPG", because that's the impression I'm getting. Of course, chances are I'm completely wrong as my computer would implode if I put that CD in there.

Rendelius seems to hold the belief that because the game is decent at the least and great at best we should just forget about the hype. About the innovative Radiant AI that most people seem to have conveniently forgotten about, or about the fact that the PC version reeks of console-port.

Good or not good is not the issue, Rendelius. The issue is that the RPGCodex stands as a lone beacon of hatred amongst the see of game industry cock-sucking which flows from Something Awful to Eurogamers and back. I'd not hold it against the Codex if they *do* hammer on every little flaw Oblivion has. Why? Because everyone else is ignoring it.

Innovator said:
Such wit! Guess it's not only shills that give sloppy blowjobs, though. You and the rest of this pathetic clique of "hardcore, savy gamers" have been holding your own little orgy of hatred against Bethesda ever since the reviews started rolling in. I bet most of you haven't even played the damn game. . .

Oh my, what barbed replies.

You registered just to tell us this?


I haven't registered on any Oblivion or gaming site forae for the express purpose of telling them they should all shut the hell up and had their little orgy of loving for Bethesda ever since the reviews started rolling in. It might be true, but I'm not.

Do you actually have anything constructive to say or was that about it?
Mar 24, 2006
Kharn said:
Oh my, what barbed replies.

You registered just to tell us this?


I haven't registered on any Oblivion or gaming site forae for the express purpose of telling them they should all shut the hell up and had their little orgy of loving for Bethesda ever since the reviews started rolling in. It might be true, but I'm not.

Do you actually have anything constructive to say or was that about it?

That was pretty much it. I'll let you know if anything else crops up.

I was going to address your main point, but gave up after failing to understand what the hell it was. More care needed when posting, young Padawan.

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
The Innovator of Pain said:
I was going to address your main point, but gave up after failing to understand what the hell it was. More care needed when posting, young Padawan.

I am barely responsible for other people's reading skills or lack thereof. Let me sum it up:

1. Oblivion is overhyped.
2. A lot of this hype is conveniently forgotten by major gaming sites.
3. Flaws, equally, are conveniently overlooked by major gaming sites.
4. The RPGCodex is also biased.
5. However, consider #1. Why should overhyping a game go unpunished?
6. Answer:
7. It shouldn't.

Apparently RPGCodex should stop being totally biased and just forget all the insane and impossible promises that were made about Oblivion, rather than finding flaws and warning people that they are real. Question; why?
Mar 24, 2006
Kharn said:
The Innovator of Pain said:
I was going to address your main point, but gave up after failing to understand what the hell it was. More care needed when posting, young Padawan.

I am barely responsible for other people's reading skills or lack thereof. Let me sum it up:

1. Oblivion is overhyped.
2. A lot of this hype is conveniently forgotten by major gaming sites.
3. Flaws, equally, are conveniently overlooked by major gaming sites.
4. The RPGCodex is also biased.
5. However, consider #1. Why should overhyping a game go unpunished?
6. Answer:
7. It shouldn't.

"I haven't registered on any Oblivion or gaming site forae for the express purpose of telling them they should all shut the hell up and had their little orgy of loving for Bethesda ever since the reviews started rolling in. It might be true, but I'm not."

Read it again. Spot the mistakes. The paragraph makes no sense.

Oblivion is overhyped? Get this - that means the publisher was successful in promoting their product. If you're saying the game is overrated, now that's another thing entirely. You don't "punish" hype: It's just a means through which a product gets noticed.

As it happens, Oblivion seems to be living up to the hype. Anyone familiar with Eurogamer will tell you that NO game scores a 10 out of 10 over there unless they consider it anything less than a masterpiece. That's not saying they're perfect, but they have a hell of a lot more integrity than the likes of "Jade Empire - 9.9" IGN.

I repeat: most of the bitchers here haven't played the game. I thought Morrowind was grossly overrated, but I formed that opinion AFTER 20 hours of playing. Until the whingers have played it, they need to STFU and stop trying to ingratiate themselves by beating on Bethesda at every opportunity. It's boring to read.

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
The Innovator of Pain said:
"I haven't registered on any Oblivion or gaming site forae for the express purpose of telling them they should all shut the hell up and had their little orgy of loving for Bethesda ever since the reviews started rolling in. It might be true, but I'm not."

Read it again. Spot the mistakes. The paragraph makes no sense.

Heh, yet you seem to have little trouble grasping its meaning.

"I haven't registered on any Oblivion or gaming site forum for the express purpose of telling them they should all shut the hell up or to tell them they have been having a little orgy of loving for Bethesda ever since the reviews started rolling in. It might be true, but I'm not."

See how little tweaking it needed?

Mistakes are irrelevant. I'm not writing a textbook nor a paper for my University. I write so people can comprehend, it is not my fault if some people can't.

The Innovator of Pain said:
Oblivion is overhyped? Get this - that means the publisher was successful in promoting their product. If you're saying the game is overrated, now that's another thing entirely. You don't "punish" hype: It's just a means through which a product gets noticed.


Hyping is equal to lying.

Hype is not about "this will be the best game ever!" People have seen enough of that, they're tired of it.

Hype is promising next-gen will be a graphical miracle. Hype is saying Radiant AI is innovative and noticeable. Hype is saying they've taken a close look at all of Oblivion's flaws and cut off the excess meat.

They have done none of the above.

Hyping is something to be punished. They hype by promising things they can't deliver.

The Innovator of Pain said:
As it happens, Oblivion seems to be living up to the hype. Anyone familiar with Eurogamer will tell you that NO game scores a 10 out of 10 over there unless they consider it anything less than a masterpiece. That's not saying they're perfect, but they have a hell of a lot more integrity than the likes of "Jade Empire - 9.9" IGN

Why, because you think Jade Empire is not nearly as good as Oblivion? Wait, something is wrong here, my spider-sense is tingling. Holy cows, Batman, I sense hypocrisy!

Considering there are many flaws in the game that can simply not be denied, unless the people that point them out are lying, I'd consider 10 out of 10, which is "flawless", to be an instance of blatant deception.

The Innovator of Pain said:
I repeat: most of the bitchers here haven't played the game. I thought Morrowind was grossly overrated, but I formed that opinion AFTER 20 hours of playing. Until the whingers have played it, they need to STFU and stop trying to ingratiate themselves by beating on Bethesda at every opportunity. It's boring to read.

Ingratiate is usually followed by "with", by the way, I'm not sure what you're referring to right now...There, see how annoying that is? I understood perfectly well what you meant, yet I'm nit-picking for no good reason. Urkel!

As for your accusation that most whingers haven't played it; give me examples of people you know not to have played it that are criticising it.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
The Innovator of Pain said:
I repeat: most of the bitchers here haven't played the game. I thought Morrowind was grossly overrated, but I formed that opinion AFTER 20 hours of playing. Until the whingers have played it, they need to STFU and stop trying to ingratiate themselves by beating on Bethesda at every opportunity. It's boring to read.
If you weren't so fucking stupid and eager to jump to conclusions, you'd have seen the number of first impressions posted in the General RPG section.
Mar 24, 2006
Heh, yet you seem to have little trouble grasping its meaning.

"I haven't registered on any Oblivion or gaming site forum for the express purpose of telling them they should all shut the hell up or to tell them they have been having a little orgy of loving for Bethesda ever since the reviews started rolling in. It might be true, but I'm not."

See how little tweaking it needed?

Mistakes are irrelevant. I'm not writing a textbook nor a paper for my University. I write so people can comprehend, it is not my fault if some people can't.

Don't give me that. You fucked up the sentence, then tried to blame me for my reading comprehension. I don't give a shit about typos or misspelled words, but the original paragraph as you had it made NO sense. Accept you made an error, clarify what you meant, and there's no problem. Acting like a prick will get you nowhere.


Hyping is equal to lying.

Hype is not about "this will be the best game ever!" People have seen enough of that, they're tired of it.

Hype is promising next-gen will be a graphical miracle. Hype is saying Radiant AI is innovative and noticeable. Hype is saying they've taken a close look at all of Oblivion's flaws and cut off the excess meat.

They have done none of the above.

Hyping is something to be punished. They hype by promising things they can't deliver.

Hype is an essential part of marketing. It's presenting a product's features in the best light for the purposes of generating excitement and interest. Every single publisher does it, so there's no point in attacking Bethesda for being particularly successful at it.

You are telling me they have done none of the above, but who are you? Some University kid? Why should I believe you over respected reviewers and journalists that have been in the industry for years?

None of the examples you provided are a matter of fact: they are simply your opinions, and those opinions carry less weight than most. Sorry.

Why, because you think Jade Empire is not nearly as good as Oblivion? Wait, something is wrong here, my spider-sense is tingling. Holy cows, Batman, I sense hypocrisy!

Considering there are many flaws in the game that can simply not be denied, unless the people that point them out are lying, I'd consider 10 out of 10, which is "flawless", to be an instance of blatant deception.

I played Jade Empire, and reached exactly the same conclusions as Eurogamer and most of the other reputable sites. A good, but highly flawed game. I haven't played Oblivion, so I don't know how bad these perceived flaws are. What I do know is that the current Games Ranking score is 95%, and the sites I usually trust to provide an honest, critical opinion have called it a mastpiece.

By the way, 10 out of 10 doesn't mean flawless, nor does it mean perfection. The fact that I'm even pointing this out to you shows that you frankly don't have much of a clue. Flawlessness and perfection can never be obtained, so what would be the point in even having a "10" score? Why not go 1-9? Oh, but then a 9 would have to be utter perfection, so why not go 1-8? And so on.

What a 10 means is that the reviewer feels the game is perhaps the best in its genre, a real candidate for Game of the Year, and probably at least a 95 on the percentage scale.

Ingratiate is usually followed by "with", by the way, I'm not sure what you're referring to right now...There, see how annoying that is? I understood perfectly well what you meant, yet I'm nit-picking for no good reason. Urkel!

As for your accusation that most whingers haven't played it; give me examples of people you know not to have played it that are criticising it.

Look, you obviously haven't got a terrific grasp of English. You are, in fact, making yourself look like a buffoon.

I'll leave it there.
Mar 24, 2006
Saint_Proverbius said:
The Innovator of Pain said:
It's boring to read.

And yet, here you are.

Some of you guys make for interesting, informative reading, providing it's taken with a pinch of salt. Unfortunately, the good stuff seem to be increasingly buried under far too many bizarre, aggressive, self-mastubatory posts. You're in danger of going beyond even those who enjoy such things, and just becoming boring. And that's a collective "you".


Jan 4, 2005
Claw said:
Yeah Rendelius, you also remind us of an old joke. You're kinda like Police Academy, 'cept those sequels finally stopped.


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