I read the whole thing, though it's a great example of why the Internet's infinite availability of wordspace is not necessarily a good thing. I long sometimes for the days when I was a magazine editor and could enforce wordcounts.
That being said, yeah, the criticisms are on point. They don't affect me that much because, according to the the writer, I'm a shallow, modern gamer with no taste or discernment, who just likes escapist shoot-em-ups with loot. Guilty as charged I guess. But the review is still amateur hour. It's needlessly condescending, arrogant, and completely avoids any attempt at empathy with other viewpoints. It's also, as noted, way too long, and the set up--the shocking facts thing--is not handled well, from the way the section headings are written to the overall presentation of information. So, yes, here are twelve ways F4 drops the ball. But what's missing is any sort of awareness that for millions of gamers--not thousands, millions--those things may not matter much. And it's written with a sort of childish petulance that makes neutral observers feel that the criticisms aren't as valid as they actually are.